Tous les développeurs et propriétaires de sites Web n'aiment pas les sites Web brillants, animés et complexes. Dans certains cas, les boutons «Acheter maintenant» brillants et colorés ont tendance à décourager les visiteurs ou les acheteurs potentiels. Dans les thèmes WordPress épurés, ces éléments inutiles sont supprimés pour présenter vos produits, services ou contenus de manière élégante et élégante. Garder votre site Web propre, fonctionnel et simple permet à vos visiteurs de se concentrer sur le contenu que vous proposez et sur la valeur qu'ils peuvent en tirer. Une autre raison pour laquelle le thème Clean WordPress est très populaire de nos jours est le fait que les conceptions simples se chargent généralement plus rapidement et offrent une meilleure expérience utilisateur. Les thèmes avec des mises en page simples et des fonctionnalités modestes apportent souplesse et fonctionnalité à votre site Web. De manière générale, les sites Web propres sont plus attrayants et plus faciles à naviguer par rapport aux sites Web chargés.
Si vous recherchez un thème accrocheur, propre et fonctionnel pour votre site Web, vous êtes au bon endroit! Cette liste de thèmes WordPress propres est créée pour les propriétaires de sites Web et les blogueurs qui apprécient le minimalisme. Les thèmes inclus dans cette liste auront fière allure sur votre site en apportant une touche moderne et créative à votre site Web.
Uncode est un thème extrêmement pixel parfait, avec une technologie de pointe telle que la fonction Adaptive Images qui redimensionne et redimensionne automatiquement vos pages Web pour s’intégrer intelligemment dans n’importe quel écran, appareil ou plate-forme dont proviennent vos visiteurs. Uncode est idéal pour les professionnels de la création dans un large éventail de domaines et d’industries. Ses sites Web de démonstration transparents vous feront économiser beaucoup de temps et d’efforts lors de la configuration de votre propre site Web unique et personnalisé pour épater et impressionner vos clients!
Jevelin est un thème de site Web polyvalent premium WordPress premium, intelligent, ingénieux, débrouillard, intuitif et intuitif. Ce thème est idéal pour les webmasters de tous les horizons à la recherche d'une plate-forme simple pour la création rapide d'une multitude de sites Web couvrant une gamme incroyablement large d'applications, d'archétypes et d'objectifs. Jevelin est une ressource incroyable pour créer des sites Web modernes complexes et sophistiqués en un clin d'œil, sans écrire de code, et avec tous les éléments d'un site Web haut de gamme complet à votre disposition.
Jevelin est basé sur une interface intuitive de création de page par glisser-déposer, qui vous permet de créer facilement des dispositions uniques pour vos éléments sur toutes vos pages, en partant de rien ou en vous basant sur l'une des nombreuses pages modèles de Jevelin, ce qui vous permet d'économiser du temps et de l'énergie. offrir des options flexibles. Avec Jevelin, vous avez accès à une puissante interface utilisateur d'administration avec une multitude d'options pour des capacités de personnalisation approfondies. Vous pouvez modifier la palette de couleurs entière pour les accents et les rehauts au sein de chaque page en quelques clics, et même spécifier des présentations d'en-tête uniques pour chaque page comme vous le souhaitez, sans complication. Essayez Jevelin aujourd'hui!
Soledad est une esthétique raffinée et sophistiquée, belle et minimaliste, épurée et parfaitement structurée, intelligemment codée et très légère et efficace, robuste et fiable, technologiquement compétente et inventive, facile à utiliser et merveilleusement intuitive. WordPress multiconcept thème de site Web de blog et magazine multiconcept. C’est un thème vraiment magnifique avec des possibilités presque infinies pour les webmasters de tous niveaux. Son processus de conception et de construction de pages Web simplifié et rationalisé, construit autour de la plate-forme WordPress Live Customizer, vous permet de voir votre travail au fur et à mesure que vous le modifiez, afin que vous ayez une idée de ce à quoi votre site ressemble vraiment, à chaque tour.
Des centaines d'options de personnalisation en profondeur sont facilement disponibles en quelques clics, transformant essentiellement le site Web de votre blog ou magazine Soledad en pratiquement la mise en page ou la conception dont vous avez besoin. Soledad se comportera toujours exactement comme vous le souhaitez et si vous ne trouvez pas ce dont vous avez besoin parmi les 250 sites de démonstration et plus de 100 combinaisons de blogs et de curseurs de Soledad, il est assez facile de créer votre propre mise en page personnalisée à partir de zéro en utilisant une multitude de codes abrégés et d’éléments de bloc avancés que vous pouvez simplement glisser-déposer en jeu. Créer un site Web professionnel, soigné et vierge n'a jamais été aussi facile et sans efforts qu'avec Soledad, et les résultats parlent d'eux-mêmes.
Gillion (Article Tendance)
Gillion est un logiciel rapide à mettre en place un thème WordPress. Il a été conçu pour les magazines, les blogs et l'écriture. Gillion est livré avec 7 démonstrations d'installation en un clic et un excellent panneau d'administration. Il est simplifié d'éviter le codage et d'autoriser les personnalisations. Jouez avec le personnalisateur en direct de Gillion et ses couleurs illimitées. Configurez de nombreuses dispositions de blog, widgets personnalisés et styles d'en-tête. Gillion est compatible avec les appareils mobiles, optimisé pour le référencement et compatible avec Bootstrap. Il est livré avec Visual Composer en tant que constructeur de page avec le framework Unyson. Obtenez le meilleur support personnalisé d'une équipe star et de la documentation. Ce thème propre, moderne et flexible est venu pour tout changer sur les nouvelles et la communication. Utilisez Gillion! Plus d'infos / Télécharger
Vous savez probablement déjà quelque chose à propos de Divi, et il n’ya pas de questions quant à sa place dans notre collection des meilleurs thèmes WordPress propres. Bien que vous puissiez créer littéralement tout type de site Web avec Divi comme vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez bien entendu adopter une approche propre et minimale. Le package Divi comprend également un constructeur de pages visuelles extrêmement pratique qui permet à chacun de montrer ses compétences et son talent et de créer des pages uniques. Allez aussi artistique que vous le souhaitez, Divi gère tout cela avec facilité.
Avec Divi, vous pouvez personnaliser à peu près tout ce que vous voulez. L’option la plus rapide consiste à choisir l’une des nombreuses démos préconçues et à l’adapter à vos besoins avec précision. Cependant, vous pouvez également créer des pages personnalisées et créer le site Web le plus original qui manque à ce monde jusqu'à présent. Nous vous mettons au défi de vous rendre aussi sauvage que possible avec Divi et n’ayez pas peur de partager vos créations avec nous dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.
Si vous n’êtes pas sûr à 100% de la façon d’aborder la conception Web, le moyen le plus prometteur consiste à choisir un thème WordPress épuré. Garder les choses simples et bien rangées Pont, un outil polyvalent créatif qui répond à vos besoins en un rien de temps. Bridge est un thème puissant avec une énorme collection de démos prédéfinies qui conviendront à toutes vos idées, aussi sauvages soient-elles. En laissant de côté le fouillis, vous êtes assuré que le produit final apparaîtra à un large public.
