50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019

Un site Web est un puissant outil de marketing en ligne que vous pouvez utiliser pour promouvoir votre entreprise en ligne. Créer un site Web professionnel ou professionnel n’est jamais plus simple grâce à WordPress. Construire un site Web pour une entreprise aujourd'hui n'est pas aussi coûteux et stressant qu'il l'était il y a plusieurs années. WordPress propose des thèmes d'entreprise qui vont bien avec votre entreprise.

Ces magnifiques thèmes commerciaux WordPress sont conçus sur mesure pour fournir toutes les fonctionnalités dont vous avez besoin pour promouvoir et gérer votre entreprise en ligne. Si vous souhaitez créer un site Web attractif et attrayant pour votre entreprise, consultez l'un de ces thèmes. Ils possèdent des conceptions fonctionnelles et sont chargés avec des fonctionnalités étonnantes qui peuvent vous aider à créer un site Web qui se démarque!


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Divi est un thème WordPress complètement innovant et créatif à l'infini, une solution de création de site Web polyvalente et facilement adaptable, pleine à craquer de widgets, de codes courts, d'éléments et de fonctionnalités utiles et pratiques, merveilleusement gain de temps et incroyablement configurable, proposés au travers d'une interface visuelle basé sur le système exclusif Divi Builder basé sur des blocs et une mécanique de glisser-déposer qui prendra quelques secondes à maîtriser et réduira le temps nécessaire pour développer un site Web élégant et de qualité professionnelle en quelques minutes.

Des dizaines de modèles de page et de mises en page conçus par des professionnels, facilement disponibles, ainsi que des fonctions de sécurité certifiées de manière indépendante, font de Divi un choix solide pour les sites Web commerciaux et commerciaux qui ont besoin de puissance et de flexibilité. Cela inclut également la possibilité de prendre les devants dès le premier jour, ce que Divi apporte efficacement à la table. Des capacités de référencement étendues, des pages Portfolio sérieuses et élégantes pour présenter vos travaux et bien plus encore sous le capot font également de Divi le thème le plus fiable pour la création de sites Web professionnels performants aujourd'hui.

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 2

Si votre objectif est de concevoir un site Web professionnel performant, ne cherchez pas plus loin que Uncode. Ce thème WordPress pour entreprise polyvalent peut s’adapter à n’importe quel créneau du marché et fournir aux utilisateurs une interface accessible et intuitive. Il optimise les performances de votre page et prouve à vos clients que votre entreprise valorise la qualité et le souci du détail. En ce qui concerne la personnalisation esthétique, l’outil Visual Composer est fait pour vous. Cette fonctionnalité simplifie et rationalise le processus, tout en vous offrant de nombreuses options de personnalisation. Uncode est un produit pouvant accueillir n'importe quel utilisateur, pas seulement ceux ayant des connaissances avancées en programmation.

Avec Uncode, vous pouvez utiliser votre page d’entreprise pour distribuer vos produits. Il inclut également un plugin WooCommerce, qui est l’un des plugins les plus prolifiques de WordPress. Il facilite la création de magasins en ligne professionnels, offrant aux utilisateurs une opportunité d'augmenter leurs revenus. Vous pouvez même répondre à un public international, grâce à l'inclusion du plugin WPML. La création de sites commerciaux multilingues n’a jamais été aussi simple. Cette mise à l’échelle automatique accroît encore l’adaptabilité de votre site, offrant une excellente expérience de navigation à tous les clients potentiels.

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 4

Jevelin propose pour vous un ensemble d'outils, de plug-ins, de modèles et de sites de démonstration à part entière d'une robustesse incroyable qui simplifie la plupart des tâches de conception et de construction de sites Web. il ne nécessite aucune connaissance en matière de codage et quelques clics pour atteindre un niveau professionnel de personnalisation graphique soignée. Ce thème est également construit avec un puissant cadre pour la conception visuelle intuitive de mises en page et de pages, tout en incorporant une large gamme d’outils de panneau d’administration avancés pour vous permettre d’ajuster en profondeur le comportement de votre site Web et son apparence générale en quelques minutes.

Jevelin peut gérer sans effort toutes sortes de cas d'utilisation et de nécessités spécifiques à l'industrie, avec plus de 40 éléments personnalisés, des paramètres personnalisables et bien plus encore. Ce thème est parfait pour les entreprises de toutes sortes; avec ses six configurations de portefeuille différentes et sa multitude de paramètres personnalisés en plus des fonctionnalités de boutique en ligne fonctionnelles et prêtes à l'emploi fonctionnant avec WooCommerce, vous permettant de commercialiser facilement et rapidement vos produits dans le monde entier. Avec Jevelin à vos côtés, votre entreprise atteindra de nouveaux sommets!

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 6

TheGem est un formidable ensemble d'outils puissants, de widgets et de plug-ins sélectionnés avec soin pour fonctionner ensemble, vous offrant un site Web moderne, robuste et riche en ressources, dans un grand nombre de domaines, industries et entreprises, ainsi que dans n'importe quel type d'utilisation personnelle ou professionnelle. .

Basé sur un design Bootstrap modulaire, TheGem est un thème aussi convivial que mobile. Et avec plus de 40 sites Web de démonstration conceptuels uniques parmi lesquels choisir, vous trouverez toujours la bonne manière de présenter votre site Web au monde entier dans TheGem. En outre, plus de 150 pages de modèles vous permettent d’agrandir votre site Web pour ajouter la fonctionnalité appropriée. Pendant ce temps, le plug-in d'édition de page par glisser-déposer premium Visual Composer vous permet de contrôler l'apparence de votre site Web sans avoir à écrire une seule ligne de code. TheGem est idéal pour les petites et grandes entreprises, pour les portefeuilles professionnels, pour les sites de blogs personnels ou d'entreprise, et même pour les magasins en ligne. De plus, avec sa compatibilité WPML, atteindre votre public à travers le monde est simple comme bonjour. Essayez TheGem aujourd'hui!

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 8

Si quelqu'un tente de redimensionner votre page, sa qualité visuelle ne se détériorera pas. Peu importe que vous utilisiez un téléphone portable, une tablette ou un ordinateur portable; l'image sera toujours nette. La fluidité de ce thème est très impressionnante, car il propose une vaste gamme de fonctionnalités qui le préparent à toutes les niches d’affaires imaginables. Que ce soit un site privé de cabinet médical, de photographie, de construction ou de restaurant, Specular est à vos côtés. Ce produit est très convivial. Les options de thème ne nécessitent aucune connaissance en codage; il vous suffit de cliquer et de sélectionner les options qui correspondent à votre vision. Specular intègre également un style de blog créatif pleine largeur.

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 10

Handel est un thème de site Web professionnel polyvalent WordPress pointu, moderne et réactif. Ce thème est une plate-forme sophistiquée pour le développement rapide de sites Web professionnels. Les webmasters de tous les horizons tirent le meilleur parti de Handel, grâce à une documentation généreuse. Live, la construction WYSIWYG est la norme dans Handel, des pages aux en-têtes, etc. Des fonctionnalités de pointe, telles que les espaces déplaçables, font de la conception visuelle un processus agréable et sans douleur. Les effets de parallaxe accélérés par le GPU rendent votre site Web impressionnant et léger.

Le chargement sélectif et intelligent du contenu réduit les coûts de serveur sans compromettre l'expérience utilisateur. La technologie Adaptive Images minimise la bande passante multimédia en générant des versions optimales pour chaque utilisateur. Handel est le parfait compromis entre convivialité professionnelle et convivialité. Les éléments prédéfinis et les blocs de contenu simplifient la conception rapide des pages. Ajoutez des témoignages, des éléments de portefeuille et du personnel directement à partir du constructeur en direct. Handel est la boîte à outils dont votre entreprise a besoin pour participer à la révolution numérique!

