40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019

En ce qui concerne les tâches, certains modèles sont basés sur la manière dont certains problèmes sont abordés et résolus. Par exemple, certaines personnes sont plus méthodiques, avec un sens aigu du détail qui met souvent l’accent sur la perfection des procédures. Efficace et fier de lui, ce type de personne est généralement un excellent praticien de son art, peu importe ce que cela pourrait être.

À l'opposé, nous avons le type de création. Lorsque la plupart des gens entendent parler de «créatif», ils imaginent souvent des artistes comme des peintres ou des musiciens. Bien que ces professions soient parmi les exemples les plus en vue, la créativité représente bien plus que. Dis, par exemple; la personne ordinaire mentionnée précédemment rencontre-t-elle un problème pour lequel elle n'a pas été formée? Ou encore, un artiste doit constamment divertir ses pairs.

Comme son nom l'indique, la créativité est la capacité de créer des choses qui n'existaient pas auparavant. À peu près tout le monde peut mémoriser quelque chose et l'appliquer, mais il faut une réelle créativité pour inventer quelque chose d'original, qui n'avait jamais existé auparavant. Cependant, cette créativité a un coût, car le processus global n’est pas aussi volontaire qu’une tâche répétitive. Il convient également de mentionner qu'être méthodique et créatif ne s'excluent pas mutuellement, car il y a beaucoup de gens qui sont à la fois de ces choses.

Ce n’est pas comme faire des pompes, vous ne pouvez pas vous forcer à écrire une bonne chanson ou à peindre un bon tableau. Votre responsabilité en tant qu’artiste ou créatif est d’être un vecteur d’inspiration. Vous devez préparer le terrain et attendre. C’est pourquoi beaucoup de grands artistes, musiciens ou humoristes se promènent avec le bloc-notes. Ils se rendent compte qu’un grand moment ou une bonne idée est imminent, ils doivent donc être prêts à le gribouiller.

Art, technologie et publicité

L'art n'est qu'un reflet de la société, souvent parodiant, copiant ou louant ses événements et ses tendances. Il n’est que normal que la créativité suive de près l’évolution de la société. La révolution technologique informatique est sans doute le plus grand changeur de jeu de l'histoire de l'humanité. De nos jours, nos blocs-notes ont pris la forme d'appareils mobiles et nos sites Web deviennent souvent la toile de fond de nos arts. Ne soyez pas dupé par le stéréotype de l'artiste distant, indifférent et désordonné, car le marché s'empresse de punir ceux qui fuient la constance ou la qualité.

À bien des égards, être organisé est tout aussi important que de respecter les délais ou de prendre des notes. Vous devez comprendre que la plupart de vos clients éventuels ne vous connaissent pas personnellement. Tout ce que vous avez, c'est votre réputation d'artiste et vous serez sans aucun doute jugés par la qualité de votre travail et de votre site Web. La plupart d'entre nous peuvent convenir qu'il est très difficile de se débarrasser d'une première impression, alors pourquoi ne pas en faire une bonne? Un bon site Web est essentiel au succès de tout homme d’affaires, quel que soit son domaine d’activité. Pour beaucoup de gens, c'est un fardeau et ils refusent de le voir comme une opportunité.

La vérité est que la publicité coûte beaucoup d’argent. Un site Web n'est rien de plus qu'une forme de saleté bon marché qui coûtait des milliers de dollars. De plus, même si une annonce publicitaire ou dans un journal ne vous laisse que quelques minutes pour brancher votre produit ou service, vous pouvez passer des heures sur votre page à tout expliquer et à détailler. Bien sûr, cela est basé sur l'hypothèse que vous pouvez attirer leur attention. Dans le vrai sens du terme, il ne vous reste que quelques secondes pour susciter l’intérêt du visiteur, avant que celui-ci ne passe à l’autre.

Alors, comment cela peut-il être réalisé?

Eh bien, il n'y a pas de bonne façon, vous devez trouver quelque chose qui rendra votre page unique. Pour beaucoup de gens, la réponse réside dans les thèmes WordPress. Ces thèmes sont plus que des skins, bien qu'ils fournissent également ce service. Leurs avantages dépassent le domaine de l'esthétique, car ils intègrent de nombreux plug-ins utiles et fonctionnalités qui améliorent les fonctionnalités. Cela dit, examinons certains des meilleurs thèmes WordPress créatifs.


40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 1

Uncode est un thème multiusage créatif WordPress réactif, extrêmement souple et flexible, technologiquement flexible et sophistiqué, convivial pour les développeurs, extrêmement facile à utiliser et à personnaliser, visuellement raffiné et raffiné, conçu par des graphistes professionnels et extrêmement expressif. Ce thème a été développé dès le départ en tant que thème WordPress complet. Il constitue une solution complète pour les besoins à tous les niveaux du processus de conception, de construction et de maintenance de sites Web. Il nécessite peu, voire aucune, compétences en codage et est totalement capable de produire des documents de haute qualité. Des résultats impressionnants et profondément mémorables, qui engagent durablement votre auditoire et ont un impact direct et mesurable sur votre trafic et vos taux de conversion.

Uncode s'appuie sur la puissance de la plate-forme WordPress avec de puissants plug-ins premium tels que le composeur Visual Composer, LayerSlider 5, Revolution Slider et une foule d'autres fonctionnalités incroyablement puissantes et fluides pour développer et enrichir vos sites Web prêts à l'emploi. Uncode inclut la superbe fonctionnalité iLightbox permettant de mettre en valeur votre contenu multimédia de la manière la plus élégante qui soit. Les types de créations se sentiront comme à la maison avec Uncode, avec des tonnes d'options de personnalisation avancées intégrées pour votre commodité. Uncode est remarquablement réactif, capable de restituer de manière transparente sur un vaste ensemble de périphériques, navigateurs et plates-formes, maximisant ainsi votre exposition. Obtenez le code aujourd'hui!

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Dynamique Massive

40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 3

Massive Dynamic est un concepteur de sites Web polyvalent et créatif WordPress réactif et incroyablement innovant, extrêmement fiable, extrêmement fiable et codément conçue. Ce thème est une plate-forme flexible, brillante et complète, pour la construction de sites Web WordPress magnifiques, attrayants et modernes dans une très grande variété de domaines. Il est particulièrement bien adapté à une utilisation par les webmasters les plus créatifs et les plus inventifs, avec ou sans expérience préalable en développement. Habilitation des webmasters par le biais de Live Website Builder, qui permet de détailler minutieusement l'apparence de votre site Web dans une présentation dynamique en temps réel avec la philosophie WYSIWYG, vous pourrez basculer entre les couleurs, les dispositions, les colonnes, les codes courts, les lignes et bien plus encore. en quelques minutes.

Les outils de mise en page dynamiques vous offrent la liberté créative de modifier l’ensemble de la conception de votre site Web en un seul clic, des présentations encadrées et en largeur à plusieurs styles de barre latérale et même du contenu flottant. Le générateur en direct unique de Massive Dynamic offre la prévisualisation en direct, l’accès à tous les paramètres, ainsi que le déploiement et la personnalisation de codes courts, le tout à partir d’une interface unique. Vous serez également impressionné par la flexibilité de la technologie d’en-tête avancée de Massive Dynamic. Avec Massive Dynamic, il n’ya guère de déclaration visuelle que vous puissiez imaginer que vous ne pouvez pas reproduire fidèlement avec ce puissant constructeur!

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 5

TheGem est un thème de site Web multifonctionnel créatif WordPress étonnamment flexible et incroyablement ambitieux, imaginatif et innovant, et réactif. C’est une formidable boîte à outils pour créer des sites Web modernes puissants en quelques minutes sans écrire vous-même une seule ligne de code et avec une capacité infinie de personnalisation visuelle et graphique. TheGem a également été fourni avec plus de 40 modèles de sites Web de démonstration conçus graphiquement par des professionnels et plus de 150 modèles de pages uniques destinés à des objectifs spécifiques, chacun étant conçu de manière à correspondre à la nature et au ton des différents archétypes de sites Web.

