Il s'agit d'une collection exceptionnelle des meilleurs thèmes WordPress de portfolio destinés aux concepteurs, photographes, artistes, professionnels de la création, propriétaires d'entreprises créatives et à tous ceux qui souhaitent mettre en valeur leur travail.
Tous les thèmes WordPress que nous avons mentionnés à partir de ce point sont désormais réactifs et de qualité supérieure. Ils comportent des options de thème avancées, des dizaines de codes abrégés, diverses pages de portefeuille et bien d’autres, pour que vous puissiez créer votre propre site Web unique et professionnel. Je n'ai rassemblé que les meilleurs thèmes parmi des centaines d'autres disponibles.
J'espère que vous pourrez trouver le thème que vous recherchiez. Si non, vous pourriez regarder dans d'autres génial Collections de thèmes WordPress. À ce jour, nous avons examiné plus de 20 000 thèmes.
Les thèmes de portefeuille étant parmi les plus populaires, nous avons également décidé de créer une autre collection de thèmes, plus spécifique et deux fois plus volumineuse que cette collection de thèmes. a actuellement plus de 40 thèmes géniaux dans ce. Si vous pensez que les thèmes premium ne vous conviennent pas, vous pouvez également consultez notre collection de thèmes de portefeuille WordPress gratuite, ce qui n’est pas aussi étonnant que celui-ci, mais fera le travail pour beaucoup.
Oshine est un thème WordPress propre et beau, à usages multiples, avec 12 mises en page uniques que vous pouvez utiliser. Le forfait thématique comprend 29 thèmes de démonstration uniques; vous pourrez adapter votre site Web à celui de la démonstration thématique, à moins que vous ne visiez des résultats différents. Oshine est un thème WordPress hautement personnalisable et vous avez accès à plus de 500 polices différentes, à des variations de couleurs illimitées, à 12 options de disposition différentes, à des modules de shortcode de constructeur de 50 pages, et bien plus encore. En outre, ce thème prend en charge de nombreux plugins populaires tels que WPML (configuration WordPress multilingue), BuddyPress, WooCommerce, Gravity Forms et autres. Oshine a définitivement tout pour créer un portefeuille beau et moderne, des sites de photographie ou d’autres sites Web créatifs.
Divi est un thème multiconcept et multiconcept WordPress polyvalent, puissant, flexible, personnalisable et largement développé, merveilleusement léger et compatible avec les appareils mobiles, facile à utiliser et intuitivement structuré. Ce thème visuellement époustouflant et remarquablement élaboré est conçu avec la force et la souplesse nécessaires pour se prêter de manière transparente à une multitude d'archétypes et d'applications de sites Web variés dans de nombreux secteurs et industries.
Les développeurs à l'origine de Divi sont largement équipés d'un ensemble puissant d'outils, de plug-ins, de widgets et de fonctionnalités, composés de manière professionnelle dans une série de pages de modèles sophistiquées et de mises en page étonnantes débordant d'une créativité intense et de gravitas visuels. Celles-ci sont facilement modifiables pour répondre à vos spécifications précises grâce à Divi Builder, un outil de création de pages visuelles primé, intuitif et développé en interne, basé sur des blocs de contenu que les utilisateurs peuvent facilement glisser-déposer, configurer et personnaliser en quelques clics seulement. absolument pas de codage. Enfin, des dizaines de beaux modèles de pages Portfolio et de capacités de personnalisation intelligentes, ainsi que de beaux choix de styles visuels, rendent ce thème fantastique pour les sites de portefeuilles de toutes sortes. Montrez votre travail au monde, avec Divi!
Uncode est un thème WordPress professionnel, visuellement sophistiqué et technologiquement compétent, réactif et multifonctionnel. Les développeurs ont concocté ce thème magnifique avec un soin méticuleux et une attention particulière aux détails pour en faire un outil homogène et sans tache, sans aucun codage requis.
Uncode est simple mais renversant. Il est spécialisé dans le traitement de tout type de contenu de manière élégante et réfléchie, ce qui est parfait pour les webmasters qui ont besoin de présenter leurs œuvres au monde entier de manière élégante et gracieuse. Les développeurs ont codé ce thème sur un puissant framework HTML5, intégrant une technologie de script dynamique CSS3 très facile à personnaliser et à adapter à tous vos besoins, ainsi qu’une conception Bootstrap modulaire qui rend votre site Web aussi somptueux sur un large éventail de navigateurs et de périphériques. , plates-formes et tailles d'écran. Il intègre également de beaux styles de mise en page de maçonnerie et de grille, parfaits pour les sites Web de votre portefeuille. Avec toutes ces fonctionnalités étonnantes, vous pouvez montrer votre contenu au monde avec Uncode, dès aujourd'hui!
Jevelin est, en termes simples, très débrouillard et graphiquement superbe. Les créateurs de ce thème de portefeuille WordPress premium ont conçu ce thème comme un ensemble d’outils d’experts pour un développement efficace et sans tracas de sites Web couvrant une véritable corne d'abondance d'intérêts et d'applications à tous les niveaux. Avec ce thème, configurer votre propre site Web personnalisé est aussi simple que de choisir votre site Web de démonstration préféré ou votre modèle de page, puis d'utiliser le générateur de page intuitif par glisser-déposer pour personnaliser vos présentations et votre style en quelques minutes à peine. Les outils d'administration avancés permettent un réglage fin et significatif des graphiques et des comportements.
Ce thème comprend des transitions et des animations pour le style des en-têtes et des pieds de page, sans oublier plus de 40 éléments de shortcode prêts à être déployés, chacun avec son propre ensemble de choix de personnalisation à manipuler. Technophile et innovant, Jevelin est basé sur une conception Bootstrap modulaire qui rend toutes vos pages parfaitement compatibles avec tous les appareils et navigateurs, tandis que son code HTML5 optimise la gestion de vos images haute résolution et de votre contenu vidéo intégré avec code léger, à chargement rapide. En outre, les effets graphiques Parallax alimentés par le matériel rehaussent vos pages comme nul autre. Essayez Jevelin aujourd'hui!
La documentation pour ce thème est vaste et assez informative. Pour une description plus détaillée, assurez-vous de consulter la documentation. Le thème comprend également Revolution Slider, une méthode polyvalente d’affichage de contenu sous forme de diaporama. Vous pouvez également le personnaliser et créer vos propres animations et effets de transition. Une autre caractéristique impressionnante est le LayerSlider; il permet aux utilisateurs de créer des galeries accrocheuses, des diaporamas utiles et des curseurs de contenu impressionnants avec des effets uniques, qui figurent tous dans le package. Kalium propose également des styles de portefeuille personnalisés. Il suffit de sélectionner un modèle afin de présenter votre travail. Chaque style a sa propre apparence.