Mais Bridge n’est pas seulement une question de propreté et de simplicité, c’est aussi beaucoup plus. Par exemple, Bridge propose d'incroyables didacticiels vidéo étape par étape qui aident les utilisateurs à devenir des professionnels de la création de sites Web. De plus, Bridge est également 100% réactif, prêt pour la rétine, à l’écoute des navigateurs Web et optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche. De plus, profitez d'un ensemble de plugins premium et portez votre blog à un niveau supérieur.
Stash est un outil WordPress polyvalent avec un concept lisse, propre et moderne, conçu pour s’adapter à tout et à tous. Il est livré avec 48 pages d'accueil étonnantes, spécialisées dans différents créneaux ou zones de marché. Stash est astucieux et amusant à jouer, offrant une large gamme de personnalisations esthétiques. Il a des arrière-plans vidéo, des animations CSS3 et des couleurs illimitées. Utilisez les fonctions Essential Grid et Slider Revolution intégrées pour plus de puissance!
Stash est visuellement attrayant et simple à utiliser. Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose de simple et rapide, optez pour des éléments prédéfinis. Vous pouvez compter sur Visual Composer et plus de 260 blocs de construction pour faire preuve de créativité. Jouez avec Google Fonts et les jeux de polices Awesome pour la typographie et l'iconographie. Stash fait en sorte que tout se passe bien avec un code propre basé sur HTML5. Avec une réactivité de 100%, la compatibilité inter-navigateur et l'adaptabilité de l'image sont ainsi trouvées. La vitesse et l'optimisation des moteurs de recherche ont également été optimisées! Documentation, support client 24/7 et un thème enfant sont également fournis!
Optez pour quelque chose qui répond à vos besoins sans fanfare ni complications. Essayez quelque chose de propre et de simple, mais contenant de grands avantages! Essayez Stash!
Crane est un thème polyvalent de qualité supérieure dont la conception diversifiée et réactive prend en charge les idées novatrices. Il est livré avec 11 superbes pages d'accueil parmi lesquelles choisir et une importation de démonstration en un clic. Les options de mise en page incluent 150 pages intérieures, portefeuilles, blogs et 2 000 icônes. Tout est dans un format d'une page, garantissant que les premières impressions sont les meilleures. Crane a un concept attrayant et moderne qui repose sur des addons visuellement superbes. Vous obtiendrez une puissante intégration de MegaMenu et Groovy Menu pour organiser les messages à votre guise. Si le codage vous concerne, ne vous inquiétez pas; avec Visual Composer, vous n’en aurez pas besoin. Crane est également idéal pour les créatifs travaillant avec différentes formes d'art numérique. Il contient deux curseurs premium personnalisables et amusants à utiliser pour définir des galeries et afficher votre travail. La documentation et le support sont évidemment disponibles aussi!
Studio 8
Les professionnels expérimentés choisiront toujours des thèmes WordPress de haute qualité tels que Studio 8. Ce produit est adaptable et puissant, capable d’améliorer votre site portfolio. Les utilisateurs non techniques auront le thème installé et configuré pour eux, de sorte qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir des connaissances de programmation avancées. En seulement 3 minutes, vous recevrez un site Web entièrement fonctionnel. Pour une légère augmentation de prix, il est possible d’acheter la version Developer qui peut être utilisée pour plusieurs projets et sites clients. De plus, vous profiterez des fichiers HTML et Photoshop en couches. Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait du produit, vous pouvez bénéficier de la politique de remboursement «30 jours garantie de remboursement».
Studio 8 offre des vitesses de chargement ultra-rapides, une série de codes courts utiles et un excellent système de support. Quels que soient vos problèmes, n’hésitez pas à contacter les représentants du support technique. Il y a hâte de résoudre n'importe quel problème. La mise en page est sensible à tous les appareils, y compris les smartphones et les tablettes. De plus, Studio 8 fonctionnera avec n’importe quel système d’exploitation ou navigateur Web. Les propriétaires de site peuvent mettre à jour les informations du portefeuille pendant leurs voyages. Avoir un site multilingue est très avantageux, surtout dans le monde des affaires. Vous pouvez facilement traduire votre portefeuille afin de répondre aux besoins des clients étrangers.
Heure du matin
Peu de thèmes WordPress peuvent espérer correspondre à la qualité de Morning Time. Lors de l’installation de ce merveilleux produit, vous aurez l’impression qu’il a été conçu sur mesure pour votre site. Les puissantes fonctionnalités de Morning Time lui permettent d’être très flexibles et de s’adapter à presque tous les créneaux. Pourtant, il est préférable d’utiliser les sites Web de blogs. Il existe plusieurs variantes de format de publication pour votre écriture et une archive astucieuse qui promet de conserver vos moments les plus précieux. Plusieurs options de paiement sont disponibles: Standard et Developer. Avec la version Developer, vous bénéficiez de fichiers HTML, de fichiers Photoshop en couches et vous pourrez utiliser Morning Time pour plusieurs projets et clients.
Toutes les versions incluent une source de documentation thématique bien écrite et informative. Cela peut transformer un novice en un expert du jour au lendemain. Ce produit s’inspire de Foundation 5 et utilise des technologies telles que Grunt et SASS. Le client aura accès à la fonctionnalité FlexSlider et Morning Time est compatible avec le plugin Revolution Slider Premium. Vous êtes libre d'inclure vos propres arrière-plans personnalisés et de créer des sites multilingues à partir de vos lecteurs étrangers. La population cible du blog va sûrement se développer. Il existe des zones de widgets illimitées et un panneau d'options intuitif. Bien entendu, Morning Time réagit aux appareils mobiles et offre une compatibilité entre navigateurs.
X – Le thème
La beauté est dans l'œil du spectateur, mais on aurait du mal à trouver quelqu'un qui n'aime pas X. Joli et très fonctionnel, ce thème a quelque chose pour tout le monde. Il offre qualité et quantité, offrant un très grand nombre de fonctionnalités. Il vous donne les outils nécessaires pour créer votre propre site Web. Assurez-vous de consulter l'aperçu en direct disponible sur le site, ainsi que les superbes captures d'écran. Une vidéo d'introduction a été ajoutée, expliquant plus en détail le produit et lui donnant un aspect magnifique.
Avec X, vous pouvez personnaliser et modifier votre page Web ou utiliser l’un des thèmes uniques: Renouveler, Intégrité, Ethos et Icône. Ces ajouts s'appellent des piles et sont inclus gratuitement. L’un des meilleurs atouts de X est qu’il fait souvent des efforts supplémentaires et inclut des plug-ins qui coûteraient autrement une tonne d’argent. Cependant, il ne semble pas se contenter de vous les donner. Chaque outil a été personnalisé dans une extension unique censée s'adapter à X comme un gant.