La polyvalence est à l’ordre du jour avec TheGem. En outre, le plug-in Visual Builder Premium Builder ainsi qu'un ensemble de paramètres de thème avancés étonnants vous placent à la barre du look et de la convivialité de votre site Web. TheGem comprend des centaines de polices Google créatives et élégantes, des combinaisons de combinaisons de couleurs infinies, une disposition sans précédent qui personnalise la liberté et bien plus encore. Avec TheGem, vous avez le choix parmi huit styles de navigation avec plus de 20 paramètres personnalisés, offrant à vos utilisateurs une expérience de navigation immersive qui a un impact positif sur vos taux de trafic de retour. TheGem est le point de vente idéal pour toute votre créativité! Essayez-le aujourd'hui!

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 7

Kalium est un thème WordPress qui inspire et nourrit la créativité. Il comprend de nombreuses fonctionnalités étonnantes, et c’est le meilleur de son créneau. Son grand nombre d'éléments de portefeuille rendra votre portefeuille superbe. Le nombre d'options de personnalisation est stupéfiant, vous permettant de présenter chaque article de manière fantastique. Les clients peuvent modifier la configuration, l’espacement et l’alignement des images du texte. Ceci est une avancée, rationaliser Thème de portefeuille WordPress. Cependant, il peut être utilisé par n'importe qui, même ceux qui ne sont pas férus de technologie. Le processus de mise en page est très rapide et ne dure que quelques secondes. Le compositeur visuel est l’un des constructeurs de pages les plus prolifiques et les plus efficaces. Il est présenté avec Kalium, disponible sans frais supplémentaires. Vous pouvez prendre les rênes de votre propre site car ce thème vous rend moins dépendant des sociétés de développement Web.

Développer votre propre site est étonnamment satisfaisant et Kalium dispose des outils nécessaires pour faire le travail. Les options de thème facilitent le processus et constituent un moyen de personnalisation accessible. Le thème comprend un très grand nombre de polices et possède même une fonctionnalité qui met en évidence les plus prolifiques. Si vous n'aimez pas toutes les 600 polices Google, vous aurez la possibilité d'accéder au panneau d'administration et de télécharger quelque chose qui correspond mieux à vos goûts. Ce thème contient plus de 800 icônes étonnantes et certains thèmes prédéfinis sont inclus dans le package de thèmes Kalium.

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 9

Jevelin est coloré, imaginatif, innovant et branché sur la technologie, dynamique et engageant, réactif WordPress premium thème de site Web polyvalent. Ce thème a été développé pour les webmasters avec un talent créatif unique qui aspire à atteindre des niveaux professionnels de personnalisation détaillée sans avoir à connaître absolument aucun code. Pour Jevelin, la création d'un site Web est une question de facilité d'utilisation et de choix.

C’est pourquoi Jevelin vous permet non seulement d’installer vos sites Web de démonstration préférés et vos modèles de page en un seul clic, y compris toutes les images haute résolution présentées dans les démos, tandis que le générateur de pages visuelles et les outils d’administration avancés vous permettent de personnaliser votre site Web en quelques secondes seulement. clics faciles et en un clin d'œil, avec une image de marque étendue, une personnalisation graphique page par page et une mise en surbrillance des couleurs, des mises en page uniques pour vos portefeuilles et pages de blog et bien plus encore. Jevelin est idéal pour les webmasters ayant besoin d'une liberté créative absolue, offrant une personnalisation significative au niveau du site Web complet, du niveau de page individuel, section par section et même élément par élément. Il n'y a pas de paramètre ou d'animation dans lequel Jevelin ne puisse être retourné. à votre goût. Essayez Jevelin aujourd'hui et laissez libre cours à votre créativité!

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Gillion (Article Tendance)

40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 11

Gillion est populaire parmi les créateurs de tous types, y compris les blogueurs, qui n'exigent pas un grand nombre de fonctionnalités visuellement frappantes. Indépendamment des plugins ou des fonctionnalités, un thème premium solide devrait augmenter les chances du propriétaire de créer un site Web performant. Une excellente façon d’aborder cette question consiste à cibler un public plus large.

En ligne, cela n’est pas un problème en raison de la nature mondiale du Web. La langue est le principal défi, et Gillion a également réussi à le résoudre. Il est prêt pour la traduction et peut être affiché dans n’importe quelle langue imaginable. Il est également totalement réactif, vous ne rencontrerez donc aucun problème de compatibilité avec votre contenu.

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 13

Divi est un thème WordPress créatif exceptionnel, facile à utiliser et très avancé que vous pouvez utiliser pour toutes sortes d’intentions différentes. Après tout, avec ses fonctionnalités polyvalentes, Divi s’adapte facilement et s'adapte à vos besoins et exigences. Si ce n’est pas le cas, vous pouvez sans effort améliorer et ajuster l’aspect de Divi à vos besoins en matière de marque. Que vous commenciez une boutique en ligne, un portefeuille, un blog ou que vous construisiez un site Web d'entreprise, Divi est là pour répondre à tous vos besoins.

Divi suit toutes les dernières tendances et réglementations, ce qui vous garantit que votre page résistera à l'épreuve du temps. Prêt pour le mobile, compatible avec plusieurs navigateurs, optimisé pour la performance et les moteurs de recherche, vous l'appelez, Divi a pensé à tout cela, et plus encore. Créez plusieurs sites Web de projet différents, en utilisant toujours le même thème, mais personne ne le saura vraiment.

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Studio 8

40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 15

Studio 8 est un choix idéal pour les professionnels de la création qui souhaitent créer un site exemplaire. Ce thème moderne est hautement adaptable et simplifié, capable d'améliorer chaque fonctionnalité de votre page. Son design est réactif, tout utilisateur pouvant visualiser votre contenu de haute qualité. Studio 8 est compatible avec les smartphones, les tablettes, les ordinateurs de bureau, les ordinateurs portables et tous les navigateurs Web. Le thème propose des codes abrégés intégrés permettant aux propriétaires de sites de personnaliser leurs publications et leurs articles. Le panneau d’options est puissant, mais il reste très convivial. Même les utilisateurs novices peuvent y naviguer facilement. Fondamentalement, ce produit facilite la créativité en ne vous alourdissant pas avec des aspects techniques ennuyeux. Tant que vous pouvez l’imaginer, Studio 8 peut vous aider.

Le processus d'installation ne prend que quelques minutes et le site résultant sera ultra-rapide. Tout le monde bénéficiera d'un thème ayant obtenu une note de vitesse de page de 98%. Si des erreurs se produisent, n'hésitez pas à contacter l'excellente équipe de support. Leurs représentants polis et professionnels sont impatients de résoudre tout problème. Une démonstration en direct de Studio 8 a été mise à disposition, permettant aux clients de goûter au thème avant de décider de l’acheter.

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Le voux

40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 17

La créativité est une qualité volatile et traître, et elle semble presque avoir son propre esprit. Cela va et vient à sa guise, et l'artiste ne peut qu'espérer pénétrer dans un environnement qui encourage la créativité. Heureusement, des thèmes tels que The Voux sont là pour offrir cet environnement de manière très accessible et conviviale. Même si vous êtes novice, ce produit vous permet de créer un site Web digne d'héberger votre travail. Il vous offre la possibilité de personnaliser la page en la transformant en quelque chose qui correspond parfaitement à votre vision. Malgré la complexité des mises en page de The Voux, vous ne rencontrerez jamais d’erreurs de redimensionnement. Les tablettes, les smartphones, les ordinateurs portables et les ordinateurs de bureau sont pris en charge, ainsi que la plupart des navigateurs Web et des appareils Retina haute résolution.

De superbes galeries peuvent être utilisées pour mettre en lumière votre contenu, tandis que le très intéressant Meger Menu Header facilite la navigation dans le contenu. Des balises, des catégories et des sous-catégories peuvent être ajoutées. Dans le temps qu'il faut pour faire bouillir un œuf, le thème de votre site Web sera installé. Après ce moment, vous pouvez sélectionner une mise en page pré-faite moderne et lancer le processus de personnalisation. La technologie glisser-déposer étant utilisée, aucune connaissance en codage n'est requise.