Technophile et très moderne, ce thème de site Web de portefeuille WordPress polyvalent est facile à utiliser, rapide comme l'éclair et réactif. Adios est conçu comme le thème de portefeuille ultime pour les créatifs ayant besoin d'un cadre élégant et élégant pour présenter leurs œuvres de toutes sortes à un public en ligne massif et indifférencié en suivant une série d'étapes rapides et simples à l'aide d'interfaces entièrement visuelles permettant de concevoir un site Web. et la construction d'un morceau de gâteau.
Basé sur le plug-in de création de page premium Visual Composer standard, Adios met au pouvoir des centaines de polices, des couleurs illimitées, des dizaines de modules et d'éléments personnalisés, ainsi qu'une myriade de styles de présentation, d'animations et de transitions afin de vous permettre de personnaliser vos utilisateurs finaux. expérience de navigation de haut en bas, en quelques minutes et sans avoir à écrire vous-même une seule ligne de code. Avec ce thème, une multitude de superbes mises en page ne sont qu'à un clic de souris, transformant vos pages en boîtes à savon éloquentes diffusant la parole de votre métier et de vos œuvres. Parce qu'il est totalement réactif grâce à sa conception modulaire Bootstrap, Adios peut faire voyager votre portefeuille dans le monde entier et l'afficher de manière transparente sur tous les appareils et tous les navigateurs. Essayez Adios aujourd'hui et jetez-y un coup d'œil!
Collective est une plate-forme élégante qui convient parfaitement aux concepteurs, architectes et photographes, car elle permet de créer des sites Web ingénieux en un rien de temps. Les webmasters créatifs se sentent comme à la maison avec Collective. Les outils électriques intuitifs vous permettent de créer des sites Web de portefeuille pointus sans vous ruiner. Collective est le thème parfait pour donner à votre présence en ligne un relooking tout neuf. Il combine également des fonctionnalités modernes impressionnantes avec une facilité d'utilisation pratique.
Un facteur particulièrement important dans la prise en compte de ce thème est que vous n’avez pas besoin de connaître le code pour tirer le meilleur parti de Collective. Utilisez simplement Visual Composer pour déployer des éléments réfléchis n’importe où sur votre site Web. Avec Collective, la personnalisation est rapide et le choix est vaste. Il vous donne également accès à la navigation par onglets, aux accordéons, aux boutons et bien plus encore. Plus de 2000 icônes vous permettent de rafraîchir l'apparence de votre site Web. Exprimez-vous de manière nouvelle et présentez vos œuvres au monde entier. C’est définitivement le bon thème si vous estimez que votre portefeuille actuel ne semble pas inspiré. Collective est tranchant et net et rend votre contenu pop. Des tonnes d'en-têtes et des mises en page dynamiques sont à vous pour le choix. Découvrez Collective aujourd'hui et améliorez votre portefeuille!
Folie est un thème WordPress polyvalent de qualité supérieure. Chaque élément est personnalisable et ses fonctions ne sont pas limitées! Vous pouvez construire des choses en temps réel avec le personnalisateur en direct. Folie a un en-tête dynamique impressionnant et une position de navigation libre. Il comporte de nombreux éléments préconçus et une qualité d'image adaptative. Ajoutez du contenu multimédia externe comme des audios, des vidéos et plus facilement avec sa bibliothèque! Folie propose plus de 25 options de modèles. Vous aurez également plus de 700 polices Google et de nombreuses icônes de conception de matériaux à utiliser. Les créateurs ont construit ce thème avec des crochets afin que vous puissiez ajouter ou supprimer des lignes de code sans toucher à la structure principale.
Il est compatible avec WPML, les plugins WooCommerce et de nombreux autres plugins gratuits et premium. Il intègre également les technologies Slider Revolution, Live Photo et Contact Form 7. Folie est entièrement réactif, Retina est prêt et gère les logos. Vous obtiendrez un Mega Menu, des couleurs illimitées et +4 colonnes à publier. Le thème comprend également le style maçonnerie, les galeries LightBox, MailChimp et bien plus encore. Il vient avec un concept minimaliste et propre conçu pour s’adapter à tout et à tout. Vous trouverez également une documentation détaillée, y compris des didacticiels vidéo, pour expliquer son utilisation! Juste avoir Folie!
Art est un thème WordPress coloré, personnalisable et réactif pour les créations. C’est la meilleure plateforme pour créer des sites Web créatifs et modernes. Art intègre un générateur de contenu sans codage qui simplifie chaque étape du processus. Glissez et déposez votre contenu sans transpirer, comme vous le souhaitez. Un constructeur de listes personnalisé incroyable vous permet de créer tout type de portefeuille ou de galerie. Donnez à vos projets des mises en page uniques et astucieuses pour vos listes, vos boutiques, etc.
Impressionnez votre public avec des pages mémorables et expressives mettant en valeur vos œuvres. Six en-têtes élégants et six formats de publication de blog gardent les choses intéressantes. Les nouveaux outils de gestion des polices, qui prennent en charge Google Fonts, Adobe Typekit et les polices hébergées, peuvent répondre à toutes vos exigences en matière de polices. Les entrepreneurs artistiques peuvent commercialiser leurs créations directement à partir des pages de leur boutique en ligne Art. Les curseurs d'image Hero magnifiques éblouissent vos visiteurs grâce au curseur BM. SEO by Yoast garantit que votre site Web suit bien le classement des moteurs de recherche. Essayez Art aujourd'hui!
Bridge étant l’un des meilleurs thèmes WordPress de votre portefeuille, vous pouvez créer un espace Web unique et remarquable pour vos services. Que vous soyez un artiste, un designer, un développeur, un photographe, Bridge est prêt à toutes vos compétences et à tous vos talents. Il s'agit d'un outil proposant de nombreuses démos de portefeuille génériques et génériques prêts à l'emploi à l'intention de tous ceux qui en ont besoin pour mettre de l'ordre dans leurs affaires. En utilisant Bridge, vous aurez beaucoup de plaisir à créer votre espace sur le Web.
Si vous perfectionniez votre métier jusqu'à maintenant, il est temps d'intensifier les choses et de faire connaître votre nom. Avec un portefeuille Web solide et propice à la curiosité, vous pouvez attirer plus de visiteurs et attirer de nouveaux clients potentiels intéressés à travailler avec vous. Commencez fort avec une page qui épatera tout le monde grâce à l'impressionnant pont.
Studio 8
Studio 8 est l'un des meilleurs thèmes sur le marché. Il n'a mérité que les éloges de clients satisfaits, grâce à ses excellentes fonctionnalités. Les utilisateurs de Studio 8 peuvent créer des sites Web professionnels pour leurs portefeuilles. la qualité de votre portefeuille déterminera en fin de compte votre revenu et votre taux de réussite. Heureusement, les clients potentiels peuvent accéder à votre contenu depuis leurs tablettes, ordinateurs portables, smartphones et ordinateurs de bureau. Le thème est également compatible avec la plupart des navigateurs Internet. Dans le monde des affaires, ne pas gaspiller le temps des gens est une forme de respect. Studio 8 comprend le besoin d'efficacité et ses vitesses de chargement des pages sont très impressionnantes.