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pont meilleur thème d'affaires wordpress

Bridge est un thème WordPress pour les entreprises proposant de nombreuses options pour s’adapter à un large éventail d’entreprises. Non seulement il contient plus de 376 démos prédéfinies, mais chaque échantillon est également modifiable à 100% pour vous permettre de créer facilement une version personnalisée. Cependant, il est fort probable que vous apprécierez tellement la mise en page prête à l'emploi que vous ne pourrez la modifier qu'avec vos coordonnées et que vous pourrez déjà être en ligne. Bien sûr, chaque fois que vous sentez que votre page a besoin de rafraîchissement, allez-y, adaptez-la en conséquence.

De plus, Bridge comprend des plugins premium, des tonnes de codes courts, des mises à jour automatiques et des animations à couper le souffle. Vous pouvez commencer à vendre en ligne avec l'intégration de WooCommerce, créer un blog attrayant et créer un splendide portefeuille en ligne. Honnêtement, vous pouvez faire beaucoup avec le pont qui claque. En bref, ce serait tout ce que votre coeur désire.

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Studio 8

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Il arrive un moment où chaque entrepreneur se rend compte que le monde des affaires ne pardonne pas la médiocrité. Votre site Web sera votre carte d’appel, et vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de présenter un modèle sous-standard. Studio 8 est un thème qui permet à chacun de créer une page professionnelle impressionnante, quel que soit son niveau de compétence. Pour les utilisateurs non techniques, les développeurs s’occuperont de l’installation et de la configuration. Ce produit comprend de nombreuses fonctionnalités utiles et un design qui ne manque jamais d’impressionner. Tous les paramètres seront sous votre contrôle et vous pouvez vous attendre à un nombre décent de mises à jour gratuites. Il existe même une politique de remboursement, avec une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours.

Studio 8 fonctionne avec n’importe quelle version de WordPress et est compatible avec n’importe quel appareil, navigateur Web ou système d’exploitation. Cela élargit non seulement votre groupe démographique cible, mais vous permet également de mettre à jour le contenu lors de vos déplacements. Travailler depuis votre smartphone n'a jamais été aussi simple! Le site comprend 3 widgets personnalisés, plusieurs zones de widgets et une fonctionnalité de commentaire fileté. Les utilisateurs peuvent également bénéficier d'un menu déroulant puissant, de plusieurs fichiers HTML et d'une page d'erreur 404. Le code de thème est propre et rationalisé, et les pages à chargement rapide ne vous feront jamais perdre votre temps.

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 14

Kalium est un excellent thème WordPress idéal pour les sites de blogs et de portefeuilles. Il comporte de nombreuses variantes de mise en page, ainsi qu'un impressionnant constructeur de contenu par glisser-déposer. Kalium a été téléchargé plus de 600 fois au cours de son premier mois, ce qui en fait le nouveau thème WordPress le plus vendu sur le marché. Il a reçu plusieurs prix prestigieux, dont le CSS Design Award en avril. Ce thème devrait inclure sa propre boutique en ligne, qui sera ajoutée lors de futures mises à jour. Les utilisateurs pourront commercialiser leurs services et leurs articles en tirant parti d’une plate-forme stable et fiable. Actuellement, les clients peuvent bénéficier d’un rabais de 10 dollars. De plus, ceux qui achètent Kalium maintenant bénéficieront d’une série de mises à jour gratuites.

Étant donné le nombre impressionnant de fonctionnalités utiles, le prix est très raisonnable. L'impressionnant Visual Composer a été ajouté, ce qui est un plugin premium normalement à 28 $. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de créer facilement leurs pages en quelques minutes. Avec Kalium, votre futur site Web bénéficiera d’un support multilingue. Cela est dû à l'inclusion du plugin polyvalent WPML, ainsi que des fichiers .po et .mo. Une page pouvant être traduite est plus susceptible d'attirer des visiteurs, rendant votre contenu plus accessible.

Chaque élément a son propre code abrégé spécifique, car les clients peuvent l’implémenter sur n’importe quelle page. Pour plus d'informations sur ce sujet, veillez à consulter la documentation détaillée sur les thèmes. Kalium propose un aperçu en direct, avec quelques captures d'écran intéressantes. Le curseur Revolution est également disponible et offre un système d’affichage de curseur polyvalent. Vous pouvez maintenant présenter votre contenu de manière efficace, en prouvant à vos clients potentiels que vous êtes digne de leur considération.

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Dynamique Massive

50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 16

Une équipe dévouée de professionnels et de développeurs a conçu Massive Dynamic avec le plus grand soin, dans le souci du détail, afin de garantir conjointement les interfaces, éléments et technologies les plus lisses, les plus raffinés et les plus fonctionnels.

Ce thème comprend également plus de 70 codes abrégés totalement uniques, ainsi que de nombreux en-têtes, pieds de page, barres de navigation et modèles, disposés de manière attrayante sur plusieurs sites de démonstration pratiques et pages que les utilisateurs peuvent importer en un seul clic. Live Website Builder, unique en son genre, fait de la personnalisation et de la personnalisation rigoureuses un sujet simple et simple ne nécessitant aucune expérience du codage, avec des résultats impeccables et raffinés à chaque fois. Massive Dynamic est idéal pour les entreprises et les entreprises de nombreux secteurs et industries. Son ambiance moderne et attrayante et son expérience utilisateur captivante font de Massive Dynamic un choix solide pour les webmasters chevronnés comme les débutants. La structure Bootstrap de Massive Dynamic le rend réactif et compatible avec les appareils, les navigateurs et les plates-formes du monde entier. Essayez Massive Dynamic aujourd'hui!

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X – Le thème

50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 18

Ce n'est pas souvent qu'un tel thème émerge sur WordPress. X est un pionnier et un record, car c'est le produit WordPress le plus populaire offrant de multiples conceptions et concepts. Inclus dans un paquet, les utilisateurs peuvent profiter de 4 conceptions uniques appelées piles. X propose également un large éventail de fonctionnalités, augmentant considérablement sa polyvalence et sa valeur. Le navigateur Web que vos utilisateurs préfèrent n'a pas d'importance, car ce thème fonctionnera sur tous. Une documentation complète est également fournie avec le package, qui offre une grande quantité d'informations à tous ceux qui souhaitent le lire. Si des problèmes surviennent, le personnel du support attend votre demande avec impatience. Themeco a une douzaine de représentants dévoués et assidus, disponibles à temps plein. Ces personnes motivées ont pour objectif de développer et de soutenir davantage le produit.

Avec X, le client en a pour son argent. Un grand nombre de plugins sont disponibles gratuitement, inclus dans le téléchargement standard. Il ne s’agit pas de plugins classiques proposés pour alléger la liste des fonctionnalités du thème, mais d’extensions personnalisées spécialement conçues pour fonctionner avec X. À en croire Envato, X a battu tous les records de vente WordPress. Il a remporté le titre de thème de vente le plus rapide. C’est tellement bon que le gouvernement de l’état de l’Utah a commandé ses propres exemplaires, avec d’autres ordres à venir. X a irrévocablement changé le paysage WordPress, élevant la barre pour tous les futurs produits.

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Moteur principal

50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 20

LeadEngine est un système propre, net et réactif WordPress thème de site Web polyvalent. C’est un thème pour les webmasters de tous les horizons et de tous les niveaux d’expérience. Sans codage et facile à utiliser, LeadEngine fournit toujours une qualité professionnelle. C’est parfait pour les sites d’affaires et d’entreprise Avec des dizaines de démonstrations spécifiques à l’industrie et une puissante démonstration principale, il couvre toutes les bases. De la présentation des équipes aux témoignages convaincants de clients, LeadEngine sait ce qu’il fait. Plus de 200 codes courts personnalisés déploient des fonctionnalités avancées n'importe où sur votre site Web.

Utilisez le constructeur de pages WPBakery pour présenter des chiffres, des graphiques, des graphiques et plus encore dans un style charmant. De puissants outils de géolocalisation simplifient les directions. Des portefeuilles épurés et minimalistes présentent votre travail le plus précieux sous le meilleur éclairage possible. Présentez des devis personnalisés, des plans tarifaires et des passerelles de paiement pour la vente directe. Faites la bonne première impression à chaque fois et créez le compte. Obtenez LeadEngine aujourd'hui et regardez votre entreprise s'envoler!