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X Thème

40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 19

Le travail d'un bon thème WordPress consiste à vous mettre à l'aise tout en vous fournissant des outils de personnalisation de haute qualité. La plupart des clients souhaitent un site Web hautement personnalisé et créatif, qui reflète parfaitement leur vision. Les conceptions prédéfinies peuvent être attrayantes pour ceux qui ont des horaires serrés, mais elles ne reflètent souvent pas l'individualité des utilisateurs. Heureusement, X est un tas de matière première à partir de laquelle vous pouvez construire un site à couper le souffle. Il regorge de fonctionnalités polyvalentes et de plus d'une douzaine de plugins WordPress premium.

Avec ce thème, le client peut implémenter des arrière-plans statiques et personnalisés comportant des couleurs ou des images unies. Toutefois, l'arrière-plan peut également être modifié lorsque l'utilisateur fait défiler les messages, comme un diaporama. Grâce à WordPress Live Customizer, vous pourrez exprimer votre créativité. Cet outil novateur peut être utilisé par n’importe qui, même ceux qui manquent de connaissances en programmation. Il est également plus facile d'expérimenter différentes variantes de conception, étant donné que toutes les modifications peuvent être prévisualisées avant d'être appliquées. Vous ne pouvez pas prétendre avoir un site Web créatif tout en conservant une police ennuyeuse. Heureusement, les clients X peuvent choisir entre 600 variantes de polices Google. bbPress et BuddyPress ont également été mis en œuvre, offrant aux abonnés un moyen d’interagir avec les administrateurs du site.

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 21

Laissez vos photos se démarquer et captez l’attention de votre public cible en utilisant le thème The Agency WordPress de WPLook! L'agence a un design épuré et minimaliste qui rendra vos photos ou images remarquables et captivera l'intérêt des visiteurs. Ce thème offre également des possibilités illimitées de conception et de personnalisation car il est basé sur SASS, qui offre des fonctionnalités et des capacités étendues par rapport à d’autres langages d’extension CSS. Il est totalement réactif de faire en sorte que tout le monde puisse visiter votre site Web sans effort, quel que soit le type d'appareil choisi. Le thème regorge de fichiers HTML, XML et PSD pour accélérer la conception et le développement de sites Web.

Les 2 types de messages personnalisés et les 3 zones de widgets inclus dans le thème vous permettent de: mettre en place une page belle et fonctionnelle pour votre site de photographie. Il comporte un panneau d’options de thème intelligent et puissant qui vous permet de choisir le schéma de couleurs parfait pour le site Web de votre agence de photographie, de modifier l’en-tête, de personnaliser le fond et de télécharger votre propre favicon et logo représentant la marque de votre agence. De plus, vous pouvez utiliser son curseur de taille normale pour présenter vos œuvres magnifiques et attirer vos clients cibles. Le thème Agence WordPress comporte un menu déroulant très intuitif qui aide vos visiteurs à explorer votre site Web avec facilité. Enfin, ce thème est développé à l'aide de code HTML5 et CSS3 épuré pour une flexibilité et une convivialité garanties. Ses pages se chargent très rapidement avec une note de vitesse de page de A98%. Quoi de plus? Ce thème multilingue est conçu pour vous aider à atteindre différents clients à l'échelle mondiale.

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 23

Crane est un nouveau thème WordPress polyvalent. Avec elle, vous pouvez promouvoir tout type de services ou faire croître votre entreprise. Il offre plusieurs fonctionnalités qui représentent l'unicité et la créativité. Crane propose également des centaines de dispositions prédéfinies. Avec ce thème WP, vous recevrez un constructeur de menus unique avec une bibliothèque en ligne de préréglages. Le menu Groovy hautement personnalisable est également intégré. Si vous aimez personnaliser tout ce que vous faites, Crane est fait pour vous. Sont également incluses 25 photos gratuites de Shutterstock et plus de 2 000 icônes. Parmi les 150 pages intérieures fournies, vous trouverez des schémas de configuration pour les portfolios et les galeries. Ils peuvent être classiques, cellules, maçonnerie ou modernes, avec des options pour chaque type. N'importe quel contenu fera l'affaire, du texte et des graphiques à l'audio et à la vidéo.

En bref, Crane est un outil ultime pour créer et gérer un site Web rentable. Cela est évident avec ses sept plugins premium, y compris WooCommerce for sales. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’acheter autre chose pour créer un site Web remarquable et pratique. Dernier point mais non le moindre, Crane est réactif et prêt pour la rétine. Ainsi, votre site Web aura fière allure sur tout appareil utilisé par vos clients. Les produits, portefeuilles, images, etc. Utilisez Crane pour des options illimitées pour un esprit imaginatif!

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 25

Jannah est un thème WordPress rafraîchissant. Il jette un regard neuf sur le monde de la publication assistée par ordinateur à l’ère moderne. Jannah éblouit avec un design époustouflant et de nouvelles options de disposition. Ses options de partage modernes font la différence. De plus, l’intégration des extensions WordPress les plus répandues donne à Jannah une flexibilité impensable. Vous avez la possibilité de choisir votre peau avec des démos pré-skinned. Tu préfères le noir? lumière? ou quelque chose entre les deux? Utilisez tout le GIF que vous voulez avec le support Gif. Profitez des possibilités puissantes et faciles d’utilisation des options du thème. Ce sont autant de fonctionnalités pour créer le site Web de vos rêves.

Conception sans limites (dispositions personnalisables, styles de pieds de page et d'en-têtes illimités). Plus de 15 configurations de curseurs et d'incroyables options de calques de couleurs. Votre imagination est la frontière unique. Bénéficiez d'avantages avec des plugins à la minute près. Construisez votre propre boutique. L'intégration étendue WooCommerce et les espaces d'ajout prédéfinis sont prêts pour vous. Que vous ayez besoin de quelque chose de complexe (avec les filtres intelligents). Ou simple qui a l'air incroyablement élégant sur mobile, Jannah a tout ce qu'il vous faut. Obtenez votre entreprise dans le monde entier avec le plugin multilingue WPML. Partagez votre travail avec la communauté des médias sociaux via le plugin BuddyPress. Si vous êtes un artiste, votre site Web avec Jannah pourrait être votre chef-d'œuvre. Obtenez Jannah!

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 27

Art est un portfolio minimaliste mettant en valeur le thème WordPress. C'est idéal pour tous ceux qui ont une veine artistique. Il est livré avec plusieurs démos et un constructeur de contenu super flexible et sans code. L'art est visuellement esthétique et a un style simple lisse noir et blanc. Il est livré avec une mise en page flexible avec d'innombrables projets à définir. Essayez d'organiser des positions avec des listes illimitées et 7 types de messages personnalisés. Plusieurs pages de blog et 6 variations d'en-tête sont également données.

Art is ready for business all the way. Thanks to its WooCommerce integration you get to show and sell at once. You will find it with widgets, advanced typography, lazy load and even icons support. This a premium quality and powerful theme that is fully translatable. Art is connected to social media to easily expand exposure. It also offers SEO optimization for people to find you on filters. It is focused on great user experience that is proved by its 5-star rating. Have a look at this fast and documented tool! It even includes video tutorials! Have fun and let your artistic side loose with ART!

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 29

Doyle is a multipurpose WordPress theme built for creatives to get sassy! It is a Bearstheme creation that mixed minimalistic concept with versatile customizations. Thus it presents an aesthetic look that has little pre-built and lot to be made. Doyle offers +10 demos each with their own homepage. It provides tools such as Visual Composer page builder and Bootstrap framework. Everything will run smoothly thanks to its clean code. Getting creative with Doyle means using +85 elements and playing with unlimited colors. It means Slider Revolution and Essential grid for page content and multimedia upload. It is basically enjoying having pixel perfect graphics.

Doyle will give you versatility to portray a personal site or a professional one. Its creators are committed to help: with purchase you will receive 24/7 custom support. Constant updates are also on the way. It is fast thanks to speed loading optimization and ready for translations. Google fonts typography is also provided. Doyle is perfect for small creative businesses on the rise. You will get it with Google Maps services for any delivery service or physical stores to add. Have a quick look! It is all you will need to fall in love! Go for Doyle!