Ce thème fait partie de la royauté WordPress, car il a brisé tous les records de vente précédents. Avec d’autres thèmes couronnés de succès, il faudrait 2 ans pour franchir le cap du million de ventes. Cependant, X a réussi à battre ce nombre en seulement six mois. Il fonctionne avec tous les navigateurs populaires et votre site Web peut être consulté à partir de n’importe quel appareil. Le thème Documentation peut répondre à toutes les questions, car il est bien écrit et utile.
Kalium est un thème WordPress impressionnant qui convient aux pages Web de portfolio et de blog. Il offre de nombreuses variantes pour votre mise en page, ainsi qu'un constructeur de contenu par glisser-déposer. Il comporte de nombreux éléments et fonctionnalités, chacun mis en œuvre pour améliorer votre site Web.
Plus de 600 personnes ont choisi de télécharger ce thème au cours de son premier mois. Cela fait de Kalium le thème WordPress le plus vendu en avril 2015. Il a été récompensé par plusieurs prix prestigieux tels que le CSS Design Award. Les clients peuvent s'attendre à de futures mises à jour, car ils apporteront de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Par exemple, vous pourrez créer un magasin en ligne personnel. La possibilité de commercialiser vos biens et services augmentera certainement vos marges bénéficiaires. Actuellement, tous les utilisateurs peuvent profiter d'un rabais de 10 $. Le prix de ce thème est raisonnable, compte tenu de la quantité de fonctionnalités utiles. De plus, Visual Composer, un logiciel convivial, a été ajouté gratuitement, sachant qu'il coûterait normalement 28 dollars. En utilisant ce plugin, les administrateurs peuvent créer une page de site en quelques instants.
Grâce à Kalium, votre blog ou votre portfolio seront entièrement traduisibles. Cela est dû à l'inclusion des fichiers .mo et .po, avec le plugin WPML. Un site multilingue aura toujours un nombre de vues plus élevé, étant donné que votre contenu sera plus accessible. Chaque élément comportera son propre code de fonction et il pourra être ajouté à n’importe quelle page. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les codes abrégés, veillez à consulter la documentation sur le thème. Les clients devront présenter leur contenu de manière attrayante et intéressante. Le plugin premium Revolution Slider peut répondre à ce besoin en vous offrant la possibilité d'impressionner vos visiteurs.
Avec un thème aussi puissant que DynamiX, vous pouvez créer n'importe quel type de page. Inutile de réfléchir, vous pouvez bien sûr concevoir un site Web propre et soigné. Si vous préférez l’approche minimaliste de la conception Web, DynamiX est là pour vous en occuper. Dans le package DynamiX, vous recevez neuf sites Web préconfigurés qui varient un peu. N'hésitez pas à en choisir un et à l'individualiser comme bon vous semble.
L'outil est réactif, compatible avec les appareils mobiles et compatible avec plusieurs navigateurs pour que votre conception finale fonctionne parfaitement sur tous les appareils et toutes les plates-formes. De plus, DynamiX est doté de nombreuses fonctionnalités que vous pouvez ajouter à la mise en page pour une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle. Styles d'en-tête et de grille illimités, moteur de recherche optimisé, thème enfant inclus et un portefeuille catégorisé envoûtant, DynamiX crée une présence Web incomparable.
Art est un magnifique thème WordPress conçu pour les créatifs. C'est le gadget idéal pour créer une salle d'exposition numérique pour votre travail. Il est en fait incroyablement facile à installer et à utiliser et ne nécessite aucune compétence de la part des utilisateurs en matière de codage! Art a une mise en page moderne, épurée et minimaliste, axée sur des images à présenter. Des produits aux portefeuilles ou tout simplement partager vous-même. Art propose plus de 6 modèles de présentation préconçus et options personnalisées prêts à vous permettre de vous présenter. Des listes illimitées de grilles personnalisées, des vidéos d'arrière-plan sont également disponibles.
Art prend en charge les formats d’écriture WPML et RTL pour la traduction et les textes. WooCommerce pour les magasins et le formulaire de contact 7 peuvent également être définis! Créez un impact visuel intéressant en utilisant sa fonctionnalité d’animation par défilement. (Plus de 10 options sont disponibles). L'art n'est qu'une polyvalence à créer au creux de vos mains! Il vous donnera 6 types de formats de publication et plus de 6 styles d'options d'en-tête pour personnaliser votre site. Vous obtiendrez une mise en page réactive avec une compatibilité entre navigateurs et une optimisation du référencement. Art a une flexibilité impressionnante qui vous permet de voir toutes les modifications apportées en mode direct! Il est livré avec une documentation détaillée et un support client incroyable! Il est temps d'explorer votre créativité avec un outil valable! Essayez l'art!
Beoreo est un thème de site Web créatif WordPress polyvalent et créatif, simple et intuitif, simple et intuitif. Ce thème est une plate-forme de création de sites Web moderne et ambitieuse, polyvalente et flexible pour les webmasters de tous horizons, qui peuvent facilement et efficacement créer des sites Web sophistiqués, fonctionnels et fonctionnels en quelques minutes à peine, sans avoir à écrire une seule ligne de code. Beoreo a été fourni avec un ensemble de plugins, d’outils et de modèles de page haut de gamme simplifiant la plupart des problèmes de création de sites Web, avec une multitude de styles et d’en-têtes magnifiques, une belle image Slider Revolution, des curseurs de contenu et de vidéo à votre guise, et goût propre, poli et élégant dans des dispositions qui imprègnent chaque itération de cette beau thème faites de Beoreo le choix élégant à chaque fois.
Des fonctionnalités professionnelles à part entière telles que des codes abrégés utiles pour les tableaux de prix, des portefeuilles interactifs, des textes de présentation du personnel, la liste des compétences et bien d’autres ont été incluses dans Beoreo pour élargir considérablement vos possibilités tout en respectant les valeurs esthétiques nettes et fraîches de Beoreo. La personnalisation est simple et intuitive, avec de puissantes options de thème avancées pour transformer chacun des 18 sites Web de démonstration Beoreo personnalisés en pages d'accueil personnalisées, à votre guise, selon vos attentes. Essayez Beoreo aujourd'hui!
Plus d'infos / Télécharger
Werkstatt is a seamless and responsive WordPress creative portfolio multipurpose website theme. This theme is a toolbox for building amazing modern websites in a matter of minutes. Werkstatt makes it easy to set up your custom websites regardless of your experience. The process for fine-tuning your pages is intuitive and visual every step of the way. Werkstatt includes the industry standard Visual Composer premium plugin. It empowers you to drag and drop your elements without any coding. Create smooth visual experiences for your users within a few clicks, no trouble at all. Werkstatt is perfect for you to create clean websites across a spectrum of applications.
Werkstatt has hundreds of settings for your portfolios and elements. You can make your every page your own without breaking a sweat. With over 700 animated icons, you can express yourself without a word and get your point across. Werkstatt keeps things simple and minimal so your content can do the talking. That’s why it’s perfect for professionals, businesses and creative webmasters. Its polished interface is a perfect canvas for showcasing all sorts of works. Et avec WooCommerce compatibility, marketing your services and products is intuitive and fast. Check out Werkstatt today, and get things going!