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 22

L'incroyable constructeur de page glisser-déposer de Visual Composer, associé au tout aussi impressionnant constructeur de diaporamas Revolution Slider, vous permet de créer des expériences visuelles vraiment fascinantes pour vos utilisateurs. Entre-temps, un ensemble de capacités commerciales développées en interne, entièrement fonctionnelles et fonctionnelles, font d’Incubator un moyen compétent de distribution de vos produits et services. Compatible avec la suite de plug-ins WooCommerce conforme aux normes du secteur et prêt à gérer les téléchargements et les téléchargements de produits numériques, Incubator est tout ce dont une entreprise moderne a besoin pour réussir sur Internet. Essayez Incubator maintenant!

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Simple & Elégant

50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 24

Simple & Elegant est un excellent thème pour la gestion des sites Web d'une page, car son habillage profilé et son expérience de navigation se traduisent habilement en conceptions d'une page, dont beaucoup sont fournies avec Simple & Elegant et sont immédiatement disponibles. Il est également extrêmement intuitif pour les webmasters, de sorte que les utilisateurs de tous les milieux puissent créer des sites Web professionnels de toute nature, de n'importe quelle nature, de manière simple et rapide. De plus, une documentation complète est fournie avec le package, vous permettant ainsi de tirer le meilleur parti de ce thème.

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 26

De puissantes fonctionnalités pertinentes pour le commerce et les affaires sont regroupées en vous, permettant toutes sortes de possibilités, des sites Web de magasins en ligne fonctionnels et fonctionnels, alimentés par la suite de plug-ins e-commerce WooCommerce, un standard industriel, au plug-in de forum social dédié bbPress pour rassembler efficacement des centaines ou des milliers des utilisateurs dans des forums dédiés sur votre propre site Web. Business users love You’s Pricing Tables and charming Typewriter effects and Counter features. It’s time for you to try You, and let it impress YOU!

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 28

Infinite is a technologically advanced and incredibly flexible, smooth and fluid, dynamic and rapidly responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. This theme has been devised as a true multipurpose, a veritable shape-shifter of a theme that can take on an endless range of usage cases and website applications and execute them to perfection within its robust, adaptable framework. Packaged with dozens of purposeful and time-saving demo websites and template pages, Infinite is a highly efficient approach to site design, and with the GoodLayers drag and drop page builder, layout customization is both easy and hassle-free, with results displayed live before your eyes.

Infinite is ready to go from day one, with single click demo import tools that allow your website to be up and running the same day you set up, awaiting nothing but your precious content. One-page capabilities are plentiful with Infinite, including delightfully smooth Parallax visual scrolling effects and infinite loading technologies for seamless one-page presentation of any demo website or page template within Infinite. With cutting edge handling of multimedia content, Infinite looks good and feels young and innovative, and engaging video wrappers liven up your website like none other on the market today. Try Infinite now!

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 30

Advice is a premium consulting & business WordPress theme. It has been designed with the expectation of profiting from inbound marketing. It uses the well-known Visual Composer and its features are GTmetrix-improved. Advice seeks to make users know about them through lots of good search filters from SEO. It also has useful connections to most popular social media platforms. You will even find contact forms and MailChimp newsletter integration; making contact with potential customers is important!

Advice also has a highly malleable and responsive layout. It features a page scroll progress bar, side navigation and multiple pre-built elements. Set headers from 4 given options; play with +700 Google Fonts or Material Design Icons. Videos are completely customizable with Parallax effect! Advice also offers awesome Revolution Slider plugin to set gorgeous galleries! It is totally set up for online purchases with WooCommerce integration. You’ll get to make shops for yourself with ease. Make directories and lists from all your services and staff. Google Maps location services and full page translation with WPML are also available! Come try it with just a one-click installment process! In addition, it is well documented, translatable and provides regular updates. Try Advice!

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 32

Sherlock is an amazing WordPress theme that can adapt to the needs of business websites of all types. It is a powerful tool that makes incredible pages in a matter of minutes. You will have a professional, modern, and well-organized layout that focuses on usability. Sherlock is packed with integrated plugins, such as Visual Composer and Setup Wizard. This makes the process of building incredibly easy. It is also compatible with all the most popular plugins, such as WooCommerce and Contact Form7. Set up shops and reach clients with easy and specialized options. Layout elements are also quite fun and easy to use. Unlimited colors, Google fonts, portfolio pages, and sidebars are available.

Sherlock, moreover, gives you a lot of prebuilt material to customize your page. Over 240 page builder blocks, 48 homepages, and 80 page elements are available to use. Edit the style in real time using the Yellow Pencil plugin. Sherlock comes with an advanced options panel, numerous shortcodes, and SEO optimization. Everything is handled with more than 10 custom widgets, quick steps, and speed. This professionally oriented theme will give you regular updates, a detailed documentation, and a great support team.

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thecraft wordpress business theme

Push your amazing craft to the outer world and attain new clients with TheCraft WordPress theme. In the TheCraft kit, you get six customizable demos, as well as eight attention grabbing color presets. However, you can still improve the web design of TheCraft at free will.

Make it your own by incorporating your firm’s color, fill it with your amazing content and even change fonts. The outcome will always be a professional website that smoothly and fluently adapts to any screen and works flawlessly across all web platforms.

There is more.

TheCraft is compatible with all the popular plugins and even has a few premium ones included at no extra cost. And to go global, do not hesitate and translate your business website to different languages and increase your potential. Craft a portfolio, start selling online and even begin blogging, all this with TheCraft theme.

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 34

Etalon is a powerful WordPress theme for entrepreneurs and services companies. It is a well-documented instrument to reach the technology era with what you can offer. Selling transactions and shops or product display are handled with the well-praised WooCommerce. Etalon also features great plugins like Contact Form 7, Google Maps or Typekit. It has a vast collection of icons and fonts that reaches more than 3000. Everything about it is customizable and fast loading. Furthermore, it is an awesome Bootstrap-based creation with Drag & Drop built. Etalon also has incredible options for galleries and portfolio showcasing. It lets you basically play with 2 premium sliders and a photo specialized plugin. Use Slider Revolution, Lightbox, Google Fonts and more.

Etalon has a HTML5 and CSS3 built with SEO in mind. Animations and searching bars are just amazing! Layout and panel actions in general are completely customizable. Etalon is also easily adaptable to all screens and browsers. What’s more, all pages are multilingual ready with WPML. Custom elements include countdowns, pricing tables, calendars, team members and more. Still not convinced? Doubts about functions or performance can be solved with their support team. Updates are permanent and free! Get this 5-star reviewed theme right now! Get Etalon!

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 36

For those who wish to create incredible business websites, Sanabel is an ideal choice. This is a very adaptable WordPress product that can meet the requirements of any niche.  With Sanabel, business website owners never have to start from scratch. There are over 10 incredible demos, each capable of enhancing your page. In addition, the installation process was greatly simplified. With just a single click, you will be able to import every piece of relevant data.

Regardless of their device preference, customers will be able to access your posts, and view your offers. The theme layout is also entirely responsive and Retina-ready, capable of displaying content on tablets, smart phones, desktop computers, and laptops. Moreover, all business website owners will benefit from a large number of powerful and creative short codes via the Shortcode generator. This feature facilitates the creation of some amazing pages. Even those who lack coding experience will be able to modify all settings, and tweak any option. Furthermore, users can now impress clients with some jaw-dropping slides, thanks to the implementation of the Revolution Slider Plugin. Despite being a premium feature, it is available for free.  For more information about this WordPress business theme, be sure to check out its live preview.