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40+ thèmes WordPress modernes et créatifs 2019 31

Werkstatt is an innovative and responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. This theme is an ideal framework for webmasters from all backgrounds and walks of life. No coding experience is needed to get sharp, professional websites with Werkstatt. Just select your templates and layouts and shape them as you wish with the Visual Composer. Within minutes you’ll be customizing your advanced settings and animations or transitions. Your creativity can run wild with Werkstatt’s utter visual freedom. Perfect for showcasing your content, creative webmasters love Werkstatt.

It provides them with such a breadth of choice for their portfolios. You can choose from hundreds of unique portfolio elements. Each has been carefully crafted for a unique purpose or a niche application. They provide a quick solution to building handsome, smooth pages in a matter of minutes. You can further customize these through your advanced theme settings with just a few clicks. With powerful commercial capabilities powered by WooCommerce, selling your wares is easy. Market your products or services and product catalogues with speed. Caft unique headers and eloquent footers without any effort at all. Responsive to the core, Werkstatt is cross-compatible with browsers the world over. Check out Werkstatt today, and find out!

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Norebro is a fresh and innovative creative WordPress multipurpose website theme. It’s a flexible platform for crafting unique, expressive modern sites. With Norebro, webmasters without coding experience can master the art of website design. A plethora of versatile, intuitive visual tools let you work from scratch, or with any of over 30 demos. Each one is a polished open canvas where you can deploy your unbridled creativity. Over two dozen artful portfolio layouts empower you to showcase your works your way.

Powerful custom options are available through the ACF Pro plugin, included within. Amazing headers and footers powered by cutting-edge tech entices your visitors. The Slider Revolution plugin captivates your audience with stunning showcases of your content. Creative blog layouts bring new life to your stories and make your readers engage. With Norebro, you can build the website you have been dreaming of!

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Folie is an original, resourceful and responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. It’s a flexible and boundless WordPress website builder. It offers a slew of advanced technology and visual effects without writing a line of code. Folie’s unique WYSIWYG live builder empowers you to bring the website of your dreams to life. Built on the Visual Composer, it incorporates fantastic premium plugins, including 2 sliders. Design and customize every element and section as you would see it on your website. Choose colors, fonts, animations, effects, from a vast, polished selection.

Folie is the perfect theme to let your creative side run wild. Design agencies, artists and freelancers love expressing themselves with Folie. Folie’s ContentBlocks let you mix and match elements from any templates and demos. This theme gives you the tools you need to stand out from the crowd with your creativity. Get Folie today!

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Simple & Elegant

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Simple & Elegant is a WordPress theme of multiple purposes. It is a diverse and edgy design of Withemes and an Elite Author product. It has high quality supported add-ons compatibilities and lots of internal features. Simple & Elegant is a focused theme: it wants simplicity and nothing more. It is responsive in all ways (screens, devices and browsers) and user friendly. It even comes with a child theme and a live demo! Simple & Elegant provides several layouts with either boxed or wide format. It comes with an incredible live customizer that lets you see changes in real time!

It even features 300+ options specially designed for it. Simple & Elegant uses MegaMenu and supports blogs and portfolio pages too. Make different versions of layouts and arrange posts in different ways including grids. You also get to have fun with Google Fonts library or your own set. Simple & Elegant uses Visual Composer Revolution Slider as the major page building plugins. It is compatible with WooCommerce to set up shops and WPML to translate. Start using this really cool and practical tool without second thoughts. Build amazing showcases or projects with one click. It already has all the documentation and support you may want! Start using Simple & Elegant!

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With powerful capabilities like bbPress social forum plugin compatibility, You can deftly handle all sorts of massive online communities across any number of niche markets and demographics in the blink of an eye. Visual customization is straightforward with You, using accessible and readily modifiable Advanced Theme Options to empower you to decide on the look, feel and behavior of every element in You. Integrated WPML plugin capabilities mean you can easily reach around the world, or across a wide set of demographics within a geographical context, greatly expanding your user base overnight. You need some You in your life!

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Intact is a multipurpose WordPress theme. It has 12 pre-built demos of one-click install. It is a high quality versatile theme with multiple specialized areas. Intact is Redux framework based giving customization a whole new level. You will get a smooth, modern look of fast response. A child theme is also provided. Intact is retina ready and mobile friendly. It uses well known Visual Composer and Revolution Slider for page building. (these even count with shortcodes and +30 content elements).

For styling, you have CSS3 animations compatibility and Lightbox plugin. Backgrounds can use Parallax too. Intact’s code is clean and simplified for user experience to be easy. This makes panel access intuitive and coding becomes unnecessary. You will find customization in many layout aspects. Intact, aims to be the best high quality multipurpose theme out there. It has +600 Google Fonts available and supports Typekit. The theme was made to be compatible with most WordPress plugins. Among them you get WPML, JetPack and Contact Form 7. You will get lots of re-built layouts and portfolio styles. Headers and footers to modify can be found as well. Want to build an edgy XXI century high image quality page from scratch? Have a look at Intact!

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LeadEngine is a crafty, creative and responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. It streamlines website construction so your creative juices can start flowing. Install your demo with one click, picking from over 30 curated pre-built websites. Customize layouts at your leisure with WPBakery Page Builder, and make your dreams come true. More than 200 custom elements offer all kinds of features for you to play with. Pricing tables, custom quotes, category searches, graphs, charts and more.

Impress your audience with smooth premium sliders and animated galleries. Showcase your creative works in minimal, clean portfolios. Tell the world what you’re all about with customizable blog pages. Market your creative products and services through built-in shop templates, with payment handling. Whether you’re a freelance designer or a professional agency, your creativity will shine. Dazzle potential new clients and grow your creative business online, with LeadEngine!

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Fi-Print is a multipurpose WordPress with great inclinations for creative aspects. It has lots of customization options and high performance features. You will get Visual Composer and SiteOrigin plugins. 2 premium options of Drag & Drop for page building. Fi-Print provides as a base 3 homepages and a one-click demo install. It is very easy to use and get started. It provides shortcodes and a simplified panel, making coding not required. Fi-Print is fast loading and SEO improved.

Its versatility is based in full compatibility with most awesome plugins. Some of these are W3 Total Cache, WPML, WooCommerce and Google Maps. Fi-Print Creative is light weighted and made with customizable headers and footers. This theme is meant to be minimalistic but with many ways to manipulate layouts at your own will. You will an amazing guidance and customer support. Fi-Print allows you to see changes in real time for the fun of getting creative. You will get high resolution galleries and columns entries for constant image posts. It also has social media sharing available. Get a good look at its high resolution all screens sizes adapting quality. Fi-Print is the choice to make for artists looking for a new digital canvas. Get Fi-Print Creative!

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Kallyas is an imaginative and responsive creative multipurpose website theme. This theme is a resourceful platform for developing handsome websites overnight. Filled with flexibility, Kallyas puts you in charge of every nook and cranny of your websites. Fine-tune your elements and settings within a few clicks through the Visual Builder. Deploy smooth sliders instantly with the Revolution Slider. Design and customize your sections as you see fit, and save them for later use. There are no limits to your creativity within Kallyas. Incredible workflow tools are built right into your back-end.

They simplify image processing so you can manage your own content with ease. The unique Kallyas Smart Loader ensures your pages load fast no matter how creative you get with them. By only loading the resources your users need every time you keep your server loads at a minimum. Your website will feel speedy and responsive at every turn, regardless of how much is going on. Awesome visual effects like smooth 3D Parallax presentations are always at your disposal. With tons of template pages and demo websites to get started with, Kallyas is a big time-saver. Kallyas is also built on Bootstrap, and thus cross-compatible out of the box. Try Kallyas today!

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With powerful plugins like the Visual Composer, Revolution Slider and Layer Slider providing a broad set of features and capabilities you can deploy to engage your audience with and keep them interested in your content the entire time. Total is perfect for creative photography portfolios and blogs, creative agencies and design studios, or creative artisanal online retail outlets; you name it, Total can help you accomplish it with ease and speed, and polished results every single time. Built on a modern design, Total is natively cross-compatible as well as inherently mobile-friendly, greatly broadening your audience. Check out Total today, and find out!