Les utilisateurs peuvent s'attendre à un flux constant de mises à jour de qualité qui promettent de corriger les erreurs ou d'inclure de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Le thème a été construit avec SASS, et il est très facile à installer. Les fichiers XML, HTML et PSD sont disponibles. Studio 8 a une page spéciale 404 erreurs, des commentaires threadés et des types d'articles personnalisés. Les API WordPress sont respectées et vous pouvez télécharger des images d'en-tête personnalisées. Les codes abrégés intégrés facilitent la manipulation du contenu. Studio 8 dispose d'une politique de «garantie de remboursement de 30 jours». Pour plus d’informations, veillez à accéder à la démo du thème.
L'Agence est un thème de portefeuille propre et sophistiqué de WPLook, et est compatible avec WordPress v4.1 +. Ce thème est construit sur SASS, qui offre plus de fonctionnalités et de capacités que n’importe quel autre langage d’extension CSS. Le thème du portefeuille Agence WordPress est un excellent choix pour publier vos projets passés et actuels ou pour publier des mises à jour concernant votre entreprise en ligne. Ce thème est totalement réactif pour que votre public cible puisse visiter votre site Web, quel que soit le type d'appareil qu'ils préfèrent. Ce thème est très simple à configurer et comprend des fichiers HTML, XML et PSD pour accélérer le processus de développement de sites Web. Il est livré avec 2 types de messages personnalisés et 3 zones de widgets pour vous aider à créer des pages époustouflantes et professionnelles pour votre site Web. Il a des options de couleur illimitées pour correspondre à votre contenu et votre marque.
L'Agence dispose d'un incroyable panneau d'options de thème qui vous permet de modifier la conception de l'en-tête, de personnaliser l'arrière-plan de votre site Web et de télécharger vos propres favicon et logo. Le thème est livré avec un curseur pleine largeur pour vous aider à présenter votre contenu et à promouvoir la participation des utilisateurs sur votre site Web. Il est également compatible avec les widgets pour permettre aux administrateurs de site et aux développeurs d’incorporer plus facilement des éléments susceptibles d’améliorer l’aspect général et les fonctionnalités de votre site Web. Il comporte un menu déroulant qui rend votre site Web navigable et permet à votre public d’accéder facilement au contenu / aux informations qu’il recherche.
Alors qu'un grand nombre de thèmes et de modèles revendiquent un caractère unique, Alpha prend la notion à cœur, car elle s'efforce d'être le portefeuille en ligne définitif de cette année et de nombreux à venir. En effet, Alpha intègre un déploiement magistral de technologies de développement Web de pointe, telles que HTML5 dynamique et multimédia, des transitions fluides et captivantes, une application spectaculaire du chargement AJAX, du filtrage et bien plus encore, des effets visuels de Parallax basés sur le matériel et l’inclusion de fichiers PSD avancés ainsi que l’importation XML.
Cela fait d'Alpha une plate-forme de présentation de vos œuvres qui restera pertinente et restera comme neuve pendant très longtemps, et tout cela avec un minimum d'effort et de temps, grâce au plug-in premium Visual Composer Page Builder et aux options de thème avancées incroyablement puissantes. qui vous permet de rendre votre site Web de portefeuille Alpha aussi sincèrement unique que vous le souhaitez – quelques clics suffisent pour jouer avec tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer dans Alpha! Allez gros, allez Alpha!
Plus d'infos / Télécharger
Dynamique Massive
Massive Dynamic est un puissant créateur de sites Web polyvalents et créatifs conçu par WordPress. Ce thème est incroyablement puissant et extrêmement polyvalent. Il s’agit d’une plate-forme complète pour les webmasters – débutants et novices – permettant de créer facilement des sites Web de qualité professionnelle en un clin d’œil, sans toucher à une ligne de code. Massive Dynamic peut facilement répondre à de nombreux besoins de sites Web. Bien que ce logiciel soit bien adapté pour créer des sites Web attrayants et magnifiques pour les pigistes, les professionnels ou les organisations cherchant à faire une déclaration forte et audacieuse dans un style sérieux et efficace.
Live Website Builder de Massive Dynamic fournit également une plate-forme solide pour personnaliser tous les paramètres, des couleurs aux polices, en passant par les logos, les animations, etc., ajouter ou supprimer des codes abrégés et modifier les mises en page, le tout en un seul endroit. Vous pouvez également facilement importer une vaste collection de modèles en un seul clic, avec des paramètres, des plug-ins et des codes courts. Il comprend également une foule de présentations de portefeuille et de designs parmi les plus élégants du marché. Des fonctionnalités innovantes telles que Portfolio Live Arrange, qui vous permet d'éditer et de redimensionner chaque élément de votre portefeuille dans une présentation de grille de maçonnerie dynamique et engageante, recouvrent tout ce constructeur incroyablement puissant.
Grâce à sa très grande polyvalence, vous pouvez utiliser Stockholm pour créer presque tout type de site Web. Depuis que vous avez parcouru tout ce chemin, vous avez absolument besoin de créer vous-même ou votre client un portefeuille en ligne. Sans accroc, vous pouvez en créer un en utilisant Stockholm, ainsi que toutes les fonctionnalités et tous les actifs qui l'accompagnent. Parmi les nombreuses démonstrations prêtes à l'emploi, Stockholm en propose également beaucoup qui conviendraient parfaitement pour une page de portfolio. Et vous pouvez toujours faire vos réglages personnels pour une personnalisation plus poussée.
Stockholm est compatible avec les appareils mobiles, flexible, compatible avec plusieurs navigateurs et compatible avec la majorité des plugins WordPress. Il est prudent d'appeler Stockholm le meilleur thème WordPress de portefeuille. Grâce à la fonction d'importation démo en un clic, votre agence ou votre portefeuille indépendant est prêt à être mis en service en peu de temps. N'oubliez pas que si vous pensez qu'une assistance supplémentaire serait utile, une équipe d'experts est toujours à votre service.
Audacieux et profondément non conventionnel, PILE est spécialement conçu pour répondre aux demandes des professionnels de la création dans un très large éventail de domaines et d’intérêts. Ce thème est idéal pour les illustrateurs et les photographes, ainsi que pour les concepteurs et développeurs d'applications, les artistes et les agences de marketing, ainsi que pour tous les projets créatifs en général. C’est parce que des professionnels expérimentés ont été à l’origine de la conception graphique de PILE, avec une approche complexe et dynamique qui ne cesse de combiner la plus grande glissade minimaliste avec un sens profond de la convivialité, de l’intuitivité et de la débrouillardise.