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50+ meilleurs thèmes d'entreprise WordPress pour les entreprises en 2019 38

Total is a robust and reliable, competent and professional, easy to use and highly responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. It is the result of an elaborate and careful design and development process by a dedicated team of professionals working to provide webmasters with an easy and intuitive platform for putting together sophisticated, functional websites in the blink of an eye. Total is perfect for all sorts of applications and website archetypes; from professional and personal projects to business and corporate endeavors, Total can tackle them all.

Total is loved by business webmasters across the board because its masterfully crafted live demo websites and resourceful page templates are chock-full of business-friendly features for product portfolio presentation, pricing plan presentation or staff introduction pages readymade, nothing but a few clicks away. Furthermore, a powerful Theme Customizer allows Total to completely shift its appearance and behavior through a completely intuitive visual interface, while the WooCommerce eCommerce plugin suite makes Total a perfect platform for marketing your products and wares to the world at large. Try Total now!

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Apress is a sleek, modern and responsive multipurpose WordPress website theme. This theme is a massive, flexible platform for developing sharp modern websites. Apress offers the latest and greatest web tech without writing a line of code. Visual Composer empowers users to drag-and-drop 250 custom content blocks. They’re fit for a specific or for general purposes. Customize everything with powerful theme settings.

Apress is a perfect theme for crafting unique, engaging portfolios. Its Parallax-first visual approach lets you bring your portfolios alive. Every section in Apress is ready for smooth Parallax visual effects. Dazzle your audience with sophisticated, tasteful animations and transitions. Impress them with smooth scrolling and seamless hover effects. Apress makes every gallery, layout and grid a feast for the senses. Fluid page separators, vertical and horizontal Parallax and more are included. Let Apress take your portfolio to the next level!

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Financity is a WordPress theme designed for business & financial activities. It perfectly suits accounting sites, financial companies and law firm websites. You will get a flexible, customizable and resourceful theme ready to use. Financity comes with several pre-built layouts for blog, gallery and portfolio sections. You will get to put and/or disable footer/copyright section in specific pages, too. Financity also comes with Revolution Slider and Light Box integration! Choose between iLightbox and Strip to use it as an overlay window. Galleries and portfolios are easy to set, especially with its live customizer. Make instant and amazing changes!

Financity also uses the well-known Good Layers page builder for all its perks. It lets you add Google Fonts and unlimited sidebars, too. This work of art comes with SEO optimization and a great customizable admin panel. Fast performance and intuitive options will be at your reach. Moreover, Financity is AMP ready and can be updated with a single click. It supports WPML translation and WooCommerce to set online shops. It also comes with well detailed documentation, outstanding customer support and easy installation.

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Intact is a well rated award winning Elite Author product. It comes with multiple specialized demos and homepages. You get a child theme and smooth modern looking, clean theme. Intact Business, one of the pre-built demos, is packed with everything needed. It has a simplified panel of no coding requirement and a responsive layout. The design also comes with customizable footers and headers. 600+ Google Fonts and many columns for posting are also featured.

Intact also comes with a Redux framework and Visual Composer as its main page builder. Use compatible plug-ins like Revolution Slider for galleries and WPML for translations. As a must for business transactions, you get WooCommerce compatibility. Other features like CSS3 animations, SEO and Parallax are also at dispose. Intact gets constant updates for free with bug fixes, improvements and tutorials. This great tool is Google Maps integrated and open to social networks share buttons. It is also Contact Form 7 and Bootstrap compatible. Moreover, Intact is versatile and keen for out of the box online businesses. It makes you stand out wherever you are with a one-click install! Try now this awesome widget ready, pixel perfect, handy and dynamic theme! Acquire Intact Business now!

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Crane is a beginner-friendly WordPress theme. If you want to launch an online business but have no coding experience, look no further. You don’t need programming knowledge at all, and functionality is intuitive. Crane lets you showcase and make previews of your products. You will also find many different types of portfolios and galleries. Choose between classic, cells, masonry, and modern. Select among 25 premium clipart pictures or 150 complete inner pages on 11 homepages. Customize as you wish with the Groovy menu, and create headers and sidebars. Crane follows the best SEO practices, thus helping you to rank higher on visibility. It’s responsive and Retina-ready. Your website will appear optimized and adjustable on all devices. Manage your selling with WooCommerce settings. Crane uses one-click installation, and it’s well documented. On top of this, its support team provides assistance and updates. Plus d'infos / Télécharger


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Brando is a one-page multipurpose WordPress theme that has lots of versatility and specialized demos. It also comes with many interchangeable layouts and a child theme. Brando can be adapted to any kind of business you want. It fits well for publicity where constant news feeds leading to different links is the key. You will get pre-built choices for layout styles for portfolios, blogs, and galleries. Brando has amazing colors and typography emphasis. It uses Google Fonts, Fonts Awesome and Et-line. Backgrounds can even be customized with Parallax and animations or videos.

You can also set up social sharing buttons and play with their location. Brando also uses the well-known Visual Composer page builder. It has lots of documentation that make everything fast to grasp. It even uses lots advanced panel simplifications and shortcodes to speed the process. Brando is Contact Form 7 and WPML compatible.  It is an award winner in its field with more than 10 nominations and won prizes. Flexibility is simply the main element for this theme. You can build and promote any business and use the available child theme to set up shops! Get a good look at this awesome theme and start using it. Go for Brando!

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Fi-Print is a high performance multipurpose WordPress theme. It is modern looking and clean with tons of guidance and documentation. You will get 3 different homepages to start up, and 6 one-click demo installs. Fi-Print comes with two Drag & Drop stars: Visual Composer and SiteOrigin. Layouts are easy to manipulate with theme’s provided clean code. For posting you get more than 4 columns. Fi-Print was built for small groups rather than large companies. It is intended for it to be practical and for people to feel at home.

You will also get a live customer support and a live customizer. That way, you can make changes and solve doubts both on real time. Fi-Print comes with lots of shortcodes to make panel access and options the best ever. You also get the possibility to use Layer Slider for your image posting and photo galleries. Searches and page response are fastened with SEO and a speed enhancing plug-in. Fi-Print is thought out for a quick set-up with lots of versatility. You will also get headers and footers to modify at will. In them, you can add social media share buttons too. Enjoy this high quality mobile friendly product…Use Fi-Print!

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Megatron is a multi-purpose WordPress theme that has more than 25 demos and homepages and child theme. Among them, you will find one dedicated to business only. Megatron has a WooCommerce trading plug-in and a very well-trained customer support team. It uses the whole Drag & Drop package with Visual Composer, Slider Revolution and Photoshop files. Thanks to its 1000 included icons and unlimited Google Fonts, you get a fully creative experience all together. Megatron is a premium quality product that gets automatic updates from Envato.

With its layout design, you will find numerous headers and footers. You will also get a MegaMenu and more than 4 columns to post. Megatron uses Parallax for its background, and has countless colors customization for its layouts. For translation matters you have RTL and WPML compatibility. Megatron is the quickest most solid way to get your business up to rise with simple and smooth options. It is compatible with the latest Bootstrap and all browsers in the market. Get the best experience for your business with Megatron Business!

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Folie is a new incredibly versatile WordPress theme that has a special codeless page builder. You will get it with live customizations and many predefined elements. Even several demos and a child theme are included! Folie also has a particular emphasis on portfolio and abilities showcase perfect for professionals. It features LightBox and 2 premium sliders to set astonishing galleries. Work with more than 6 amazing sets of fonts and +100 icons. Google Fonts, Font Awesome, also come with the package. Folie allows all changes to be easily crafted within seconds with a live customizer.

It also has third party plugins compatibility and uses Codeless Builder as page builder with draggable elements and spaces. Folie lets you set a practical design with a flexible MegaMenu and tons of posting formats in up to 6 columns. Make options display practical with a widgetized footer and a header navigation bar. Folie even features unlimited blog layout styles and many portfolio details. Layout in general is responsive with cross browser compatibility and screen adaptable image. In addition, Folie features header builder, portfolio, staff, testimonial inline editing. It has boosted performance: loads only needed scripts and files, GPU accelerated animations and parallax. Don’t miss out from customizing backgrounds with videos and animations! Use this well documented with video tutorials theme now!