Norebro is a versatile WordPress theme built for 21st century business interactions/transactions. Whether you want to launch an individual or a corporate website, this is your tool of choice. Norebro comes with Visual Composer as its outstanding page builder. Never mind that you are a novice to coding, you are sure to get a professional looking website with this theme. You also get more than 90 shortcodes (counters, social share, video button, and more). Take your page to the next level setting a masonry blog and portfolios using the Slider Revolution.
Norebro is fully responsive, Retina Ready and SEO optimized. And this combination assures visibility and the best experience for your potential customers (even on mobile). Parallax is also guaranteed. Finally, you have a theme that provides all the tools you need in a good deal for a business website. With po. files translation, WPML and RT; you can communicate with anyone, anywhere on the globe. And, with WooCommerce you can close sales easily. Need more? Get Norebro!
Halena is a minimal, clean and responsive WordPress eCommerce website theme. It’s a powerful, elegant website-building toolkit for webmasters of all backgrounds. You don’t need to know any coding to create beautiful, professional online stores. Visual Composer does all the heavy lifting, along with four stunning homepage concepts. Each is a unique, artful iteration of the same clean, distraction-free aesthetic.
Halena is perfect for architects, designers, creatives and related professionals. If you have a strong sense of aesthetics, Halena provides the perfect blank canvas. Let your products do the talking and dazzle your audience with style. Halena includes a range of advanced commercial features. Product Quick View, custom AJAX filters, AJAX search forms and much more under the hood. Four polished single product layout styles present your products in the perfect light. Let your products make the right first impression, with Halena!
Pearl is a clean WordPress theme and an all-in-one solution for your web presence. Loads of predesigned options are at your disposal, including company, business, renovation, factory and lawyer demos. In total, Pearl has well over twenty demos to choose from of which each is highly customizable and editable. Simple to use header builder, comfortable mega menu navigation, custom slider and many advanced features to skyrocket your businesses and projects ar all par of the deal.
With a smooth and neat WordPress theme like Pearl, limits are none. While you can go with the demo of choice as it comes out of the box, you can take the extra step and individualize it. It is all possible and, as a matter of fact, advisable to modify Pearl and personalize it. No need to feel intimidated by all this. Pearl, in fact, does not require you to have any coding and design skills at all. Are you ready to take the plunge and let Pearl help you out with your online appearance?
LeadEngine is a clean, sleek and responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. This theme is the best solution for webmasters looking to set up shop online. Unobtrusive and minimalist, LeadEngine lets your content do the talking. 30+ curated demos let you set off on the right foot, with resourceful options. Customize them to suit your project’s needs with the intuitive WPBakery visual builder. A library of hundreds of handy shortcodes lets you add advanced features anywhere.
Smooth galleries, clean portfolios, hover effects and more keep your users engaged. Built-in commercial capabilities allow for effortless marketing of products and services. Add your catalogue to LeadEngine’s shop templates, fine-tune appearance settings, and go live. LeadEngine handles payments, carts, filtered searches, custom categories and much more. Cross-compatible and lightweight, LeadEngine looks great across all devices and browsers. Keep your website simple and elegant, with LeadEngine!
June is a polished and pristine responsive WordPress multipurpose WooCommerce website theme. This theme is the ideal companion for the modern webmaster, regardless of industry or niche. Flexible and creative, June incorporates a slew of demos and templates. With them, getting things started is quick and simple. Pick your favorite and install it with a single click. Clean, clutter-free layouts await to make your content shine. Gorgeous blog layouts let you engage your audience in a memorable way. The best portfolios in the business showcase what you’re all about in seamless style.
Let June take your website to the next level and attract a massive audience. SEO enhancements drive your traffic through the roof for every targeted keyword. Easy to customize, June’s intuitive visual design interface is 100% coding-free. Beginners and experts alike can craft clean and pristine online projects with June. Get June today!
Centaurus is a fantastic, clean WordPress theme which you can use for multiple purposes. It is a practical, adaptable and highly versatile tool for creating pages of the highest degree. With Centaurus, you can hammer out business, eCommerce, personal, photography, designer and numerous other styles of websites. In fact, it even comes with several remarkable demos to choose from for a quick and reliable page launch. On top of that, going against the norm and doing something entirely different is very possible with the impressive Centaurus.
With its convenient front-end editing, Centaurus requires no coding and designing skills. You can do it all effortlessly and seamlessly, achieving professional levels even if you are a complete beginner. What’s more, Centaurus is Gutenberg-, mobile- and retina-ready and cross-browser compatible. Basically, it follows all the modern trends and regulations. Start on the web strong with Centaurus and make a difference.
Mikos 2
With Mikos 2 and its multi-concept approach to web design, you can do fantastic things quickly. It is a minimal and clean WordPress theme with a great attention to detail. When you have access to Mikos 2, a new horizon of possibilities opens up in front of you. Right away, you can start building a blog, an online design shop or a creative agency website. However, it is good to know that this is just a fracture of what Mikos 2 is capable of. The options are pretty much endless. Just use your imagination and let Mikos 2 realize it for you.
Mikos 2 comes with premium plugins, is compatible with WooCommerce, has an eye-catching portfolio and many useful shortcodes. Of course, there are other elements, like pricing tables, product detail, counters and Google Maps included in the Mikos 2 bundle. If the minimal and straightforward approach is what you strive toward, you just came to the right place.
Brando is a responsive and multipurpose one page WordPress theme. It has many demos and child theme included. It stands out for it numerous pre-designed layouts for different purposes. Brando can be made a blog, a portfolio, or a news page. It works with a very minimalistic concept with high importance on being clear and clean. You can customize colors and some most design features and maintain a clean simple look. Brando uses Visual Composer and it is Contact Form 7 compatible. It is pixel perfect, retina ready and widget ready. WPML and W3 Total Cache compatibility are also featured.
Brando can display in either boxed or wide layout designs. It has multiple modifications available for backgrounds and uses Lightbox plugin. You will find SEO-friendly structure and fast load speeds across the board. Brando lets you choose between 6 posting formats including image, video and quote. It uses a basic sticky menu and provides a non-coding required panel. You will find it soothing and neat, with lots of spaces to fill with personal arrangements. Brando uses Google Fonts and Font Awesome for typography/icons. Social media sharing is available too! Start to use this theme right now! Use Brando!
Simple & Elegant
Simple & Elegant is a multipurpose WordPress theme. It has premium quality features and means of connections. It uses a live demo and a one-click installation method. But also, over 40 social media icons included! Simple & Elegant has a committed concept for simplicity and minimalistic things in mind. It features a clean code and a MegaMenu to make support advanced actions. Everything is simple and visible in real time. Simple & Elegant offers a really cool live customizer with over 300 options to play with. You will get to arrange headers, footers, galleries and more.