Project Builder unique en son genre, développé sur mesure, offre la possibilité de modeler et de façonner votre site Web entre vos mains. Il possède une interface de glisser-déposer familière, qui vous permet d'accéder à une profusion d'éléments et de modules impressionnants, de mises en page pratiques et de modèles de page à modifier et à modifier. modifier, sites de démonstration complets à essayer en taille et à personnaliser, options de thème avancées pour manipuler les moindres recoins, des animations attrayantes et certaines des caractéristiques et des effets de portefeuille les plus attrayants disponibles sur le marché à ce jour. Tout cela, consacré uniquement à une chose: donner à vos œuvres l’air parfait!
Park est un thème WordPress élégant entièrement conçu pour les créatifs. Photographes, designers, illustrateurs et voyageurs en sont les utilisateurs idéaux. Vous aurez un thème axé sur les images avec une petite quantité de contenu. Park a une mise en page minimaliste et propre. Il est livré avec 5 options de portefeuilles prédéfinis parmi lesquelles choisir. La créativité à personnaliser aux dépens de la simplicité est présente dans tous les aspects. Park a un effet d'appel à l'action avec des sections déroulantes. Vous aurez des sections prédéfinies pour le contact, le portfolio, l’équipe et plus encore. Les animations et les sections pré-construites rendent la page interactive et dynamique pour les utilisateurs.
Park a une interface conviviale avec des options de thème flexibles et intuitives. Il est livré avec un générateur de shortcode pour lequel les compétences de codage ne sont pas nécessaires. Vous obtiendrez un thème facile à utiliser avec une image adaptative sur l'écran et les périphériques. Park est compatible avec Contact Form 7 et Google Fonts. Il comprend également des fichiers multilingues pour une traduction facile. La documentation est claire et concise afin que vous puissiez régler les choses sans hésitation. Un soutien personnalisé est également donné! Il vous suffit de vous concentrer sur le savoir-faire pour rendre la conception de votre entreprise attrayante. Park fait le reste. Obtenez maintenant cet instrument incroyable! Get Park!
Plus d'infos / Télécharger
Arnold est un thème WordPress portefeuille minimaliste haut de gamme. Il est orienté vers les créatifs et les agences. Agence de marketing, agence de design, illustrateurs, etc. en sont les utilisateurs idéaux. Il a une belle apparence qui résulte du mélange entre design plat minimal et moderne! Arnold est un outil puissant pour présenter votre travail. Il a un design réactif avec une structure de codage légère. Jouez avec un contenu de préconception superbe et varié pour afficher des projets tels que 8 options de démonstration de pré-conception et plus de 7 options d'en-tête prêtes à être utilisées.
Arnold a un constructeur de portefeuille personnalisé pour créer des mises en page illimitées et personnalisées. Les plug-ins Google Fonts et Icon Fonts permettent également de créer des publications et des pages attrayantes. Vous pourrez personnaliser des éléments tels que le bouton de partage pour la publication, les réseaux sociaux, le logo, etc. Une vidéo d'arrière-plan plein écran et des animations avec défilement s'ajoutent également! Arnold propose des fonctionnalités très utiles telles que l'optimisation du référencement et WooCommerce pour les magasins. BM Slider, Shortcodes et l’incroyable contenu de démonstration XML sont également inclus. Ce thème est juste facile à utiliser et beau. Il prend en charge le formulaire de contact 7 pour atteindre les clients potentiels et propose un thème pour enfants! Vous voulez prendre le contrôle de vos projets et de vos affaires avec style? Get Arnold!
Apress is a stunning, elegant and responsive multipurpose WordPress website theme. This theme is a visually-oriented theme built to stimulate audiences. A huge collection of 70 demos provide solutions for every occasion. Business websites across dozens of niches can find the perfect fit. Layout and element customization is a piece of cake with the Visual Composer. Deploy over 250 handy custom elements to add functions and features.
Impress your customers with seamless, hardware-powered Parallax visual effects. Vertical, horizontal, sliders, animations and more are also included. Every section in Apress is ready for custom Parallax effects. Your products or services have never look as attractive as they will with Apress. Showcase your business portfolio with gorgeous 3D columns and hover effects. Make your end-user navigational experience memorable and boost your conversions. Smooth Parallax scrolling makes navigating your content a breeze. Get your business in gear, with Apress!
Doyle is a powerful WordPress theme made to approach website building as a fun and freeing task. It is inclined to professional purposes due to its strongest features. It is however meant rather for independent workers and creative people. Doyle is the best thing out there to set a concise and beautiful portfolio. It offers, in fact, multiple homepages, from its 10 pre-built pack. Third-party plugins with Slider Revolution also comes bundled in the package. Posts in general get handled with its flexible layout and special add-ons. You will get 800 Google Fonts, WPML compatibility and unlimited colors to play with.
Doyle is a versatile responsive theme that will make you certain about going online. It will make you feel sure that leading your work to be showcased out there is the right choice! Doyle includes Google Maps services to put yourself on the map in many ways! It is a solid choice oriented to your needs. Play with its minimalistic concept and make it your own with customizations. This is a tool based on Bootstrap and built with Visual Composer. Get this crafty and super-fast theme with just one-click import! Get Doyle!
Kallyas is a flexible framework for making eloquent and purposeful websites in a flash. You don’t need any coding skills to get professional quality results with Kallyas. All you need to do is drop your elements and modules into the fray. Use the Visual Builder to customize your sections and layouts through a few clicks. Kallyas includes over 100 elements, each providing all sorts of advanced functionality. This theme is perfect for crafting sharp and impressive portfolio websites within minutes.
Dazzle your audience with sophisticated carousels and gallery grid photos. Impress them with iCarousels, Hover Boxes and Grid Icon Boxes. Nobody showcases your content and accomplishments like Kallyas can. The Revolution Slider provides you with handsome slideshows you can customize at your leisure. Advanced technology like 3D Parallax visual effects and smooth animations are at your fingertips. Engaging your audience with your professional information is easier than ever before. Convenient Big Social Media Blocks let you stay relevant and communicate effectively. Built on Bootstrap, Kallyas is cross-compatible with platforms and devices across the globe. Maximize your reach and broader your audience with this stunning theme. Give Kallyas a go today, and find out!

Onero is a creative portfolio WordPress theme dedicated to professionals, graphic designers, agencies, startups, freelancers, photographers, small studios, architects and interior designers. With its unique design and a large variety of features and the facility to built fresh & clean WordPress sites, Onero is the impressive WordPress theme you are looking for.
Onero has included Visual Composer, free of charge, a powerful premium page builder plugin which facilitates page construction and creation of unlimited pages layouts. With a few minutes you can create impressive website designs. It’s possible by the large variety of ready-made site templates included in theme which are ready to install in a click. Create photography portfolio WordPress sites with unlimited layouts, fullscreen sliders, splitted screen sliders, parallax sections, portfolio image gallery and stunning effects.