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Air is a portfolio and photography WordPress theme. It is emphasized in being light weighted and fast like the air itself. It has a responsive layout with unlimited styles for portfolios and galleries. Air uses a Drag & Drop page builder with many advanced admin panel options. It also features 7 posting formats including video, link and quote. You will find custom social media icons on footers. Air is a theme that provides pre-built choices for professions oriented to creativity. It has a customizable design with tons of colors, typography and icons. You will get 600+ Google Fonts and 400+ Font Awesome Icons to post in +4 columns.

It even offers a section to put a brand logo! Air has WooCommerce compatibility to set up shops and uses BM Slider for galleries. It supports WPML multilingual plugin, Right-to-Left (RTL) text and AJAX loading. You will get SEO improvement and shortcodes to make actions simpler and intuitive. This last two will help with speed loading and fast performance. Air is widget ready and support high resolution formats. It is quite responsive and adaptable to all screens or devices. You will get it with free updates and large documentation. Try this 5 star rated tool right away! Try Air!

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Argenta is a multi-purpose WordPress theme with lots of specialized demos. It has a very responsive design with a one click install format. Argenta seeks to be the example on simplicity with versatility at the same time. It has lots of pre-built features and it is SEO integrated. You will also blog pages and portfolio building options. Argenta is a premium quality theme of high resolution and is Retina ready. Posts can be displayed with Masonry and grid layouts and backgrounds are customizable. For basic page building you get Visual Composer and Slider Revolution.

Argenta is WooCommerce ready for online stores and WPML compatible for translations. It uses shortcodes to make panel admin flexible and intuitive (no coding required!) You will get lots of footers and sidebars of your choice. Layouts and headers are pre-built. Argent is a smooth Pixel perfect Colabrio creation. It is specifically created for smooth and clear display. You will get lots of icons integrated, including those of social media. Argent uses ACF Pro and it is SEO optimized for better searching. Tags related to its most poplars homepages’ topic are also available. Get your questions cleared with its amazing custom support system. Go for the best, Argenta!

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Orion is a Multi-Purpose WordPress theme with over 24 original demos (and 1 homepage each). It uses Visual Composer and Revolution Slider for free and has a 1 click install demo. Within its design, you will find unlimited layouts with preset colors and skins. Headers and footers on the other hand, are completely customizable. Orion is a premium product for its high resolution and use of Retina Ready plug in. As well as its speed optimization features. Orion has lots of subpages and styles for blogs and portfolios. It uses Amazing Portfolio Integration and it supports AJAX.

Sidebars, widgets and background colors are customized. You will get compatibility with Translation Ready (po/mo files). Orion is thought out for high level projects and to build the best status. It uses popular Mega Menu for display and WooCommerce for commercial transactions. It comes with Google Maps and pays attention to visual appearance fonts features. (Both Google Fonts and Font Awesome). Ultimately, it is compatible with all relevant browsers and screens. Orion is a well-reviewed (5 stars!) versatile product from Elite Author, that will blow you away with countless options. Try the best features of the market with Orion. Just get it now!

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With FatMoon, making a visual statement that is memorable and unique is the order of the day, and with 41 conceptually conceived demo websites for you to get things started, it really is no wonder. FatMoon incorporates the uncomplicated Visual Composer and Slider Revolution premium plugins to ensure graphical customization of your end user experience is speedy and hassle-free. This theme features some of the classiest and most elegantly unobtrusive portfolio template pages on the market today, with advanced grid and masonry configuration capabilities, smooth transitions and animations and much more under the hood. FatMoon’s native, Bootstrap-powered responsiveness makes it mobile-friendly from the ground up. Try FatMoon today, and see for yourself!

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Paperio is a creative and responsive WordPress multipurpose blog website theme. This theme is the finest thing to happen for publishing since the printer. Capable of taking any shape and form you can think of, Paperio is very flexible. Packed with polished demo websites for specific purposes, you can mix and match them to do what you want. The Live Customizer lets you fine-tune your colors and fonts and more on the go. Masonry, grid layouts, column lists, endless sidebars and many more options are waiting. Paperio lets you unleash your creativity and present your blog in a unique way. Customize a variety of headers and footers and frame your words just right.

The Awesome MegaMenu lets you present your blog in a creative, thoughtful hierarchy. Guide your users by the hand as they peruse your visual experiences. Creative navigation styles make your blog stand out and get noticed. Engaging featured content sliders can be deployed on any section or page. Bring in your Instagram feed and take your social media game up a notch. Post videos and galleries, set up email subscription newsletter blasts and much more. Paperio is a theme for going wild with your blog. Try Paperio today!

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Oshine is an amazing, versatile, multi-layout WordPress theme that can improve any portfolio. In addition, it includes over 18 distinct demos. Oshine was voted Best Portfolio & Photography theme by many upstanding popular blogs. Attention to detail is the cornerstone of each demo’s design philosophy. Clean, streamlined and modern, your site will surely impress potential employers. A customized experience is guaranteed, given the option to combine features from multiple demos. Having a distinct and recognizable look is important, considering that the market often shuns mediocrity and unoriginality. Oshine is a masterpiece, and it allows you to create a site like no other. Every page can be tailored to accommodate your specification, thanks to the diverse roster of features.

It incorporates the powerful drag and drop page builder. This builder is capable of generating impressive pages in a very short amount of time. Customers can benefit from visual previews in the backend, and amazing features such as copy & paste. The Theme Options Panel has no limits and it offers precise color controls, and 500 beautiful Google Fonts. Oshine incorporates 5 menu layouts, 3 footer and body layouts, in addition to 10 distinct header layout combinations. Each of these options can be combined in order to reflect your vision. Gradient overlays, variable gutters, multiple columns, 7 Title Styles and 8 Hover options are offered.

Full screen sliders, background videos and images, can add another dimension to your pages, combining practicality and solid aesthetic design. Oshine has gone through rigorous testing in order to assure that all users will have the same quality experience. The result is a fully responsive theme that works on all platforms.

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Hestia Pro

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Hestia Pro is a resourceful and imaginative, fluid and dynamic, smooth and professional, readily responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. This theme has been developed to empower webmasters with the capability to create sophisticated, feature-rich websites spanning a full range of applications and industries, from personal websites to professional portfolios, businesses and corporations, you name it, Hestia Pro can pull it off in the blink of an eye, without having to write a single line of code.

Packed with incredible templates and demos to effectively speed up your website building process immensely, Hestia Pro requires a single click in order to deploy a fully fleshed out website with modules, sections, widgets, sliders and menus, ready for you to creatively style and arrange your layout, customize your graphics and accomplish as thorough and as deep a branding process as you want to shoot for. Hestia Pro’s incredibly polished Theme Customizer offers an amazing range of tools for you to turn your website’s look and feel inside out in a matter of minutes, within a few easy clicks, going from headers and footers to menus and sidebars, fonts and colors and far beyond. Let your creativity run wild, with Hestia Pro at your side!

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Lorem is a very elegant and aesthetically flexible yet elegant, creative and imaginative, colorful and fresh, intuitively customizable and structurally robust as well as pliable, seamlessly responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. It’s a competent, solid and capable WordPress theme that employs a cutting edge W3C valid HTML5 code as a backbone to a sleek, ambitious and flexible CSS3 scripting technology articulated through a modular Bootstrap design that is completely mobile friendly and inherently responsive, cross-compatible with platforms, browsers and devices the world over.

Lorem includes the clever and user friendly Visual Composer page builder, which requires absolutely no coding in order for you to build your own entirely unique website layouts to fit your every spec and satisfy your every need. This theme is a gateway to completely one of a kind websites that stand out from the crowd and make a bold, memorable statement. With Lorem, every website has a unique flair that is palpable through every bit of your creative, imaginative web creations, from custom widgets and shortcodes to sleek, responsive sliders and flexible, all-purpose templates and layouts covering needs from portfolios to blogs and galleries, as well as custom WooCommerce interfaces, and so much more! Try Lorem today!