Amazing portfolios to upload in audio, video and images are also included. Simple & Elegant comes with tons of pre-built layouts, and styles for headers or footers. It is a creation built to be flexible and easy to comprehend. It will provide all help required with continuous updates, documentation and custom support. Simple & Elegant is WooCommerce ready to make transactions quick, easy and trustworthy! The theme shares compatibility as well with WPML, Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7. It uses Visual Composer and Slider Revolution plugins for high level things. Try out this exceptional theme, and you won’t regret it! Try out Simple & Elegant!
Kleanity is a lightweight and responsive WordPress minimalist creative multipurpose website theme. This theme is a clean tool for crafting competent websites in a flash. You don’t need to write a line of code to get beautiful, seamless results. Kleanity ensures your every page is a pristine experience for users across all platforms. A responsive code makes Kleanity lightweight and fast-loading while remaining cross-compatible. That allows you to appeal to users across phones, desktop and tablets without skipping a beat.
Kleanity provides a range of layouts and demo websites you can deploy with a single click. Each is a clean template that lets your content be the star of the show. Your users will focus on what matters; your precious content. The GoodLayers Page Builder provides a no-frills layout design solution. You get access to potent customization capabilities through an intuitive drag and drop interface. Polished, high quality homepages let you hit the ground running with Kleanity. Keep things simple and beautiful with over 19 header styles. Kleanity knows just how to dazzle your audience without distracting them at all. With powerful SEO enhancements you’ll top the ranks and increase your traffic overnight. Give Kleanity a go today, and check it out!
Kallyas is a clean and responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. This theme is the perfect set of tools for making stylish and classy websites with speed and ease. All sorts of websites look fantastic and work like a charm with Kallyas. With dozens of demos and template pages, you always find what you’re looking for with Kallyas. Businesses, professionals, corporations and even personal bloggers love Kallyas for that. Kallyas also packs an intuitive Visual Builder that makes customization easy and effortless. Create clean and pristine visual environments for your content that impress your audience.
Dozens of layouts let you present your pages in polished, purposeful yet flexible styles. The Revolution Slider and the visual slider builder allow you to craft incredible slideshows. Smooth animations and transitions are at your disposal to keep your audience engaged. Over 100 awesome elements provide tons of functionality while looking sharp and smart. Carousels, Gallery Grids, Contact Forms, you name it, you have it. Commercial features are integrated via the WooCommerce plugin suite. Functional shop templates let you market products or services to your visitors within minutes. Beautiful portfolio stylings showcase your products or content in a most attractive light. Try Kallyas today, and see for yourself!
Circle Flip
Circle Flip is a top-quality theme for WordPress websites. Its layout is beautiful and practical, and it can attract more people to your page. Even novice users can design an astounding site. Get ready to become an overnight professional, as Circle Flip is very user-friendly. For those who wish to learn more about this theme’s features, a detailed documentation source was added. It is well-written, and quite informative. In addition, a series of video tutorials was made available.
Every customer will get to enjoy amazing demo content via the one click demo importer. From start to finish, the entire process will only last a few minutes. For your page, you can create multiple sections and add them to the menu. Boxed layout version and multiple background patterns are also available, and they can be easily personalized at any moment. Circle Flip’s layout is entirely responsive and SEO-ready, and it can showcase your well-designed content on any platform. The theme easily adapts to the smaller screens of mobile devices. This can increase your view count, and your flexibility. Site administrators can now update posts while traveling. For more information regarding Circle Flip, be sure to check out the live theme preview.
Hestia Pro
Hestia Pro is a unique and modern, sleek and effective, handsome and engaging, dynamic and responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. This theme is a solid solution for webmasters and developers with or without any previous coding experience that need to craft polished, aesthetically pleasant websites with resourceful and effective capabilities as well as a completely intuitive and user-friendly visual environment. Hestia Pro has been outfitted with a polished collection of amazingly on point demo websites and page templates that save you tons of time and effort in setting up your websites, regardless of subject matter, nature or tone.
Hestia Pro provides a seamless and clean framework wherein your content is the real star of the show, allowing your users to focus on what you have to say rather than distract your audience with needless bells and whistles. Subtlety is the name of the game with Hestia Pro, and every bit of your website’s resourcefulness will be both readily accessible and completely low-key, rendering your awesome Hestia Pro websites sleek and highly readable. Mobile friendly and cross-compatible, Hestia Pro’s Bootstrap modular design makes it easily reach across the globe to the widest possible audience. Check out Hestia Pro today for yourself!
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With the integrated Revolution Slider and Layer Slider, keeping your audience engaged with your content is a simple matter requiring nothing but a few clicks and the selection of your preferred animation and layout style choices. Bateaux’s tastefully designed demo websites and page templates, aimed at both general purposes and niche market applications, feature remarkably clean and pristine visual end user interfaces and a content centric design philosophy. Minimalist to the core, Bateaux is extremely lightweight and fast-loading, going easy on your servers even under dire traffic. Try Bateaux now!
Additionally, Total really is the full package, and with a multitude of premium plugins built right into the theme, it’s also a real value package. From the amazing Visual Composer drag and drop page builder to slider solutions like the Layer Slider and the Revolution Slider, Total looks clean and seamless at every turn. Dynamic and engaging, Total captures your audience’s attention and focuses it on your content, keeping your audience undistracted and interested in what you have to say. Total includes powerful commercial features owing to the industry standard WooCommerce eCommerce plugin suite, rendering Total a capable salesman. Total is the best solution for all your clean website woes. Try Total today!
In addition, Collective’s minimalist visual philosophy makes for a pristine environment for your content to dazzle and impress your audience in an immersive end-user experience handcrafted by yourself through the intuitive Visual Composer premium plugin. Clean, distraction free websites are the order of the day with Collective, packed to the brim with advanced image gallery and portfolio options and customization settings for showcasing your works to a range of potential employers and clients in an eloquent, visually charming presentation that can connect with your audience and increase your traffic overnight. With Collective, full WooCommerce readiness out of the box enables you to market your wares fluidly directly off your Collective website. Check out Collective today, and find out!
Arnold is a minimal portfolio WordPress Theme of premium quality. It’s a theme meant for practical people who want a smooth and clean concept. It also uses a powerful Drag & Drop page builder and it is retina ready. You will get 7 demos, 10 pre-built shortcodes and a one-click demo install too. Arnold also provides elements business handling with WooCommerce plugin. It has been SEO optimized and it is WPML compatible. Arnold is a theme thought for portfolio and exposure. Thus, it provides social media share buttons for several platforms, like Twitter. It even has a portfolio builder and uses Lightbox! Additionally, Arnold comes with tons of fonts with +600 Google Fonts and +400 Font Awesome icons. Layouts are fully customizable and support many GIF and animations.
It also features 8 different headers and unlimited color schemes. Posts are available in 7 formats including video, gallery and quote. Moreover, this theme is designed mostly for interior designers and architects, some photographers. It works for business with image inclinations, though. Furthermore, Arnold is 100% responsive and all screens adaptable (no need to say mobile friendly). Get a quick set up, with constant free updates a 6-month support. Have a look at this appealing simple theme and display your creations. Get Arnold!