Moreover, this innovative theme comes with bundled shortcodes, custom pages, fully integrated with WooCommerce and WPML plugin, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider, iLightbox, Contact Form 7, it includes over 600 Google fonts and many more. The stylish & clean WooCommerce ready website template makes it easy to sell physical, digital or affiliate products.
Purchase this theme and benefit from the limited time discount. It also comes with the promise of continuous free updates, extensive documentation and the excellent premium support from our dedicated team.
Brando is built to empower webmasters from all walks of life, with or without previous development experience, to effortlessly craft their own sophisticated one-page websites across a veritable cornucopia of possible markets, interests and niches with an equally uncomplicated, speedy process and polished, seamless results. Whether you’re building your personal blog, your professional portfolio or your business product showcase, Brando has the stuff you need. It has one of the most intuitive designs and development interfaces on the market today.
Webmasters looking for a handsome way to present visual or textual content of any nature to a massive, undifferentiated online audience will find a strong ally in Brando. With seamless capabilities for Portfolio elements and Portfolio showcases, you can quickly build remarkable pages for your works that dazzle and impress your potential clients and customers the world over. It is packed with advanced HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and jQuery technologies to furnish your portfolios with the most advanced visual effects, transitions and animations out there today. Entice a whole new audience your way, with Brando, today!
Sherlock is an incredible multipurpose WordPress theme. It can be used by individuals, bloggers, agencies, or companies. You will get a theme that can easily adapt to all kinds of organizations. Using Sherlock means a drag-and-drop interface with tools ready to customize everything. Try the Yellow Pencil Editor, and you will be able to edit a website style in real time. Create eye-catching customizations that reflect professionalism and creativity. This theme lets you create any type of layout and use tons of prebuilt elements. More than 150 useful templates, 30 homepages, and 250 theme options are also included. You will even get to play with 100 readymade content blocks and over than 10 custom widgets.
Sherlock will save you lots of money and time with premium third-party plugins, like Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Setup Wizard, and Layer Slider. Another feature is its Redux framework. Sherlock has a responsive layout that works right with lots of browsers. It is compatible with other awesome tools, like MailChimp, WooCommerce, and Contact Form 7. The installation and setup process is easy and comes with a detailed documentation.
Crane is a WordPress theme focused on artistic sites with multiple uses. It is made with tons of demos, prebuilt elements, and seven integrated premium plugins. It is for designers, architects, and anyone with a portfolio to show off. Specifically, Crane successfully integrates a drag-and-drop page builder, two sliders, Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, and Layer Slider. With its gorgeous blogs and 2,000 icons, it’s no wonder that style and trendiness are part of its appeal. Crane has two amazing menu plugins to choose from when arranging posts and pages. Backgrounds are customizable, and as expected, portfolio layouts are unlimited. Crane is 100% adaptable to mobile devices on any browser. This theme is the solution for all professionals out there. It is minimalistic and is very easy to customize.
Business-wise, WooCommerce is the chosen tool to help you in the store building department. Other appealing features include 25 clipart images and a super complete online elements library. Feeling disoriented or unsure? Don’t worry. Documentation, updates, and support are part of the deal. Start to build with Crane! Only one-click import, and you’re done.
POFO is a sleek and gorgeous responsive WordPress creative portfolio website theme. It’s an easy-to-use solution for a range of professionals needing a modern new website. POFO packs elegant technology and smooth visual effects to present your portfolios. The cutting-edge WP Bakery takes the intuitive Visual Composer to the next level. Build pages in real time with incredible depth of customization for each element. Not a line of coding is needed to make POFO match your personal or professional brand. 8 hip and stylish portfolio demos await within POFO, each unique and eloquent in its own right. Sleek Parallax sections, multiple carousels, vertical slides and fluid grids. Mix and match at your leisure as POFO takes your portfolio above and beyond your wildest dreams. Top-notch performance and lightning-fast load times are par for course with POFO. Succeed today, with POFO!
The theme also combines swiftly with the premium Visual Composer plugin to let you craft your own creative, unique and brand new layouts and designs from scratch or from a professional template, in a matter of minutes, without having to code a single line yourself. With H-Code, the power of WordPress is expanded and enhanced with the WooCommerce plugin suite, which greatly augments what you can actually do with your H-Code website tremendously. This theme shines brightest when deployed as a tool for professionals, freelancers, designers and similarly related fields and industries that want a simple, attractive, customizable solution for presenting their products and services to the world at large. Put your portfolio out there, with H-Code!
Air. is a portfolio-oriented WordPress theme. It is ideal for agencies and individuals of multiple creative professions. It works for photographers, freelancers and designers. Even though it is thought out for professional purposes, it also suits bloggers well. Air. uses Drag & Drop page builder and aims for simple user experience. It has unlimited portfolio and gallery post layouts. They are full-width and also have masonry. Air. gets you great headers and footers, too. Menus are also made for easy instinctive use; they get helped with SEO optimization and shortcodes. Air. uses both Google Fonts (+600) for typography and Font Awesome (+400) for icons.
Its developers have also made backgrounds to be fully customizable and animated. Set up an online shop for your work of choice with WooCommerce integration. Air. supports WPML and RTL. Social media sharing is also available; some networks (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Linked-In, etc) even have customizable buttons. Air. will give you 7 post formats including quote, gallery, and video. This theme also supports GIFs. It includes a child website theme and one-click import data demo. Air. is also Retina ready, responsive and mobile friendly. Have fun and play with these amazing features without regret!
Norebro is a clever and crafty creative WordPress multipurpose website theme. This theme includes all the necessary tools to design enticing professional websites within minutes. Webmasters from all walks of life can learn the ropes on the go with ease. Achieve polished, customized results with the intuitive Visual Composer. Deploy sliders of all kinds with the Slider Revolution plugin. With ACF Pro, a multitude of premium customization features are at your disposal.
Tons of amazing portfolio layouts and templates make promoting your professional capabilities easy. Make your portfolio stand out with unique styling, layouts and animation. 30 curated demo websites within Norebro empower you to set up whole sites in no time. Out-of-the-box functional webstores await your service catalogues to land a client today. Awesome SEO features drive up your traffic organically overnight. With Norebro, taking your business online is easier than ever before.
Werkstatt is a professional and responsive WordPress creative portfolio multipurpose website theme. It is also a clever tool for creating eloquent websites with speed and ease. You have total control over every element of your website, top to bottom. You could customize your pages and fine-tune your styles – there’s a lot you can do with this theme! All without writing a line of code yourself. Werkstatt deploys the Visual Composer premium plugin for you to craft your pages. Drag and drop your elements and modules without breaking a sweat. Style and customize them to suit your every need.