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POFO is an inventive, polished and responsive WordPress creative portfolio website theme. It puts you in charge of a top-notch, sophisticated design tools, plugins and widgets. 25 homepages and 200+ custom pages streamline the design process, with ample choice. Find the right fit and make it yours with WPBakery, successor to Visual Composer. The advanced WYSIWYG builder offers real-time editing and a plethora of custom settings.

Creative webmasters appreciate the freedom Revolution Slider provides in POFO. A wealth of sliders, carousels, and Parallax effects, ensures no shortage of attractions. Amazing portfolio options offer an outlet for your creativity to run wild. Stunning animations, transitions and combinations will engage your audience with your works. Build an audience with Yoast! SEO, keep in touch through your blog and with MailChimp, and monetize it with WooCommerce. POFO has what you need for your passion to succeed!

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Collective is a resourceful and responsive WordPress minimal multipurpose website theme. This theme is a gorgeous framework for webmasters across the board. Whether you’re dealing with personal or a professional project, Collective is what you need. The Visual Composer keeps customization simple and easy. Convenient elements let you showcase your works and products in a clean presentation. Over a dozen unique homepage demo websites let you hit the ground running. Designers, architects, creatives and marketers can succeed with Collective on their corner.

The seamless minimal design lets your users focus on your content without distraction. That’s why online stores love using Collective to market their catalogues. AJAX technology powers advanced searches, filtering and portfolios. A beautiful AJAX mini cart is included as well. Every element in Collective is a thoughtful, handcrafted feature that expands your functionality. Deploy galleries and animate them with smooth transitions. Boxed, full width and framed layouts switch up how your content is presented. With ContactForm7 integration, your audience can get in touch with you with ease. And the awesome Bootstrap framework powers Collective’s thorough cross-compatible responsiveness. Reach a wider audience and make the sale, with Collective!

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Amazingly detailed spoken video tutorials are included with Verve to ensure you always make the most of this incredibly flexible theme from day one, taking you by the hand through the uncomplicated single click demo import process, the intuitive Visual Composer customization and layout crafting process, and a number of additional tutorials expansively explaining how to achieve professional quality sprawling image galleries with engaging animations and transitions, beautiful, breath-taking high resolution featured image and content sliders, or utter e-Commerce readiness by enabling the integrated WooCommerce e-Commerce plugin suite features with the flick of a switch, so you can instantly market your wares. Verve is for webmasters that can’t afford anything but the best. How’s that sound?

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H-Code is a massive and imaginative, incredibly convenient and time-saving, visually enticing and wonderfully responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. This theme is an ambitious, massive platform for the intuitive and uncomplicated development of professional quality websites across an enormous range of businesses and fields of interests. H-Code has been endowed with a vast collection of professionally designed multipage and single page or homepage demo websites, each completely functional right out of the box and optimized for all kinds of niche or general applications.

With H-Code’s integrated premium Visual Composer and Revolution Slider plugins, graphical customization is the order of the day, and you can really let your creative juices flow freely, producing unique, relatable and enveloping websites every single time. H-Code includes outstanding features, widgets and elements, totaling in at over 200 and all readily available to drag and drop into the action and customize to suit your behavioral and visual expectations. With amazing transitions and animations, you can make true works of art within H-Code, which will look ineffably seamless and stylish regardless of what device, browser or platform your users are coming in from, thanks to Twitter’s Bootstrap based modular design. H-Code is your soundest ally in expressing your creativity online!

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Brando is an innovative and responsive one page multipurpose website theme. This theme is a fantastic resource for webmasters looking for some creative freedom. With Brando, you get access to a series of resourceful conceptual demos. You can modify these demos with hundreds of custom elements, layouts and shortcodes. Making Brando websites unique and eloquent is easy. With custom headers, footers and navigation styles, your website will stand out. Attractive animations and transitions can be custom styled to your heart’s content. Parallax visual effects make your websites modern and seamless.

Brando’s sleek one page design makes it a hit with mobile audiences. That’s why the Bootstrap framework powers Brando’s total cross-compatibility. Your expressive websites will be rendered seamlessly across all browsers and devices. You will feel free to craft engaging navigational experiences, knowing everyone can enjoy. Endless custom fonts, colors, icons and more are all waiting within Brando. Gorgeous galleries and portfolios showcase your finest creative works to the world. Enticing and minimalist blog layouts let you keep audiences interested with content flow. The AllIn1 SEO Pack makes Brando a powerful search engine performer, increasing traffic. Brando has the tools to take your project to the next level. Check it out now!

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luisa - clean minimal portfolio theme

LUISA is a fresh, clean and minimalist website template ideal for portfolio website. This theme is ideal for creative individuals, agencies and business who want to showcase their stunning works and projects. Its clean and minimalist design allows you to implement any website design that you can imagine. You can easily setup, customize, and run your website thanks to its one click demo install functionality. The WordPress Customizer allows you to modify certain theme elements. Its minimalist appearance makes your content take the spotlight and helps you successfully achieve the purpose of your website (showcase your works, promote, gain more followers or sell). This theme comes with a very fluid layout design that efficiently adjusts on any types of mobile devices. This theme is built based on Bootstrap 3 framework to ensure quick and easy website development.

It includes portfolio post type to let users easily post images and other visual contents with ease. LUISA uses isotope and masonry grid layout that makes your website look clean, ordered and easy to view. Moreover, this theme supports video files so you can also easily share video presentations in your blog or portfolio. This theme also implements AJAX navigation to ensure that your web visitors easily find their desired content. This theme has parallax effects for headers and portfolio sections that will certainly grab the attention of your target visitors. Ce simple theme is fully optimized for SEO and designed using clean and valid HTML5 and CSS3 technologies. To end, you will never regret choosing this theme because they have an outstanding customer support that could help you make the most of this minimalist yet fully functional WordPress theme.

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Hellen is a stylish and responsive WordPress elegant and minimalist multipurpose website theme. It’s a design-driven platform for articulating eloquent websites. There is no end to what you can accomplish using Hellen. Its modern design pivots around a strong visual hierarchy, well-suited many projects. Bloggers, retailers, magazines, businesses, marketers and professionals love Hellen. It furnishes them with the tools to introduce themselves and their philosophy to all. Seamless visual stylings accompany each of Hellen’s awesome demo websites and templates.

The Visual Composer lets you craft unique layouts within each of them without coding. Extensive portfolio, gallery, showcase and social elements are built right into Visual Composer. Drag and drop anything you want into the action and customize it at will. The beautiful Revolution Slider powers your smooth slideshows. Engage and impress your audience with modern, sleek sliders in a few clicks. Customize them with videos, images or custom featured content. The flexible Content Dock feature keeps your pages dynamic and functional. A professional quality off canvas menu lets you handle mobile users in style. Responsive and mobile-friendly, Hellen looks gorgeous across all platforms. Fast-loading and optimized, nobody beats Hellen’s sheer speed. Check out Hellen today, and see for yourself!

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roua simple and minimal portfolio theme

ROUA is the ideal WordPress theme for people who wish to create an impressive web page. Artists, graphic designers, photographers and illustrators can enjoy its features.  ROUA is very user-friendly, as anyone can navigate its options.

The installation process will not take long, and the resulting website will run on all devices. This theme has its own personality, distinguishing it from its competitors. The secret to personalization is to give customers the option to craft their own experience. This allows you to include important projects, and display them in an enticing manner. Professional presentations will always use some video files, in order to contextualize and exemplify the subject. ROUA has full video support, as clients are free to include whatever they want on their portfolio projects and pages. The developers added several custom templates for pages, which you can add with a few clicks. In addition, your site will benefit from Parallax headers, adding a new dimension to your content.

ROUA is search engines friendly. Even the best sites can be forgotten, if they do not show up on the top spots of search results. That will never happen to you. When creating your site, you may choose to start from scratch, or simply take advantage of the awesome demo data. It serves as a perfect template of what a page should look like, helping your ascension towards success. Some customers may choose to translate their content. Thankfully, sites that use ROUA are WPML-ready, as every line can be displayed in another language. If you encounter any problems, be sure to contact the 5-star rated support team. They can help you to navigate any issue.