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Provide is a professional multipurpose WordPress theme focused on consulting and finance in all levels of businesses and agencies. You will get it with 12 homepages and demos. Provide easily adapts to any expectation and provide a white canvas to customize. It is fast and responsive, with a sober serious tone. It also has an incredible live customizer to play with the entire layout! Provide uses 5 pre-built styles for blogs and portfolios. You will get to customize color settings and backgrounds in unlimited ways. Parallax effect and a header/footer builder also come with the package.

Even a great set of Google Fonts are available! Provide uses add-ons like charts and pricing tables for economical projections. It also uses Visual Composer and Revolution slider for main page build. Provide is minimalistic, clean and aesthetic. It also has a focused professional vision and gives a relevance to visual aid. Thus, previous customers and buyers have rated with 5 stars. Provide is simple to use and understand, yet it features documentation and support. It also has connections with social media through icons and Google maps integration. Get this appealing, modern and flexible theme adapted to your business. Get Provide!

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Stash is a business and professional WordPress theme that acts as a chameleon; it has the incredible ability to adapt to the needs of all kinds of websites! Stash is a flexible, intuitive and powerful tool that makes building processes a walk in the park. It comes with a huge variety of layouts that perfectly fit different activities.

With its many options, you can design a virtual page for a furniture shop, a branding agency, a design studio and more. Choose and customize every aspect of it with unlimited colors and multiple headers. Personalize with Google Fonts typography and Font Awesome icons. Play around with Visual Composer and all its amazing builder blocks!

Stash offers pre-designed elements and high-quality plugins to save you some money. It is packed with Slider Revolution, Essential Grid, Contact form 7 and SEO optimization. It is also compatible with WooCommerce for monetary aspects and WPML for translation. Stash relies on a high resolution, Retina-ready image quality that makes it all stunning.  Make beautiful galleries and custom posts in a fully responsive layout. Get your business to be recognized with this theme and all its more benefits to mention! Use Stash!

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Circle Flip

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If you are having trouble with the installation process, be sure to consult the free video tutorials. They can explain everything in detail, helping you to master your site. For those who prefer reading, a detailed theme documentation source is available. Circle Flip also offers an impressive design for any hosting website. It embodies a straightforward and efficient business mentality. Your one page site will feature a wonderful menu, and a nifty scroll effect.

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MF is a brand-new WordPress theme designed for professionals in any level. With many topic-oriented demos, consulting agencies and corporations finally have a theme to call home. MF comes with a fresh, smooth concept and a layout that adapts to all environments. MF was created for you to get creative and let originality define your page. There are 13 different types of headers, 12+ blogs, 36 Portfolios and 2500 font icons at your disposal. Even footer widgets and unlimited sidebars are made readily available. MF uses WPBakery builder, and it is SEO optimized. Premium plugins like Contact Form 7, MailChimp and Massive Add-ons are available for free. Customizations and client reach are definitely not a problem. Display will be no problem as it is 100% responsive and cross-browser compatible! It is mobile friendly and pretty fast. MF; Give me a go!

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Zerif PRO

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If you are looking for a clean, modern and professional WordPress business theme, then Zerif PRO is the right choice. This theme comes with awesome parallax scrolling for various sections of your website as well as smooth CSS3 animations that makes your content to appear with style. Zerif PRO theme is also SEO friendly and that should help with traffic from search engines. The theme comes with several custom widgets, page layouts and everything else to create website for any kind of business.

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Kallyas is a professional and responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. It is a reliable platform for creating impressive websites for a range of purposes. Personal, corporate, professional and business users alike find Kallyas an ideal solution. With tools and elements beyond belief, Kallyas has everything for everyone. From portfolio showcases and carousels to sliders and latest posts, Kallyas has it all. Within a few clicks, you can deploy sophisticated professional or commercial features. List your products or services, present your previous accomplishments and much more.

WooCommerce plugin suite powers up commercial capabilities. Functional shop templates allow you to market your services or products with minutes. Advanced workflow tools also let you process your own image content without outside designers. Kallyas also includes blog layouts for you to keep your website content-oriented and relevant. It also packs a powerful SEO framework that makes your website highly ranked overnight. That’s why Kallyas is perfect for business users across all industries. Built on the potent Bootstrap framework, Kallyas is totally cross-compatible. What’s more, its responsive nature makes it perfect for appealing to audiences across all platforms. That goes a long way towards maximizing your reach. With Kallyas at your side, your business will thrive!

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Economist is a professional and responsive WordPress business and finance multipurpose website theme. It is a sleek and effective platform for crafting resourceful modern websites. In a matter of minutes, Economist can set you up with sophisticated custom websites. Regardless of your previous developing or coding experience, Economist delivers sharp, polished results. Visual Composer makes crafting layouts and fine-tuning elements and modules quick and simple. Importing full-fledged websites with a single click is intuitive and effortless.

They include real data in your templates, making website building a walk in the park. Businesses love Economist’s powerful plugins, especially the LayerSlider premium slider builder. It allows a unique opportunity to engage their audience and potential customers. Memorable slideshows also make a lasting positive impression that results in higher conversion rates. It also has plentiful SEO capabilities. Your search rankings will hit the roof overnight with Economist’s potent SEO framework. You can also convert that traffic into real sales and real revenue in no time at all. Economist packs powerful commercial capabilities provided by the WooCommerce plugin suite. Testimonials, beautiful shortcodes and sticky headers, Economist packs it all. Give your business a total boost, check out Economist today!

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Hestia Pro

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Hestia Pro is a technologically competent framework for crafting unique and powerfully functional websites within a range of businesses and industries, with a capability for technological businesses such as startup companies, digital marketing firms and similar, related digital or technological enterprises and endeavors. Easy to configure, customize and brand, Hestia Pro requires only a few clicks in order for you to thoroughly make your website your own without having to write a line of code yourself.

Hestia Pro is also ideal for businesses because it includes convenient and purposeful widgets and shortcodes you can deploy, from sharp looking testimonials to polished and perfected pricing plans, engaging staff introduction blurbs, handsome and creative product portfolios, informative and highly customizable product pages and much more under the hood. It also features a host of integrated commercial features and capabilities you can effortlessly furnish your website with. To conclude, Hestia Pro is an ideal solution for all your business needs, and its sleek, clean design will impress your potential customers and clients and make a lasting impression. Try Hestia Pro today!

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Business Theme by TemplateMonster

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With the Business Responsive WordPress Theme, your website will be amazing. It has a sizable roster of practical features, and an excellent design that is sure to attract many customers. The installation process only takes a few moments, leaving you plenty of time to focus on what is truly important: the content. This product is a child theme of TemplateMonster’s popular Monstroid multipurpose template. If you encounter any issues, be sure to contact the excellent support team. They are available around the clock, and their representatives are eager to resolve any problem. Gorgeous Parallax effects can greatly increase your page’s visual appeal, giving each section a sense of depth and dimension.

Site personalization can be a very intimidating experience for users who lack technical expertise. Thankfully, this theme benefits from drag and drop technology. You will only need to click on an element, drag it across the screen, and drop it into place. It’s that simple! You can use this product to improve your personal blog, or business website. The MailChimp plugin also comes with the package, in addition to a modern Dropdown menu. It is possible to showcase a Google Map directly on the site page, guiding potential customers to your venue.

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With multiple business-oriented pages ready for you to deploy, you can present your products or services, introduce your portfolio or catalogs, keep your audience updated on your latest developments with a range of blogging tools and custom post types and styles, and far more to expand your business beyond your wildest dreams. Mobile-friendly and lightweight, Opus also displays seamlessly on devices and platforms across the planet. And with complete integration of the WooCommerce e-Commerce plugin suite, marketing your products or services or those of your affiliates or sponsors is an incredibly easy task. Take your business to the next level, with Opus!