Branding is easy and intuitive with Werkstatt, and results are smooth and professional. Perfect for portfolio crafting, this theme is full of options and customization settings to fine-tune. Thus, you could showcase your content in the most favorable light. Impress your audience with smooth animations and seamless transitions. Dazzle them with creative hover boxes and handsome lightboxes. With WooCommerce compatibility, you can market your professional services within a few clicks. You also get to market your products to a massive online audience. Optimized for SEO, Werkstatt is a robust search engine performer. As a result, it will drive up your traffic and increase your revenue overnight. Get your portfolio out there today, with Werkstatt at your side!
Animo is crafted as a uniquely intuitive solution to website design and construction, deploying premium plugins like the drag and drop Visual Composer page builder or the user-friendly industry standard Slider Revolution premium slider plugin to handsomely furnish your pages with engaging carousels and slideshows of your featured content. This theme makes for a particularly handsome portfolio website theme, packing convenient tools and features for showcasing your content in creative, memorable ways, with impressive Parallax visual effects, and sophisticated HTML5 coding for advanced handling of multimedia content. To conclude, with a wealth of gallery and portfolio layouts, styles and configuration choices, animations and transitions to select from, Animo always looks just right!
Developers have created Kameleon as a solution for webmasters looking to put together sophisticated, modern websites without having to write a single line of code, yet achieving a professional level of visual detailing that is bound to impress audiences across all demographics. This theme is therefore polished and perfected for you to take over every visual and graphical aspect of your website in a matter of minutes, regardless of previous coding or developing experience.
With convenient plugins like the Visual Composer, tweaked with multiple extra features and elements, the Revolution Slider, Live Customizer for WP and Contact Form 7 Live Builder, Kameleon is pixel perfect and deeply customizable, with ready-made commercial online shop pages ready to market your products and wares to the world at large and showcase your products, as well as myriad, different portfolio layouts and styles so your works can impress audiences across the globe. It is a favorite of creative professionals for building their portfolios, due to Kameleon Framework’s unmatched robustness and ease of use. Give Kameleon a try today, and see the difference for yourself!
Hellen is a creative and responsive WordPress elegant and minimalist multipurpose website theme. This theme is a seamless framework for putting together impressive and modern websites. Users across all industries and fields find a reliable partner in Hellen. It is a design-driven theme that provides a very polished navigational experience. With Hellen, users from all backgrounds and skill levels can get professional results. Hellen includes powerful plugins like the Visual Composer and Revolution Slider. They make customizing and crafting elements and layouts simple and fast.
Multiple elegant templates and demos are also available for you to hit the ground running. Each of them is a unique expression of class and style, ready for customizing and branding. This theme is perfect for bloggers and creatives that want to share their content with the world. Tons of artful, typographical options let you express yourself with precision and deliberation. Endless color palettes provide beautiful visual integration. Hellen is ready to perform as an online store or a professional portfolio as well. Showcase your product catalogues or your professional services in an elegant presentation. Lastly, a clean, polished code makes it fast-loading and lightweight, as well as mobile-friendly. Reach users on every device and platform, with Hellen. Check Hellen out today!
Argenta is a multipurpose WordPress theme with numerous demos. These demos are dedicated to each topic in its package deal. One of them is to create customizable portfolio and galleries. All you need is just a click to install! On top of that, you will get lots of headers and layouts with different styles already elaborated. This will have your clients more impressed. Electronic shopping and payment is easy to use. Argenta has tons of plugins for it (eCommerce, WooCommerce and AJAX). Make your accordions easy to display with its video features that include animations.
Argenta Portfolio is of high performance due to its easy coding and use of Visual Composer. It also has more than 4 columns to post. Flexibility to customize footers, sidebar, and headers could not get better! Argenta is equipped with regular updates, and includes an automatic translator (Po.Mo). It comes with blogs layout settings and a flexible panel to work with. A well organized menu. It works on all kinds of devices, and is updated to latest WordPress software. You can’t make a mistake with this awesome product. Use Argenta for your portfolios now!
Beoreo is a creative WordPress multipurpose website theme. Straightforward, this platform is for webmasters—seasoned and rookie alike—to professionally put together the most websites overnight, easy and simplified crafting and customizing process that requires no coding. Also, you can get started with any of Beoreo’s designed, simple 18 custom demo homepage websites, incorporating many additional inner page templates as desired, customizing your navigation and pagination styles, or keeping things neat with a the single page format.
Beoreo can pull any style, with minimal fuss. Handsome shortcodes abound in Beoreo, ready to add an incredible layer of depth and function to your every page with the flick of a switch. Packing features like out of the box WooCommerce integration and thorough SEO enhancements from the codebase up, Beoreo is therefore ready to rumble. How about you?
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Craft unique and breath-taking end-user experiences without having to write a line of code with its intuitive visual interface and cutting edge animations and transitions, which blend seamlessly with your portfolios and individual posts to bring your website alive and keep your audience engaged. There simply is no cleaner and faster way to showcase your works online than Petal. Try Petal now!
California is a WordPress theme dedicated for the creative industry. It uses Visual Composer as page builder. You will get several homepages with their own demo. California can help you craft appealing portfolios and blogs. It also has an image and galleries emphasis with +550 Retina Ready icons and CSS3 support. Additionally, you can customize incredibly without coding with an intuitive shortcode generator! California lets you put up to 6 types of portfolio layout designs like carousel and grid. It has support for Parallax and tons of social media sharing options. California also comes with unlimited color options. It even includes animated transitions.
General design lets you play with heads, footers and sliders. California has more than 4 columns to post with +10 tags to filter and improve searches. It also uses advanced Google Fonts and is WPML compatible, too. California is all screens adaptable and mobile friendly theme. This premium Elite Author product is alsoideal for freelancers, creative agencies, and even amateur fashion bloggers. Try this all browsers compatible, with a 5 starts rated custom support theme! You won’t regret it! Try the California dream!
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Villar is a portfolio oriented WordPress theme. It is for everyone in the creative scene, and it works for both freelancers and agencies. It comes with numerous demos and a child theme included. Villar is Retina ready with over 550 of the plugin icons available. It has lots of options for both layout and design. It uses Drag & Drop’s Visual Composer and animated page transitions. You will find tons of color variations and tons of fonts and typography features. Villar has its search bar optimized and up to date with SEO plug in.
It also uses ClaPat Slider and has a curtain showcase slider feature. Customizable buttons make social media sharing possible. Villar is easy to set up. It has many unique shortcodes that allow page building to be a quicker experience. To make translations possible you have translation file compatibility with intuitive plugins. You can customize backgrounds and have various post formats in more than 4 columns. Villar is a high quality Elite Author product with 5 star customer support service. Also, it is high resolution, all screen compatible theme perfect for project creations. Have fun and innovate…Bring out your creativeness to float with Villar!