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notio clean minimal portfolio theme

Instead of aiming for another mediocre WordPress theme, Natio tries to focus more on quality. It is an E-Commerce Deluxe Portfolio theme that aims to leave its mark on the industry. Notio tries to change the status quo by introducing a full-stack animation library which results in excellent animation that can be displaying on any screen, regardless of the device.

Notio’s pages do not rely on templates, as they are made with the help of the Visual Composer tool. This results in an endless variety of potential layouts, for you and your visitors. You would have to pay an inconceivable amount of money in order to have an agency do construct each individual page. Notio definitely lives up to its promises, and saves you tens of thousands of dollars. This theme has 10 layouts for your portfolio and 8 portfolio detail pages. If you want to create a respectable online store, there is only one way to go: WooCommerce. This plugin is as prolific, as it is impressive. Using it, your merchandise will definitely have a head start.

Another important feature is the Revolution Slider. It is a staple of any successful theme, this Slider can create impressive slideshows, with eye catching animation in-between images. Notio is compatible with WPML, allowing for the translation page. This brings the added benefit of expanding your potential customer base, and building a multicultural community around your site. The installation process is not difficult at all. It only takes one single click and you are ready to roll.

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Contrary to popular belief, creativity does not live in a vacuum. It requires an environment that nourishes thought and expression. However, it can be hard to focus on quality content while handling a cumbersome website. Brixton is a WordPress theme that promises to take care of the heavy lifting. This gives you time to focus on what is truly important: your writing. The site creation and customization process is very user-friendly, and even a child can design a professional blog. You don’t need any coding knowledge to use this theme.

Brixton has multiple post templates: audio, gallery, link, video, and standard. It is possible for site owners to upload their own favicons and logos. In addition, your creative website will benefit from CSS animations and features. Should you encounter any issues, do not hesitate to consult the detailed help file. It contains relevant information regarding all major features. Readers will always appreciate a creative website that does not waste their time. Thankfully, Brixton benefits from lightning-fast loading speeds and a very intuitive interface. Brixton has two main versions: boxed and full width.  Regardless of the version you choose, your page will surely look incredible. You can experiment with different site color schemes since there is a limitless number of color palettes.

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sekko creative wordpress theme

Chic, stylish and elaborative, Sekko is the ultimate theme for passionately innovative individuals. This creative WordPress theme has tons of astounding portfolio and inner page layouts to select from, so you will never run out of options. If you are in need to create the most marvelous online portfolio website, by all means, go all in with Sekko and see the magic happen. Besides, blogging as well will never be the same again, as you will get more inspired with Sekko’s impressive and functional tools.

How about online selling? This theme covers the base very well too! It works smooth with WooCommerce what unlocks a whole new specter of possibilities for you. Furthermore, never worry about viewing your site from different devices, as Sekko is very responsive and retina ready. Take a peek at Sekko and experience its stunningness.

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brunn creative wordpress theme

Showcase your craft professionally with Brünn; a theme made for agencies and businesses with an artistic side. This creative WordPress theme delivers a practical approach with its designs, to assure so that every dollar is well-spent. Choose from the twelve ready-made gorgeous homepage layouts and extra internal pages to start forming the dream website right off the bat. Play around with its user-friendly, powerful interface and you will find out that this theme is easy to use. Even if you have no skill in programming, you can still succeed greatly with Brünn.

Overall, Brünn is the only theme you will ever need, packed with tons of features that will be of great benefit. Make sure you use Brünn to its full potential and modify the web design according to your desire precisely.

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centaurus creative wordpress theme

Let your imagination run wild and free with Centaurus. This creative WordPress theme utilizes an Elementor front-end builder which entails that you can simply drag and drop elements to build a website. In just one click, you can try out any demo that you fancy until you come up with the best design that seamlessly resonates with your project. With more than five hundred different options and counting, you will never get tired of mixing and matching design combos.

Every layout or component is responsive and stunning, making sure your Centaurus website runs smoothly on all devices. Last but not least, language barriers will not be an issue since you can translate your site in any language, thanks to the .pot files which are part of the package deal. Craft an exciting online portfolio, start a compelling blog or even sell items online, Centaurus is here to satisfy all your needs.

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electric - creative portfolio wp theme

Websites usually fall into one of two categories: those with niche specialization, and those that can fit a variety of roles. Surprisingly, Electric is a WordPress theme that an easily adapt to both roles. It can meet the requirements of any job, accommodating both new users and experts. Electric is an exceptional product, and it should be your first choice, if you are looking for a reliable, quality WordPress theme.

Electric is the theme for everyone, as it eliminates those difficult, steep learning curves. It will give you the tools required in order to craft an amazing site. It is refreshing to see such a versatile product, available for such a modest price. You can add or remove practical short codes, adjust the layout design, and alter the home page. This theme can suit your preference, and your needs. After you finished the installation process, you can enjoy the 8 distinct portfolio designs. You can implemented them on your home page and inner page. Further customization is possible, thanks to the revolutionary Page Builder.

There are often many compatibility issues when attempting to display content of smaller, mobile screens. Problems like cropping around the corning and stretching beyond the screen are quite prolific. Thankfully, Electric gets rid of any inconvenience due to the fact that it is fully responsive.

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If you want to sample their content and see what it’s about, a live preview is available on the website. The price is quite affordable, considering the versatile features that it puts at your disposal. The creators added an online documentation source that allows customers to learn more about the theme.

The overall design of the theme has a refined flexible and daring feel, making it the ideal skin for those seeking to establish a creative website that truly stands out from the competition. You can access the organization of your page, given the drag and drop interface feature.

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koncept innovative minimal portfolio theme

Regardless of how detailed a written review is, it cannot match the demonstrative power of a simple live preview. If you wish to see what this theme is about, you may access a live preview. KONCEPT is a theme that offers an excellent solution for those that need a strong portfolio.

Its overall design has a simple, minimalist and elegant style, based on an impressive modular concept. The portfolio grid itself is based on the masonry style. The plethora of options, short codes and features assure a versatile experience. The developers aimed this theme for web pages but you can still use this to adapt on many other roles.

If you want to commercialize your service or product, you can freely use the Woocommerce plugin support included in this theme. This plugin serves as an industry sweetheart when it comes to safe online transactions. Koncept can surround all of your arts and creative solutions with quality and display it in gorgeous high fidelity.

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corpuse - creative portfolio wordpress theme

Corpus is an incredibly flexible, amazingly powerful, lightweight and intuitive WordPress responsive multipurpose theme, built with the needs of all sorts of webmasters in mind, from personal to corporate and commercial, sizes big and small, who share one common characteristic—a relentless creativity, often stifled by restrictive options when trying to find a simple way to build your website solution. This theme is the answer to those expressive prayers—it is the embodiment of creative freedom in the form of a WordPress theme, capable of twisting into any shape you need with WPBakery’s drag & drop Visual Composer and the pliable Redux framework. Tons of shortcodes, widgets and features are available and customizable to your heart’s content.

Whether you’re building a recipes blog, a freelance photographer portfolio or a game developing studio, Corpus has everything you’ll need, from an incredible Featured section that can be wholly customized in shape and size and can include maps, videos, images, you name it, to tons of blog and portfolio options, CSS animations everywhere, incredible sidebar options and liberty in terms of number, content, placement, behavior… Corpus is as thorough as it is comprehensive in the vastness of the array of choices it makes available to you. Let your ideas run free, backed with Corpus, today!

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Creativity is a very intangible and ethereal property. It comes and goes as it pleases, and an artist’s job is to channel his creative states as soon as they arise. Quality WordPress themes like Fashion Blog must be able to provide an environment that encourages and nurtures the artistic spirit. This product has a charming and intuitive layout that is sure to attract many readers to your content. You do not need to be an expert web developer in order to benefit from Fashion Blog. The installation and customization process has been greatly simplified, due to the inclusion of demo content.

With a single click, you can swiftly import pre-made content. After the setup stage is complete, users can shape every page into something that matches their vision. The developers made this possible by including the extraordinary WordPress Live Customizer tool in the theme. Additionally, you can have a live preview of the changes you made before you implement them. Fashion Blog has completely eliminated all resizing errors, and users can access it from any device, operating system, or web browser. This can make your job easier, given that you can now work from anywhere, at any time. Despite its power and versatility, this theme remains lightweight, practical, and simplistic.