POFO is a high-quality WordPress theme focused on versatility. It is clean, sober and professional looking. You will find it with regular updates and professional support to guide you all the way. POFO is also creative, classy, low maintenance versatile tool. Colors, typography, menu and fonts are completely customizable. You will also get beautiful Font Awesome Icons and Themify Icons too. In addition, visual aesthetic features include retina ready graphics with full cross-browser compatibility.
POFO has 25+ amazing demos with their own homepage to choose from to get your ideal fit. You will also get to play with single blog pages and social media sharing. Moreover, you get to play videos and other formats for background and translate written posts too. Furthermore, it is built on Bootstrap framework and provides tons of shortcodes to craft. Documentation and a child theme are offered on purchase deal! Use all its features and discover no limits to your ideas! Use POFO!
TheMotion is a seamless and attractive, easy to use and wonderfully engaging, dynamic and highly responsive WordPress video blogging website theme. This theme has also been crafted to be a solution for webmasters from all walks of life, with or without any previous website building experience to easily and effectively put together enticing, functional modern video blog websites with a wealth of incredible features and sophisticated handling of modern multimedia formats and streams, all without ever writing a single line of code.
Also, TheMotion is the simplest way to accomplish the smooth, polished finish of professional quality websites out there today. Featuring a single click installation process, several homepage and template page demos to save you time and effort, while the Live Customizer, Featured Slider and Advanced Theme Settings take care of all your branding and graphical customization needs. Moreover, TheMotion is perfect for video blogging, video reviews, casual or personal blogging and even video journalism with utter ease, powered by TheMotion’s advanced HTML5 codebase and CSS3 styling, which allows you to handle video streams and embedding and gorgeous image galleries in gorgeous presentation and with lightweight, fast-loading performance. Overall, TheMotion is the way to go for bloggers that want all the sparkle and none of the hassle. Try TheMotion now!
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Including over 40 completely unique demo websites, every FatMoon predesigned layout and template has been perfected to the same degree of minimalist, clean-cut appeal that places your content up, front and center of the stage for all to see, with unobtrusively conceived menus, typographies and elements that keep your website looking tidy and well organized while making your images, video and text that much more stunning to behold. With jaw-dropping one page variants in both classic and sticky styles, as well as 15 header presentations completely custom-crafted for FatMoon, the intuitive Visual Composer and Slider Revolution premium plugins and a powerful Media Manager, no theme out there can provide you with the impeccable online ambiance created by FatMoon. Let FatMoon take your website by the hand, and guide it to success!
The Voux
The Voux is an ideal choice for those who are searching for a clean, streamlined and highly-practical WordPress theme. This product was released by an elite author, and it was built from scratch using the Visual Composer tool. In just a few moments, you will be able to complete the installation process and start importing some demo data. Of course, further customization is possible, as Visual Composer uses Drag and Drop technology. You will only need to drag page elements across the screen, and place them where they need to be. It’s that simple! Not in the mood to mess around with settings? Simply import an astounding pre-made layout. Multiple eye-catching homepage styles are also available.
With The Voux, even a child can create a beautiful website, given that no coding or web development knowledge is required. Your site will benefit from an infinite scrolling option, which will automatically load the following articles as you scroll down the page. Once the article changes, the URL will be modified as well. Additionally, the Voux offers a quality social sharing experience. The data will be automatically kept on WordPress, made invisible on the backend. Lastly, its cache period can be determined by accessing the Theme Options Panel.
Typology is a WordPress theme dedicated to text based website building. It was purposely designed for bloggers that want to rescue the importance of writing. You will get a set up guide and one-click install to begin. Typology also comes with many headers and footers to customize, and it is widget ready. Features to make whichever creation you can up with related to typography are meant to be found here. Additionally, posts can be displayed in two columns and they can get arranged by prioritization. Change sizes, fonts styles and whatever you may want. Moreover, Typology gives you 3 main sections: cover area, introduction section, posting section.
Admin panel is also simple, as you count with 12 flexible shortcodes to avoid coding. You will get a theme RTL integrated with a built-in translator. Constant updates and a great custom support system are also available. Typology has unlimited options for color combinations on layout, and obviously, fonts. To upload a brand logo or an image there is a special section dedicated to it. Furthermore, Typology is all screens adapted and responsive. It is even fast loading improved and light weighted. Overall, give this classical and simple theme a chance and try it right now! Have a look at Typology!
Adios features the masterful Visual Composer page builder to empower anyone to handcraft engaging layouts and modify the myriad of provided template pages and homepages, but it is in its clean, sleek and efficient layout styles that Adios truly shines brightest. Intuitive navigation is easily achieved and even easier to customize through completely modifiable custom menu styles with a wealth of settings you can fiddle with and fine-tune to suit your precise expectations. With fully widgetized areas within your footers, headers and sidebars as well, Adios can pack a wallop of functional power in unobtrusive ways that keep your audience attentive to nothing but your precious content. With gorgeous custom sliders and Hero sections with fullscreen capabilities, Adios is the finest looking theme on the market!
Amory is a creatively endowed and aesthetically minimalist, visually unobtrusive and structurally seamless, readily responsive WordPress premium creative blog website theme. This theme is a feature rich and resourceful website building toolkit, a sophisticated set of curated powerhouse layouts, options and configurations presented through an intuitive visual interface that requires absolutely no coding skill in order to produce professional, polished results every single time. With Amory by your side, creating content centric, dynamic and modern blog that effective envelopes your audience in your stories and posts is faster and easier than ever before.
Amory also includes six different blog layouts; each uniquely conceptually designed to present your content in a different yet unfalteringly immersive fashion. Amory has beautiful handling of sophisticated media formats through its strong HTML5 codebase, further empowered by handsome CSS3 styling and animated transitions as well as a modular Bootstrap design articulating this framework and providing it with utter cross-compatibility with mobile and desktop devices instantly. Beautifully animated headers react to triggers such as touching or scrolling, bringing your pages alive in subtle, unobtrusive ways. Lastly, you can use the Ad block integrated into Amory, and this makes monetization of your content an easy, breezy matter. Give Amory a go, today, and tell it right!
Wow your customer in an instant with the Centaurus theme. This clean WordPress theme is perfect for any business, freelance and personal portfolio. In addition to that, with Centaurus, you can also start a trendy online shop and push items, like clothing, bags, shoes and accessories. It comes with a shapely and mobile-friendly design that is easy to use and customize.
This minimalist theme is also responsive so you could easily view it on any device and browser. It is a front-end theme with lots of core features that will quickly put you ahead of the competition. Some of the highlights of Centaurus are parallax effect, Revolution Slider, Elementor page builder and a large pack of ready-made layouts. You can also make blog pages if you want to express your website’s identity further. With Centaurus, you get every tool you need in a website.
Make your business successful with the amazing Winnex theme. It is a clean WordPress theme that includes five predefined demos that cater to numerous companies and project ideas. In brief, Winnex has a powerful and modern design perfect for businesses and creative agencies. With any of the available and ready-to-use content, you will appear professionally online from the start. Combine multiple colors and fonts and customize the default web design of Winnex to your liking precisely.