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Kuverta is a Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme. It comes with a One-Click Demo Installer and is child theme compatible. Kuverta aims to be the best smooth and simple looking theme for all in the creative business world. It includes support of up to 6 columns for posts and pages. Portfolios can be created with Drag & Drop Page Builder. It also has a responsive layout and unlimited fonts and icons with both Google Fonts and Font Awesome. Kuverta also has Simple Line Icons and Premium Revolution Slider plugins. Portfolios (that are up to 20 styles) can even come with animations thanks to its CSS3 customizable features!
Kuverta is WPML friendly and has Translation Ready with files available for you. You can display galleries and style portfolios with MegaMenu. You can also sell your work and do transactions with WooCommerce. Share buttons on the sides make social media spreading as easy as 1-2-3. Kuverta is compatible with Bootstrap and Visual Composer. Because of its easy access Admin Panel, photographers, illustrators, freelancers and more can relate to its functionalities. Enjoy the easiness of this theme and have your new portfolio set up done with Kuverta!
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This WordPress theme is able to achieve high standards of performance and aesthetic design while maintaining a down-to-earth sense of accessibility. It is also notably easy to use, even for those that do not possess advanced levels of Programming knowledge. The installation process is not hard to understand, and it only takes a few moments. If you click it, the installer will begin to import theme options, images, sliders, posts, pages, and widgets. It is ready for WordPress 4+, and it has WPML multilingual support for both your page text and the sections of your WooCommerce store. There are also plenty of drag&drop elements, allowing for the hassle-free customization of your page. Take your time and craft something that is truly yours.
Notio is also Retina ready and boasts ultra-high resolution graphics. It truly is hard to describe just how good this theme looks. Moreover, the documentation of this theme is very extensive and informative, enough to turn any newbie into an experienced user. Furthermore, the same principle of adaptability applies to devices as well. Notio is entirely responsive, and it work well on tablets, smartphones, and desktop computers.
Hestia Pro
Hestia Pro is a responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. Developers programmed this theme to perform across all traffic conditions and usage cases within a multitude potential applications and website archetypes, due to its incredibly flexible set of tools, plugins, page templates and shortcodes as well as whole demo websites which can quickly and purposefully outfit you with fully functional masterpieces dedicated to diverse, specific niches and endeavors with absolute ease and within a single click.
Professional webmasters love Hestia Pro because it empowers them to put out impressive portfolio websites in a minutes, capable of showcasing your every professional accomplishment to a massive online audience of potential customers, clients or employers. Hestia Pro includes awesome technological capabilities powered by the innovative and media-savvy HTML5 codebase, styled and animated in smooth perfection through CSS3 stylesheet scripting, with plentiful advanced, premium options like dynamic AJAX powered search and sort functionality, not to mention hardware powered Parallax visual and graphical effects, including Parallax scrolling, backgrounds and much more. You will always make the right impression with this! Try Hestia Pro now!
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ROUA is a clean and minimal WordPress portfolio theme well suited for freelancers and creative agencies. The theme is easy to customize and will satisfy most demanding users such as designers, illustrators, photographers, artists and other creatives. ROUA is fully responsive and its minimalistic design looks stunning on smartphones, tablets and desktops. you could also set this theme up with ease; it is well suited for users with very little experience with WordPress and premium themes. Pro users won’t be disappointed either, because this theme has everything. Developers have created its layout using Bootstrap 3 frontend framework that makes it fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Redux Framework, the most powerful theme options framework available today, allows you to customize ROUA via Theme Options. ROUA is an awesome WordPress theme for all creatives who value minimalist design.
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LUISA is a minimalist and fully functional website template that could help you display, promote and sell your works on the web. This lovely theme comes with a simple and clean design that makes your creative works stand out and captures the interest of your target audience. It is also fully responsive and looks amazing on any type of internet-enabled device. LUISA is based on Bootstrap 3 framework, and its creators have designed it with the highest functionality in mind. Its WordPress Customizer allows you to easily manage the look and feel of your portfolio website. Its portfolio post type makes it really quick and easy for you to add your projects or previous works and showcase them in a professional way.
With LUISA’s video support, you can also speedily add videos for your pages or portfolio projects. This theme also comes with parallax effects for headers and portfolio section that adds appeal to the overall look of your blog or portfolio website. It uses AJAX navigation to help your website visitors easily find the content they are looking for on your website. It comes with isotope and masonry grid layout that make your portfolio look more pleasing to the eyes of your visitors.
Moreover, this theme is built using a clean and valid code, and developed with the best SEO practices in mind. Both novice and professional developers love using this theme because it is Child theme ready, WPML compatible and demo data is already bundled in the theme package. Lastly, they provide the best customer support to help theme users set up and design their website in no time at all. LUISA is the perfect WordPress theme to showcase your stunning portfolio!
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KON/CEPT’s minimalistic yet modern design will surely leave your visitors impressed with the exquisiteness and efficiency of your portfolio site. Because it is created around a modular concept and an amazing masonry portfolio grid, this theme stands out from other premium portfolio themes. Also, a solid framework backs up this theme. It is also completely responsive to ensure that your website will run smoothly on all modern devices and fit properly on all screen sizes. All icons and images in this theme rather look clear and razor-sharp on retina and HiDPI displays. The Theme Customizer offers theme options, which enables you to modify the overall appearance in an instant. It also offers advanced portfolio options to help you create unlimited portfolios, each with its own categories and custom settings.
It has three column types, two layout styles, four animation options, two hovering previews, infinite loading, filtering and amazing portfolio theme features that will make your website the perfect platform to showcase your stunning works. The project pages also enable you to add rich content to your website so you can also incorporate absolutely anything inside your portfolio. With KON/CEPT, you could present your blog in the way of a clean grid with classical inner post design.
Expertise in website developing is not needed to set up and organize the elements of your theme, since it comes with a powerful Visual Composer Plugin that enables users to create and arrange their own layouts in no time. If you plan to sell your works or products online, KON/CEPT also offers WooCommerce support. Lastly, this theme is not only visually appealing but it is also fully functional and SEO friendly because it is written with clean and valid codes and not bloated with unnecessary features.
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For those who are looking for a reliable and professional WordPress theme, Azoom is an ideal choice. Azoom offers various header models for multiple layouts. Users will be able to disable or enable the Sticky menu feature, and the Top Header area. This product brings many useful features, including the Mobile Menu, Left Menu, and intuitive Mega Menu. Azoom has a series of font icons, a modern WooCommerce cart, image support, and an Ajax search function.
This theme is optimized for search engines, boasting special tags that will improve your chances of getting noticed. SEO implementation is a key feature, considering that its absence can ruin even the best sites. With a few simple mouse clicks, users can add eye-catching animations to their grid. There is the option to design your personal forum pages, thanks to the addition of bbPress. For advanced customization, be sure to visit the Advanced Theme Options. Site owners can change the color scheme, alter the header models, and even use one of their own logos. For a fluid and streamlined browsing experience, the developers have incorporated the Side Navigation function.