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Throne is a wonderfully designed, visually attractive and appealing, dynamic and engaging, modern and technologically savvy, vibrant and colorful, aesthetically clean and minimalist, fresh-faced and accessible responsive WordPress minimal multipurpose theme, a sophisticated, elegant and refined theme that has been jam-packed with a series of powerful and impressive widgets, features and functions in order to enable Throne to effortlessly handle a wide range of website needs, but that has been kept extremely easy and intuitive to customize with potent and resourceful options available that empower webmasters of any skill level to produce extremely professional and polished websites that perfectly match their vision.

That is why Throne reigns supreme amongst creative WordPress themes, and it is an outstanding solution for all sorts of creative websites, from artists and photographers to musicians and performers, from illustrators to designers and many more—if you dabble in the creative fields and need a website that can properly allow for your self-expression to take place unhindered by hassling or distracting redundant elements, Throne’s refreshingly light user interface and visual language will sweep you off your feet. Built on a Bootstrap framework, Throne makes sure that you can seamlessly display your carefully designed webpages across all devices capable of accessing the internet.

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bridge expressive multipurpose business theme

Bridge is a nifty WordPress theme that includes a versatile QODE slider, and a page builder that is both powerful and user friendly. Your users will have an easy time cycling through your content, thanks to the transitions that can be seen between content pieces. These transitions are fully animate with impressive effects.

The video background is another big selling point of Bridge, as it really makes your page come alive with motion and color.

All of your content is retina ready, and you can display it on high resolution screens. Bridge includes a multitude of short codes and a custom mega menu. Check out the live preview to see this theme in action, and see if it’s right for you. The rate is affordable, and the amount of content means that you will be getting a pretty big bang for your buck.

It features a main master theme, along with 54 incredible, user friendly demos.

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brooklyn productive creative one page theme

This is one of those creative WordPress themes that developers constantly maintain and update. This almost guarantees continuous improvement and the eradication of potential issues. Brooklyn is able to display your content in both multi-page and one page setup. The amount of content that is available more than justifies the modest, reasonable price. It has 12 pre-made demos, 7 styles of global header, 6 home hero types, and an unlimited number of page styles.

The package is WPML certified, allowing for the translation of your content and broadening your potential reach and market demographics. It is obvious that the developers spent a lot of time making a theme that can stand up to scrutiny, and generate positive results for clients. It takes only one single click to initiate the installation process, thanks to the aptly named One Click demo installer. This product is great for large companies, or smaller passion projects. The range of applications are limitless.

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Given that there are thousands of sites created each second, you need something that makes you stand out. Himmelen is an excellent creative WordPress theme, capable of enhancing your website. It allows you to express your individuality though a series of wonderful options and features. Regardless of your niche, your content will look incredible.

Customers will be able to treat their page as an empty canvas, customizing every aspect via the Advanced Himmelen Control Panel. Despite its power and versatility, the panel is very user-friendly. There is no need for HTML or CSS3 expertise, resulting in a very intuitive experience for all users.  There are 3 basic menu positions, each with its own style: Footer, Top, Header and Canvas. The layout offers cross-browser compatibility, and the developers built it using Bootstrap 3. Your entire site will be Retina-ready and responsive. Smartphone and tablet users will experience no problems while browsing from their devices.

Of course, your creative website will benefit from limitless color options. You may design your own scheme, or implement one of the 12 pre-designed skins. There are multiple header variations, and different footer styles. For new users, they provided a detailed and informative Documentation source. It offers to guide you through the installation process.

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moon - creative photography theme

It used to be the case that programmers and web developers would dominate the online market. With Moon, that is no longer true. This WordPress theme does its best to accommodate those who have no previous experience. Its theme layout is very user-friendly and intuitive, aiding and guiding customers as they construct their website.

Although its versatility allows for any application, you can best use Moon for enhancing the pages of creative blogs and portfolios. An extensive documentation source offers to assist users, while gif snippets and video tutorials complete the experience. There are multiple format variations for each of your posts, and the possibility to include audio files from networks such as SoundCloud. You can feature videos from Vimeo and YouTube as well.

For a more interactive and impressive browsing session, users can overlap their photos on a world map. Your visitors can view all of your photos by clicking on a specific location. You will also be able to display a list of your available services, and determine their price. Do not forget to encourage potential customers and you have a much higher chance of winning them over. Thankfully, Moon can facilitate appointment booking, giving you more information about their required service and time schedule.

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hazel successful creative portfolio theme

A great indicator of an adequate WordPress creative theme is that it overwhelms the potential customer with a huge amount of handy content. If you wish to experience what Hazel offers, you can look for the live preview on the developer’s site. In the context of 3 editions, 35 demos are available, spread out in the Hazel, Hazel glass and Hazel gold categories.

This theme is easy to customize because it lets you make plenty of choices regarding the aesthetic and functional aspect of your future page. You can create something that fits your vision, and you don’t have to be a tech savvy programmer in order to achieve it.

All of your icons will be retina ready, and they can show up on high resolution displays without any compatibility issues thanks to Hazel’s fully responsive coding. The theme also includes an unlimited number of layouts for title areas and headers, along with a full screen men and sticky menu content.

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stockholm resourceful multiconcept theme

The developers pride themselves in developing a theme that is genuinely a multi concept product. If you want to see what Stockholm is all about, check out one of their 20 stunning multi concept demos, or the live preview feature. These will probably inform you regarding the quality of the product, and how it can aid to climb those search engine rankings. The developers made the admin panel user friendly, so you don’t need a large amount of coding. Even a child can create and manage a successful website, if Stockholm is the theme of choice.

Upon purchase, you are not getting a static, unchanging single product In fact, you can expect plenty of updates and support, free of charge. The overall design features a large amount of attention that they placed on detail, along with extensive documentation regarding theme installation and use. All devices can access and display the sections of your page, with every element being fully responsive.

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specular quick witted creative portfolio theme

When you name your product Specular, it better be good or you risk looking foolish. Modestly priced and well balanced, this theme is versatile as it can work with almost all types of creative websites. An interesting trend has developed among the WordPress community, where the developers release some really comprehensive demos, allowing customers to make informed decisions regarding their purchase.

For example, Specular offers you some preset demos that cover a multitude of activity niches. You can modify the Minimal, Business, Agency, Medicine, Portfolio and Restaurant demos to fit user specifications before you even decide to buy them. This accurately shows the capabilities of the theme, without any financial risk on the customer’s part. You can efficiently resolve any issue using the support forum developed by the community. If you are relatively inexperienced with page building, the developers also released some awesome theme documentation files that you can read online with no download required.

Overall, Spectacular lives up to its name due to the powerful customization features, preview options, and strong user accessibility.

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nantes eccentric minimal woocommerce theme

To be honest, Nantes is a bit more expensive that other WordPress themes. The question is obvious: Is this theme worth the few extra dollars that it asks for? The short answer is yes, given that it is a highly creative corporate and eCommerce theme. When in doubt, check out their live preview for more information.

The developers were kind enough to add some 4 demos, including Blog, Corporate, Portfolio and Shop configurations. Try them out and decide what is best for your web page. You can your own versatile and stable online store by using the implemented Woocommerce plugin.

This theme includes a login and rating system, along with the possibility to add some advanced reviews. The general direction in which your theme will go, is totally up to you. Do you want it to be focused on the eCommerce side of business, or do you want an impressive corporate or agency page? Regardless of your choice, Nantes can support your dream with its features and well programmed interface.

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rosie crisp creative wordpress portfolio theme

Rosie is a fully responsive creative WordPress Theme that appeals to bloggers, photographers, writers and the like. Corporate firms will find this theme priceless. Say hello to awesome design features like parallax effects, transparent menu options, full page scroll and motion backgrounds.

You can view fonts from a preset standard online. There is an added option to import or export whatever you deem fit. The creators built Rosie with a user friendly AJAX based operating interface. You get to update your theme for as long as you have it!

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