Winnex is also very well commented and comes with proper documentation for more straightforward implementation. Other core features include Google Fonts, WooCommerce integration, Slider Revolution, child theme and more. Add blog posts and compelling articles as well to make your website stand out. The options you have with Winnex are very many so execute the page of your dreams with the right foot forward.
H-Code is a beautifully composed, seamlessly organized, vast and ambitious, wonderfully tech-savvy and readily responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. A team of professional coders and designers developed this theme in order to perform at top level under a huge array of diverse usage cases and niche applications. To achieve this, H-Code has been provided with the sleek Visual Composer and Revolution Slider premium plugins, expanded with over 200 custom in-house developed elements for you to fine-tune to your precise graphical and branding specs.
H-Code has been equipped with a wealth of amazingly clean-cut and polished homepage demo websites and page templates for absolutely any purpose you can think of, with impressively creative customization choices as well as a lightweight and efficient, mobile-friendly and thoroughly responsive Bootstrap modular design that renders HCode surprisingly cross-compatible with all devices and platforms worldwide. Six stunning creative intro demo pages provide a seamless introduction to your content, and are perfect for the more creative or artistic website projects, as well as for businesses and corporations that want to make a handsome presentation for themselves and their products. H-Code’s minimalist, unassuming style is the epitome of modern clean stylishness. Try H-Code today, and dress to impress!
Oshine is a modern and clean multi-purpose WordPress theme with pixel perfect design and outstanding functionality. The theme has 16 unique theme demos and you can use demo data to create your own website via one click import. Also, it’s highly customizable WordPress themes with several layouts, unlimited color options, drag & drop page builder and much more. Additionally, the developers created this theme for corporate, app landing page, freelancer, creative agency, portfolio or any other creative websites. Oshine theme has many fancy features such as parallax scrolling effect, smooth page transitions and other beautiful yet clean looking effects.
Hellen is a clean and responsive WordPress elegant and minimalist multipurpose website theme. This theme is a powerful platform for putting together impressive polished modern websites. With Hellen, webmasters from any backgrounds can make their projects a reality. Also, Hellen is a relentlessly classy theme that produces clean, minimal websites. Webmasters across all industries and fields find in Hellen a reliable solution. Additionally, sleek coding makes Hellen a lightweight, fast-loading theme. Sophisticated compressed JS and CSS code delivers cutting-edge crispness without any lagging.
They underpin Hellen’s professional quality templates and homepages. With these, you can set up shop online in a matter of minutes, regardless of subject matter. Hellen also provides you with a wealth of headers, footers, sidebars and menus. They are all design driven and integrate into a seamless, clean whole. Moreover, Hellen has a powerful visual hierarchy that lets your audience know where to look. Users will make their way about your website intuitively and enjoy your content. With the Revolution Slider, you can keep them interested and showcase your works. Furthermore, the WooCommerce plugin makes marketing your products effortless with Hellen. Meanwhile, responsive Bootstrap coding lets your crisp Hellen websites reach everyone. Appeal to users across all platforms in utter style, with Hellen!
Notio is a simple yet classy WordPress theme perfect for building portfolio sites, personal photo blog or any kinds of websites that requires a simple but flexible layout. Whether you are a busy business owner or novice website developer, this user-friendly theme will certainly make your task faster and easier because the theme package includes a “one–click installation and setup” feature. Notio comes with highly responsive theme layout that resizes and adjusts flawlessly on any kinds of devices. The creators developed this theme using ultra-high resolution graphics that will make your website design clear and sharp when displayed on retina ready displays. This theme is fully customizable and created with great focus on typography and overall usability.
They also fully integrated Notio with Visual Composer, a drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that lets you create responsive pages for any WordPress theme without touching a single line of code. Aside from showcasing your works through your website, Notio allows Notio users to sell their creative works with its WooCommerce support. Other remarkable features included in this theme are custom widgets, video background support, animated sliders, PSD files and assets, SASS & Grunt files and many more. Lastly, this theme has a strong social media integration that makes online social sharing easier for your followers and customers.
Foodica is a polished, professional, aesthetically accomplished, crisp and clean WordPress responsive multipurpose theme, easily capable of handling the needs of a number of websites and projects, but especially well suited for the needs of food industry websites, ranging from restaurants and caterers to professional critics or just amateur foodie blogs, Foodica is a food lover’s theme through and through, especially designed with a clean aesthetic in mind. Also, you will be easily and effortlessly producing beautiful and polished websites in no time. Impress your visitors with delicious looking pages that stimulate all senses with Foodica.
Foodica makes use of powerful HTML5 and CSS3 technology to offer incredibly convenient widgets and tools that you can easily deploy with drag and drop edition and the Live Customizer, so you can be sure of exactly what your website will look like as you modify it, empowered by the ZOOM Framework’s extended customization capabilities. Convenient shortcodes also let you seamlessly build clean looking pages, using features like Ingredient and Direction shortcodes to effortlessly make your own polished looking recipe pages. Moreover, six different color schemes expand your options with predesigned, clean color combinations that drape your style in sober elegance. Start delighting customers with Foodica today!
LUISA is a must-have theme for graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, freelance artists and creative agencies that are looking for a trendy website template for their online presence. Its fresh and clean design is perfect for any kind of creative work. With its fully responsive design, your website will surely look just as stunning on big screens as it will on tablets and smartphones. The creators also designed this theme with the highest functionality and good user experience in mind. Moreover, LUISA comes with a one-click demo install that lets you build a creative website with just one click. This theme is highly customizable so it can match your personal preference or branding requirements.
Furthermore, they developed this theme based on Bootstrap 3 framework to make website design process quick and straightforward. They also included the WordPress Customizer in this theme to make theme customization a breeze. Its prominent isotope and masonry layout makes your website look ordered and presentable. LUISA also features a portfolio post type to make it easier for the site admin to publish their creative works on the web with ease. This theme is equipped with video support, so you can attach videos in your blog with little trouble and heighten the user’s engagement in your website. The parallax effects on the headers and portfolio section adds appeal to the appearance of your blog site. It uses AJAX navigation so your site visitors could easily find the content they are searching for in your website.
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GraceUnderPressure is a clean WordPress theme that promises to improve your web page. It was streamlined to perfection, resulting in a powerful and intuitive layout. Even for new users, navigation has been greatly simplified. GraceUnderPressure seeks to accommodate all customers, hence its mobile-first design. It also caters to the smaller screens of hand-held devices, thanks to its responsive layout.
By keeping things simple and clean, this theme offers one of the best browsing experiences on the web. Moreover, the developers implemented screenplay text formats, allowing you to showcase snippets or include entire screenplays. With GraceUnderPressure, mediocrity is not acceptable. Each customer can alter his/her site, until it matches their vision. There are many personalized typography settings, helping to increase your post’s aesthetic appeal.
In accordance with this product’s clean design philosophy, they also implemented a practical navigation menu. This feature reduces screen clutter by vanishing when it is not being used. Of course, you can easily activate this by swiping the screen. GraceUnderPressure promises to work with all major browsers, and it includes the awesome WPML plugin. Site owners may now translate their content in order to appeal to a broader audience. For more information regarding this product, be sure to access the live preview.