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When considering any purchase, one question always pops into mind: is this product worth the money that I am paying for it? With Scalia, the answer will always be yes. Also, it is an astounding WordPress theme best to enhance online business sites of any size. Moreover, Scalia’s feature list is very long, and each of these features allows for a greater degree of flexibility and versatility. With over 150 page templates, this amazing product covers all online niches. Be sure to check out the screenshots and the live preview on the theme’s site.

Upon purchasing Scalia, users will gain access to several distinct, built-in designs. These include an aesthetically-pleasing online shop, a streamlined multi-purpose corporate design, and a portfolio/creative agency one pager. In order to sample the amazing diversity, be sure to view the product demos. There are also over 8 impressive style options for your blog, several layouts for the portfolio, and some very enticing product and service pages. Scalia also includes many gallery options, and creative Quickfinders for faster navigation. Full review for Scalia theme is available here.

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POFO is a stylish, eloquent and responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. Resourceful and flexible, POFO adapts to meet the needs of any website and audience. Built to impress, POFO, delivers your content in an engaging, captivating fashion. Corporations and businesses love POFO due to its sleek portfolio demo selection. Innovative layouts featuring cutting-edge lightweight, fast-loading Parallax animations will dazzle your visitors. Present your products and services in dynamic multiple carousels, or pliable masonry grids.

Also, POFO stays fresh and intuitive  with the WP Bakery, successor to Visual Composer. Moreover, the powerful WYSIWYG page builder lets you customize like a pro with no coding. Cement your brand image through every corner of your website. Showcase your professional accomplishments in entrancing presentation and watch your business grow overnight. Reach out to your audience with MailChimp newsletters and creative blog templates. Make the right impression, with POFO!

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If you are looking to conduct some real business and want to put it online, Bostan is the theme to suit your needs. Decked out with handsome features like Projects Carousel, Clients Carousel, Team Members Carousel and Testimonials Carousel, Bostan will have your users fascinated and engaged every step of the way. And with cutting-edge Bootstrap technologies powering all of Bostan, development is simple and accessible, with thorough annotation and extensive documentation included. Bostan is easily customizable to suit your every need, and packs premium plugins like the Revolution Slider and Isotope Portfolio Filter at no additional cost to you. Go Bostan today, and you will never look back!

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Startuply Landing Page is a potent multi-purpose template page for WordPress websites, ideally for businesses serving very different needs to their demographic. It is also convenient for startup project websites, as well as product or event launch websites. An impressively well documented guide also prepares the webmaster for expert use of its native shortcodes, nifty little tools that enable the effortless creation of anything from image galleries, product pricing & feature tables, registration forms, order forms, tabbed views of content, accordion nesting content, social media sharing platforms, and so much more, the only limit is exactly how imaginative the webmaster can be!

Aside from these useful preprogrammed shortcodes, Startuply Landing Page is radically responsive to user device preference, adapting your content’s displayed layout to best suit the user’s screen (and screen orientation, as cases may be). Compatibility with all modern browsers is, as a result, included, as are all possible screen ratios. Finally, native Bootstrap 3, CSS3 and HTML5 compatibility make Startuply Landing Pages prepared for the future of the Internet, and ensure your business will look current and tech-savvy for years to come.

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H-Code has a powerful set of convenient, diverse, highly functional tools that empower webmasters with or without previous coding experience to effortlessly put together the most amazing websites in a matter of minutes, without so much as peeking at a single line of code.

That’s because H-Code has been built around the integrated premium drag and drop Visual Composer page builder, a stupendously intuitive platform for constructing your website from scratch or using any of our professionally graphically composed demo websites and template pages to get things started off the right foot. With H-Code, you have a wide array of business-friendly demo pages and sites to choose from, complete with full-blown WooCommerce e-Commerce plugin suite integration and seamless visual cohesion through online shop templates and more. Moreover, running your own online business website is easier than ever with H-Code, and when you factor in H-Code’s impressively SEO enhanced codebase and its superb search engine performance, it’s clear that this modern, ambitious theme is a strong candidate for servicing absolutely any business website out there. Try H-Code today, and see for yourself!

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From the uncomplicated one click demo importation process that sets you up with a structured professional website right away, to the intuitive Visual Composer drag and drop page builder expanded with the Ultimate Addons for VC plugin, you’ll find yourself choosing from hundreds of elements and thousands of combinations at every turn, ensuring your Melinda website is a true expression of your design choices. Melinda is also cleverly equipped with a fully functional commercial capacity, powered by the WooCommerce e-Commerce plugin suite and several related plugins integrated to furnish you with amazing, ready to go shop pages with AJAX-powered search features and much more, so you can effectively market your professional services. Try Melinda now!

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azoom multipurpose corporate theme

Azoom is a unique and refreshing WordPress theme, best for those who value quality and consistency. It offers a massive roster of features, implemented in order to improve and complement any website. There are Special Grids, which you can usecan be us to configure Parallax video backgrounds and other impressive elements. Both visually impressive and highly functional, Azoom is a theme that is definitely worth your consideration.

There are three distinct break points for different devices. Fluid elements and grids will always adjust to the size of the user’s display. In addition, this theme is compatible with one of the most popular plugins of WordPress: WooCommerce. It also allows you to create a personal online store to commercialize products and services. You can craft every product page using the Rock Page Builder. If you want to save time, you can select the One Click Demo importer. As its name suggests, it lets customers select a demo version and import it to the site. Additionally, page administrators can choose any width for the layout. It also requires no code modification, making it more accessible to users who lack programming knowledge. Overall, simply input the desired size in the Theme Options, and you’re good to go!

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This theme’s name is appropriate, as it stands tall over all WordPress product. With Tower, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Your imagination will be the only factor that can limit progress. Every conceivable tool will be at your disposal, offering to upgrade your page’s capabilities, and improve the aesthetic quality of its design.  In the online world, a high view count represents success. In order to attract more people to your content, you should consider offering a multi-lingual format. Your foreign followers will certainly appreciate the extra effort.

In terms of customization, there are also many interesting options. Four Icon Font Packets are available, in addition to a Megamenu feature.  Only committed fans will be willing to browse your past submissions. Your best content might be underneath a mountain of other posts. Thankfully, there are sections which can shine a spotlight on your best work: multimedia slides. These slides can also showcase multiple content formats, assuring that no visitor will ever miss your well-written articles. Moreover, one-click demo data comes with the bundle, along with 30 incredible layouts for your portfolio. In addition, a live Tower preview is available for users who wish to sample this theme’s features.

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corpuse - creative parallax bussines theme

Corpus’ quintessence is a theme that is as unobtrusive as it is subtle, as beautiful as it is functional, and as pliable as it is potent. It is ideal for corporate users, as its finished, professionally-designed layouts and schemes lend themselves well both to serious businesslike use as well as thorough, conscientious personalized branding of preexisting brand identities.

Corpus is easy and intuitive, powered by WPBakery’s Visual Composer and the Redux framework as well as dozens of powerful shortcodes that will save you hours of developer manpower. This theme also includes a plethora of carefully crafted templates ready to deploy for your corporate news blog, is very mobile and touch friendly, natively search engine optimized and remarkably fast loading, meaning it’s easy on your server loads (and bills), making use of minimalistic HTML5 and CSS3 coding as well as cutting edge LESS coding. Incredible interaction is the result, in the form of Parallax effects, smooth animations and interactive sliders and bars. Corpus is a theme that means business, attracts business, and seals the deal. Just click your name on the dotted line.

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Consulting is a spectacularly crafted and painstakingly developed WordPress theme that, while packing sufficiently pliable and powerful tools to handle a vast range of website archetypes and applications, has been devoted specifically to creating, designing and developing amazing, modern business websites of any scale and size and across all industries and fields.