Hempstead WordPress theme is simply remarkable. This theme certainly belongs to the A-list of simple, minimalistic and modern themes. Hempstead is also a carefully-crafted portfolio theme that offers a strong focus on minimalism and style. Moreover, the creators developed this theme around a modular concept with an impressive masonry portfolio grid to help you quickly and smartly flaunt your work or products online. They implemented Hempstead with the newest techniques such as CSS transitions and HTML5 tags along with well implemented custom javascript code to make sure that your visitors will have an amazing experience each time they come to your website.
This theme also ensures that your website with run smoothly on all kinds of mobile devices and look beautiful on devices with high DPI. You can easily change the default theme design via the Theme Customizer, which allows you to get a preview of the latest changes that you made before saving it to your theme’s settings. This theme also includes sophisticated portfolio and blog options, so you can display your contents in style. They also fully integrated this theme with Visual Composer plugin that makes page layout creation a child’s play. Lastly, they carefully developed this theme using clean code and fully optimized for SEO to ensure that you will rank well on Google.
Xenia is a clean and perfectly polished WordPress theme with powerful and flexible theme features that you can use for any type of website, business, portfolio and marketing. Its minimalistic design allows your content to take the spotlight in your website. The theme is also retina ready and completely responsive to make your website work smoothly and look awesome on modern devices. Moreover, the developers coded Xenia with clean and valid PHP, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Furthermore, Xenia comes with useful features such as drop down menu, featured slider and customized commenting system and more. The theme is also designed to work well with premium WordPress plugins like WPBakery Visual Composer & Themepunch Slider Revolution. Lastly, it provides premium support to help you make the most of your website template.
Brixton is an impressive and minimalist blog style website theme. Its design is captivating and creative, capable of improving your web page. Users that are not very tech-savvy can implement Brixton, as it is extremely user-friendly. A website with sluggish loading speeds can often lose a sizable portion of its views. Thankfully, this product is lightning-fast thanks to its streamlined layout and well-optimized code. The most recent update has added Font Awesome icons, a valuable asset for any site.
Additionally, blog admins will be able to share content on social media, attracting more visitors to your posts. You can showcase every element of the site on High Resolution retina devices. You can also trim every unnecessary element such as slideshows and animations, as the developers sought to eliminate page clutter. Your blog will focus entirely on written content and improved navigation. However, the developers will add new features in the future.
Even gorgeous sites can remain relatively unknown, if potential visitors cannot find them. Moreover, the creators designed and optimized Brixton to get a high position in search engine rankings. In the golden age of online marketing, SEO-readiness is essential. Furthermore, customers can choose between multiple color palettes, as there is no lack of aesthetic customization choices. Brixton is also fully responsive and mobile-friendly.
Electric is an incredible WordPress theme, designed for users who appreciate quality design. It is a versatile package, including a diverse collection of features that allow it to adapt to any situation or business niche. What sets it apart from other multipurpose website themes is that it has no lack of complexity or depth.
Electric’s design makes it very accessible. Complicated actions are simplified, given that even a child can construct an amazing page. This is due to the inclusion of a well-written, streamlined code, and a series of practical plugins. If you encounter any issues, you can consult the expansive documentation source. For those who prefer multimedia tutorials, a series of explanatory videos is available. Users will gain a lifetime of complementary developer support, once they buy Electric. Also, the support staff has very eager and polite representatives.
Moreover, this product incorporates over 10 distinct portfolio variations. You can showcase the detailed sections in two different pop-styles, or as two separate pages. Furthermore, the developers added eye-catching Parallax effects to Single Services and featured Services pages, resulting in a superior browsing experience for site users. The Mega Menu Builder can offer many tags, picture and links. They also added an adaptable Form builder.
JOYN is a clean and elegant multi-purpose theme crafted with precision. The developers designed this theme to provide a perfect website template for magazine, landing page, portfolio and company websites. They also built its solid theme structure based on latest Bootstrap 3 framework. Additionally, the theme is completely responsive and created with retina display ready with unlimited header options. Moreover, this tasteful and well-designed theme is compatible with Woocommerce, contact form 7, WPML multilingual wordpress plugins and members plugin integrated, multisite ready wordpress theme bundled with XML demo content. Furthermore, they designed this theme with SEO in mind. Lastly, it supports over 600 google web fonts, more than 400 font awesome icons, integrated with bbPress & BuddyPress wordpress plugins and a lot more.
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ROUA is a minimalist WordPress theme, which stands out for its exquisite and elegant design. This innovative portfolio theme is ideal for artists, freelancers and creative agencies who would like to showcase their product or work online. This theme will certainly save you a lot of time building an outstanding and flexible website. The creators also built ROUA’s rock-solid framework with Bootstrap 3 technology. In addition, this theme is very easy to customize because of it comes with Redux framework backend panel. Moreover, you can utilize its parallax headers to get the word out and attract new clients/ customers. This highly developed theme also features custom page templates, AJAX portfolio and isotope & masonry layout. It is also WPML ready to help you build multilingual website.
OM is refined and stylish designed minimalistic yet crisp and clear graphic elements. This clean premium theme doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, but it is fully functional and responsive. The creators built OM using solid code that conforms to WordPress best coding practices. It is also very easy to build, manage and customize. Moreover, this theme uses Live Customizer, which allows you to have a preview of the changes you make on your website. Furthermore, the theme includes custom fonts, multiple post grid layouts, widgetized homepage and compatible with Stag custom widgets and sidebars.
MH Elegance
MH Elegance is a clean and beautiful multipurpose WordPress theme with premium look and feel. This theme features many great features such as Font Awesome icons, multiple color options, custom widgets, custom header images and much more. You can also do all of the customizations for this theme via WordPress theme customizer that offer live preview for all changes you make in real time. MH Elegance theme is fully responsive and it will look awesome on any device such as smartphones, tablets and desktops. The theme is SEO friendly that will help you attain high rankings searching engines.
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Cosonix is a visually stunning and minimalist, seamless and technologically flexible, powerful and pliable, fast-loading and easy on the servers, highly customizable and very intuitive and easy to use, readily adaptable and navigationally delightful responsive WordPress one page multipurpose website theme. It’s also a potent and masterfully crafted theme that has been carefully and painstakingly developed over time to be an all-inclusive one-stop shop solution for all your creative one page website needs.
Cosonix is a great theme for startups, small and medium business ventures and corporations and all sorts of creative, tech-savvy individuals and organizations that want a handsome and functional one page website that is easy to use for audiences across all demographics and easy to develop for all sorts of purposes. To that end, Cosonix has been developed on a modular and responsive, developer-friendly Bootstrap foundation, running through the theme, and each of its six unique Homepage demos can be readily customized to no end to suit your precise specifications and requirements. Cosonix includes a streamlined and simplified single click installation process, as well as the powerful Visual Composer Page Builder plugin for ultimate control over your website and pages’ behavior and presentation. Get lean, clean and mean, with Cosonix!