This theme is a robust theme that can handle any amount of traffic due to its solid, lightweight and fast-loading, efficient code, while its aesthetic customization capabilities are truly untold. Combining both the potent Visual Composer page builder plugin and the real time WordPress Live Customizer, Consulting also puts the entire look and feel of your website directly in your hands, without having to write a single line of code yourself. In addition, four different headers along with four different footer styles give you a huge room for diversity, and three completely different services listing styles let you present your business to your clients in new, innovative ways. Try Consulting today!

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This theme has creative professionals in mind; as such, it includes a series of selected demo websites suited ideally for Creative Design Agencies, Web Design Agencies, Marketing Agencies, and for professionals such as illustrators, graphic and plastic artists, and all similar, related enterprises. Visionary also includes amazing capacities for masonry and grid based layouts, some of the most cutting edge and engaging portfolio templates and layouts on the market today, eloquent sliders and highly customizable shortcodes and widgets to add all sorts of features to your websites, and a number of plugins and tools to help you highlight your finest visual works for the world to see and delight in. Try Visionary today, and see for yourself!

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This theme requires absolutely no coding skills and is perfect for webmasters of any background, with an easy to use and intuitive page design process that is aided by a wealth of gorgeous, unique shortcodes and powerful features like MegaMenus integrated out of the box, no plugins required! Sarraty also includes many template pages for all sorts of different, specific purposes, which will save you time and effort and allow you to hit the ground running with your modern and engaging WordPress website. Also, WooCommerce and Slider Revolution round off a solid deal. Go anywhere, with Sarraty!

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Dalton is a fantastically flexible, highly reliable, completely secure, fluid and pliable, wonderfully reactive, modern and engaging WordPress responsive multipurpose commercial theme. This theme is also extremely professional and businesslike, which makes it a theme simply ideal for pretty much all sorts of businesses that are looking to establish an online foothold for their company or venture.

Moreover, Dalton’s feature rich and customization options-dense nature makes it wholly adaptable enough to lend itself to pretty much any business concern, identity or visual concept required by a webmaster. Dalton also comes out of the box integrated with the potent WooCommerce eCommerce plugin, affording Dalton a series of sophisticated commercial widgets, tools and options that include setting up your own online shop right off your Dalton website in a matter of minutes, with just a couple clicks and with impressive functionality to boot. Furthermore, Dalton is built on top of the Redux Framework, WordPress’ most advanced framework for theme options, the potent Visual Composer drag & drop page builder, and an easy and painless single click installation process. Dalton—what’s not to love?

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winnex wordpress business theme

Guarantee a rewarding user experience by teaming up with Winnex for your business. Upon partnering with the best features and components in the world, it is certain that Winnex is the best WordPress business theme on the planet. Avail its risk-free deal to discover how this theme works its wonders. It utilizes groundbreaking technology that suits fields like finance, accounting, law, insurance and other related niches. You can establish your website’s unique designs by mixing and matching colors, fonts and widgets.

All pages and layouts of Winnex are responsive on all devices, so the aesthetic value will never be an issue. Meaning, whether they view your website from a mobile device or desktop computer, the experience will always be the same amazing one. Simply drag and drop blocks instead of putting a bunch of complicated code and create a spectacular web presence that will skyrocket your company. Isn’t that easy?

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mynx wordpress business theme

If you are looking for a theme you could use long-term, then Mynx is for you. Being the best WordPress business theme is quite an exaggeration. However, it is definitely true, thanks to the amazingness and ease of use Mynx brings to the table. Pure technicality is so old school nowadays.

Everyone wants a straightforward, versatile, and flexible companion to save time and money. With Mynx, you can get more than what you expect when improving your site. Publishing your website is just the first step to create your online brand and take it to the next level. Consistency is essential to accomplish success, and Mynx package has the tools to make that happen. From out of this world demos and other practical features, you can create a website that will drive your business to the extreme.

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nanum wordpress business theme

For a limited offer, you can get the best deals from Nanum and enjoy its features forever. That is how this WordPress business theme has managed to secure loyalty from its many users and counting. Mainly focusing on digital businesses, Nanum is suitable for marketing, financial and consulting companies. Thanks to its systematic tools, you will be able to create a site quickly and effectively.

Fully responsive, Nanum ensures your customers to view your content with ease on their mobile phones. Not only is the process fast, but the loading speed as well, as Nanum’s pages are all optimized for insane performance. It is also search engine friendly and fully compatible with web browsers and retina screens. Nanum is an all-in-one solution to give your business an edge and help you attain the success you want to see.

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dastak - professional multipurpose theme

Dastak is a professional multipurpose WordPress theme best for any small or medium size business in any niche. This theme features 25 different demos that showcases its potential for medical, construction company, portfolio, ecommerce, IT, social media and many other business websites.

While this theme has loads of options and complex structure it is still SEO friendly that will help you to get more visitors from search engines such as Google. Dastak theme also comes with bundled Revolution Slider and Royal Slider plugins that will help you to create professional looking slider with multiple layers and other premium enhancements. Theme developers also haven’t forgot about drag & drop page builder called Visual Composer which is also included with this theme and has over 100 different modules that will help you to create awesome functionality for your website without writing a single line of code.

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Jupiter is an astoundingly nimble and flexible theme, empowering webmasters of any background and with or without previous coding experience to seamlessly and speedily craft the most unique, innovative and tech-savvy modern websites imaginable, across a broad spectrum of applications, interests and fields, ranging from corporate to commercial and from business to personal.

Business websites benefit particularly from Jupiter, with its potent and professionally preconfigured website templates, totaling in at over 50 at the moment, each a unique and graceful conceptualized interpretation of what a website should look and feel like, through the powerful lens of over 100 customizable elements in well over 230 distinct stylistic presentations, making for potential millions of combinations possible, so that every imaginable business necessity you may encounter can be effectively addressed within minutes, while still dressed to impress. That is the power and flexibility offered by Jupiter, on top of hundreds of amazing shortcodes for all sorts of functionality. Try Jupiter today, you won’t regret it!

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Salient is a deeply creative website building toolkit, a powerful and all-encompassing solution for webmasters across a very wide range of fields and interests to quickly and effortlessly churn out the most amazing, professional quality, mobile friendly and responsive websites imaginable within minutes, without having to write a single line of code.

Additionally, this theme’s intuitive page design process, employing a highly tailored Salient Visual Composer with exclusive elements, plugins and configuration options, make short work of putting together handsome, dashing new pages and whole websites within a day of installing Salient, a simple, 1-click process itself. Salient also includes very powerful and advanced configuration options through the Theme Options Panel, allowing you to completely fine-tune the look and feel of every Salient website with a few clicks across an impressively wide range of customizable fields. With Salient, standing out from the crowd has never been easier, and its unique, innovative layouts and engaging visual stylings are ideal for business websites that need to establish a connection with users and potential customers. Try Salient today!

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Ronneby is a splendidly well constructed and spectacularly robust and reliable WordPress theme, crafted to deftly handle an enormously vast range of website applications and archetypes, specifically aimed towards websites dealing with very large scale, high quality or upscale audiences, markets or products.

Businesses and companies of all kinds can benefit from Ronneby’s ample selection of creatively inspired, appealing and trendy demo websites, totaling in at over 40 and growing, each uniquely applicable to diverse niche markets and industries, yet all equally gracious and elegant in their visual styling and presentation. Professional quality, premium plugins such as the Visual Composer, enhanced with the Ultimate VC add-ons extension, as well as the beautiful Slider Revolution, make Ronneby a true value package. Get more bang for your buck, with Ronneby!

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Polygon is an astoundingly powerful and remarkably thorough theme, an ambitious solution for business webmasters seeking to create handsome, functional and modern websites capable of handling small or large scale traffic loads with equally flawless disposition.

This theme has been decked out with a set of powerhouse tools, templates, widgets, shortcodes and plugins that completely enable webmasters with or without any previous coding experience to nimbly and efficiently craft unique, distinct and very personalized business websites with all sorts of powerful, deep-running features and functions exclusively designed for business environments, such as WooCommerce integration out of the box, WooThemes Projects integration, the powerful Widget Logic plugin, and many more. With Polygon, within an hour of the uncomplicated, one-click installation and demo importation process, you’ll be marketing your products or services right off your own Polygon website! Try Polygon now!

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Avada is a clean and fully responsive WordPress business theme. Each element of this super flexible theme is retina-ready and would look spectacular on high resolution screens. This theme is easy to use and equipped with the most powerful theme features. It is also fully customizable and comes with gorgeous pre-built layouts. Additionally, its flexible framework allows you to build a decent website for business, portfolio, blog, magazine, ecommerce and more. Moreover, its advanced admin panel helps users customize the theme with ease. Furthermore, you can also make the most of it one page parallax feature to create an attractive and elegant one page site for your company. Avada is built based on HTML5 & CSS3 technology. What’s more, this responsive theme is 100% WooCommerce compatible and supports bbPress plugin. Avada simply redefines the word AWESOME!

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With BeTheme, you are also able to build a striking one page website. The integration of Drag&Drop Muffin Builder feature in this theme is also a huge help for many website admin who detest working with text shortcodes. It also incorporates astonishing entry animation effects on scroll. It enables you to display a maintenance mode page in case your website is not yet ready to show up or going through a major redesign. This theme also supports WooCommerce plugin, which has the ability to transform your site to a profitable online store.

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The Agency

the agency - creative portfolio theme

The Agency is a versatile agency theme that lets you create an inimitable web presence for your business. This trendy WordPress theme is created for artists and creative agencies who want to display and sell their works online. Additionally, it is packed with awesome features and customization options that could help you set up a unique website with just few clicks. Moreover, this theme is built using the latest web development practices to help you get ahead of your competitors.

The theme package also contains HTML, XML and PSD files, 2 custom post types and 3 widget areas to help you create a stunning website for your business in an instant. It offers unlimited colour options to suit your brand or corporate identity. This theme also comes with a smart theme options panel that lets you edit your header design, background, favicon, fonts and many more. Moreover, it has a full width slider which allows you to highlight your works and draw the attention of your target audience. It even features a drop-down menu to help your visitors find the content they are looking for in a jiffy. The Agency WordPress theme is also created using valid HTML5 and CSS3 code and loads really fast. Ultimately, this theme is fully responsive to provide your target audience a great user experience no matter what kind of device they prefer to use.

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enfold - drag and drop wordpress theme

Enfold is a clean and multi-purpose WordPress business theme. Its responsive layout allows you to provide great user experience to your consumers. Additionally, Enfold is ideal for business websites, shop websites, and website owners who want to flaunt their master piece on a spacious portfolio site. It also includes countless theme options that allow you to edit the layout, colors and fonts straight from the admin panel. What’s more, its innovative template builder will help you create a striking website in a jiffy. Ultimately, its WooCommerce integration makes it possible for you to sell any products or services online.

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amax marketing firm wp theme

Amax is a WordPress theme that you can tailor to fit any web page. It has powerful options, and a modern design that is sure to attract plenty of views. For those who are not familiar with this amazing theme, the developers have added a short theme overview video. It also showcases the main theme features, and explains how Amax can enhance your site. This is a true multi-purpose product, due the integration of some very versatile tools. Regardless of your business niche, Amax can accommodate your vision. You may also alter the fonts and colors of the site, while choosing from various headers, titles and page layouts. Basically, you are in control of every element. This assures that your site will be your own, and not just a carbon copy of the standard template.

You can also use the built-in composer to construct a limitless number of pages. If you want to bypass the construction process, you can always take advantage of demo pages. Amax incorporates a prolific video page builder plugin. What’s more, it is entirely responsive, capable of working on any screen, regardless of size or resolution. For more details about this theme read our detailed review.

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logistic logistic company theme

If you are looking for a nice WordPress theme that can improve your transportation company website, Logistic might be exactly what you need. It is not that difficult to set it up and navigate its options. This product includes plenty of amazing features such as web fonts, personalized components, astounding CSS3 animations and animated content. It is obvious that countless hours of development went into this theme, as the developers analyzed other successful sites and implemented their best features here.

With Logistic, it’s all about the results! Its powerful yet simple layout is great for everyone. Every visitor will become a regular customer, if you play your cards right. This theme also has an exquisite admin experience, and it can adapt to any business niche thanks to its massive amount of features. Most clients are very thankful for Logistic, and a majority of reviews have been positive. They appreciated the well-rounded design, and the tremendous attention to detail.

If you are not an experienced user and you have some issues with your theme installation, be sure to check out the online video tutorials. An elite author has developed this theme, and it is compatible with several major browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 9-11, and of course, Google Chrome. Theme Forest files also come with the package, including: CSS, PHP, and JS files. Moreover, the Documentation for this theme is very well written, and it can help users to navigate even the most troubling issues. Logistic is also fully responsive, having no trouble with resizing your website.

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constructo - construction company theme

This is a great WordPress theme best for business websites and entrepreneurs. It works best for the pages of construction companies. It has an amazing Revolution Slider, a Visual Composer, and an advanced Admin Panel. All of these features make the theme extremely versatile, letting you construct the page of your dreams.

The support system is also great, helping you to resolve any issue that might occur. Moreover, Constructo has 4 preset colors, 40 available color choices, and 4 different types of headers. There is no limit to what you can do. Also, be sure to check out the online video tutorials, as they are quite informative. If you prefer reading, you may download the theme documentation. In addition, a PSD file comes along, free of charge.

Constructo also has free WooCommerce integration. With this, you are able to establish your own online store, in order to start selling your goods or services. If made correctly, that store can be an important source of revenue for your business. This theme also has the best drag and drop page builder in the world. Customizing your page will not seem like a chore any more, as it simplifies and hastens your work.

For a one-click demo install, simply go to the Admin Panel and begin the process. Moreover, Constructo is entirely responsive, and it looks amazing on any screen. Furthermore, it is certain that your page will work with any device. Lastly, the theme is WPML compatible, and every line is translatable into a different language. This helps you attract a larger audience.

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Omega is a versatile WordPress theme suitable for creating corporate, online portfolio and personal blog site. This business theme is renowned for its flexible and responsive design. It also comes with the greatest features that you can use in building a stunning portfolio. Its visual composer feature also allows you to easily develop splendid business pages. You can also take full advantage of its powerful admin panel and modify the theme to suit your needs. Furthermore, it supports child theme to make theme customization a breeze and update proof. With its WooCommerce integration, you are able to promote and sell your products online. Omega also comes with bbPress integration, built on latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies and WPML ready. Plus d'infos / Télécharger


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If you are an ambitious online marketer, you might want to consider Verko. It will facilitate the safe distribution of services and products. In order to encourage customers to browse your offers, special landing pages came along with the bundle. Teaser videos, calls to action and beautiful photos can also increase page traffic. Last edited bWith Verko, a site will always manage to impress everyone. This is due to the inclusion of the master slider and visual composer. You may also use this product for marketing agency, hosting company, advertising agency and digital agency pages as well.

Although it is very advanced, the use of Verko is not restricted to programming experts and website developers. Wonderful eCommerce sites can be designed by anyone, regardless of their previous online experience. Moreover, interesting slides can be incorporated, displaying your top offers and items. Before a change is finalized, a site administrator can preview them. Layouts, front pages and logos are also fully customizable. Furthermore, your landing pages can benefit from blank templates that lack any headers of footers. Overall, Verko can create one of the most pleasurable and customer-friendly browsing experiences on the market.

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Indeed, Cake is such a sweet name for a feature-rich WordPress theme! You can use this theme for promoting any kind of business. This multi-purpose theme also incorporates a minimalist yet modern feel to your site and comes with exceptional tools to create an engaging website. Its intuitive muffin options also let you alter almost every element discernible on page such as colors, fonts, layout and all that. Cake also supports WooCommerce plugin to help you build your online shop instantaneously. With Cake WordPress theme, building a professional website is just a piece of… CAKE!

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