If you are looking for a high-quality WordPress theme, look no further than Tower. It is an incredible product, capable of upgrading your site, and enhancing its aesthetic appeal. For those who wish to learn more about Tower, there is the online theme Documentation source, readily available. Given that it can guide you through the installation process, it can come quite handy. If any issues arise, or you simply have some pressing questions, you may access the support forum. It contains relevant topics and a community whose members are eager to aid each other.
Thanks to the implementation of the Online Template Builder, customers can easily personalize and improve their page templates. There are 18 distinct demos, each allowing for the creation of a fully functional web page. The possibilities are therefore without end. Users could import demo content within a few moments, and could initiate the process with a single click. Regardless of your customization choices, your content will look amazing. Also, the theme layout is compatible with mobile device screens. Tablet and smart phone users will not encounter any compatibility or resizing errors.
Tography is a solid and highly reliable theme that has been explicitly designed for the purpose of creating articulated and sophisticated websites specializing in the presentation of gorgeous high-resolution visual content to the public at large. This theme empowers webmasters without any prior coding experience and from any background to quickly and effortlessly put together amazing and modern portfolio websites of all natures and niches with a vast range of unique and powerful customization options, versatile portfolio styles, incredible gallery layouts and much more.
Tography also has a highly intuitive backend user interface with all sorts of potent and professional quality tools, widgets and shortcodes readily available for you to design your own layouts or modify the provided templates and demos to suit your every graphical specification. Websites that use this theme are always unique and entirely personal. With Tography’s understated, subtle sense of aesthetics, your visual content will truly be the star of the show.
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Inspiro is a visually accomplished, minimalist, polished and professional WordPress responsive photo-focused theme, suited to satisfy the needs of a great number of different websites, big and small, corporate or personal, but especially well designed for the construction and maintenance of personal photo blogs. Webmasters who seek to build their own online home, where they can share their daily quotidian thoughts and feelings, while accompanying them with gorgeous photography that illustrates the juncture between modern technology and the timeless beauty of life itself, find great pleasure in working with this theme.
Inspiro is intuitive and easy to use. You’ll start off selecting a demo or template that suits your desired overall look, such as a widgetized Homepage or a blog style Homepage, then proceed to customize these pages with multiple advanced customization tools, including the Dynamic Homepage Builder, the Visual Customizer, and the incredible ZOOM Framework. At any point, this theme does not require coding, which is why Inspiro is friendly to webmasters of all skill levels. When you’re done picking your colors, you could customize your backgrounds and logos and more, then you’ll start adding pages from Inspiro’s many predesigned layouts, including attractive Gallery pages to showcase your photography in one place, fully functional online shop pages. There are so many more features that you won’t know what to do with them all! Start your blog today with Inspiro!
Hind is an incredibly powerful, amazingly flexible, elegant and stylish WordPress responsive multi-concept portfolio theme. It is well suited for handling an infinite variety of websites with a myriad different needs, yet uniquely potent when tasked with the creation of portfolio and photography websites. If you want to make people think back on the things they’ve seen in your website, Hind is the theme for you.
Hind is an incredible bang for your buck, including over $53 of premium plugins at no additional cost—the Visual Composer will make building your website a painless breeze, while the Revolution Slider will smoothly animate your sidebars and beef up your tech-savviness effortlessly. You can also import dozens of unique demo websites with a single click, ready to fill out and customize with your material. Most of all, elegant layouts, over thirty different portfolio post types included animated grids, SEO built into the code, a responsive BootStrap 3 design and single and multiple page websites available with the flick of a switch. In retrospect, why aren’t you using Hind already?
Constructed on Visual Composer, Ronneby is an excellent WordPress theme for portfolio websites, as it is WordPress 4.5 tested and approved, and compatible with WP 3.5+. Users can view Ronneby from any browser, device, or operating system. Even a novice user will be able to personalize his/her site, thanks to the innovative Visual Composer tool. There is no need for programming or web development knowledge. You can manage the top panels, sidebars, and main content elements.
Ronneby is Retina-ready and it benefits from vector graphics. Upon installation, you can expect a series of future updates that promise to expand your portfolio site’s capabilities. For rows and content, users will enjoy jaw-dropping Parallax effects. The theme also has multiple sidebar variations, and it includes 20+ demo layouts. This pre-designed content will shave hours off your schedule, as it can implement a fully-functional site in a matter of moments. You can even install some third-party plugins. For more information regarding Ronneby and its features, be sure to access the live preview.
Borderland is one of the best WordPress portfolio themes, and you could purchase it for a modest price. A large collection of features are available, along with a quality design that simply refuses to be bland and mediocre. Also, a child theme is readily available for you to use. Borderland is Retina-ready, cross-browser compatible, and fully-responsive. Basically, it will work on anything that has a screen and an internet connection. It is possible to translate your content, thanks to the WPML multilingual plugin. This allows you to appeal to a broader audience and attract foreign clients or employers. In addition, your followers will be able to contact you, as Borderland has incorporated the popular Contact Form 7 plugin.
Personalized widget areas and Parallax background images are also available. Site owners will easily personalize any article’s typography, due to the inclusion of more than 600 Google Fonts. Borderland has a customizable footer with a variable number of columns and more than 40 useful shortcodes. Multiple icon font packages are also available. Upon purchasing this theme, several premium WordPress plugins such as Visual Composer, LayerSlider, and so on, are within your reach. In order to sample Borderland’s features, be sure to access its live demo.
Tempo is a gorgeous, carefully crafted, potent and intuitive WordPress responsive theme, constructed with the requirements of websites that contain highly visual posts or products, and uniquely suited for the design of jaw-droppingly beautiful online portfolios for professionals from all careers and walks of life. This theme will also display your works under a brilliant, sophisticated, Retina-ready spotlight, consisting of several amazing layout options with crucial visual effects for highlighting your work. Tempo makes sure everyone can see what you’ve done!
Providing fast and painless portfolio construction experience is Tempo’s key goal. Starting from a light or dark Homepage skin, you’ll be able to change every nook and cranny of your website with the Live Customizer in real time, so you’ll know what it looks like as you are experimenting. Its shining feature, the fullscreen-enabled Gallery pages, will make sure your work is viewed by site visitors with no distractions and in the adequate visual proportions. Tempo includes WooCommerce, so you can monetize your wares fast and easy from your own website. Tempo–make a run for it!
Vigor is an exemplary WordPress theme for portfolio websites. Any customer can enjoy its professional design and innovative layout. A large collection of practical features promises to improve every aspect of your portfolio, making it easier to impress potential clients. Vigor also benefits from a very powerful admin interface that gives you control over any aspect of your portfolio page. Moreover, it is very user-friendly and accessible even for those who lack web development expertise. Multiple header layout versions are also available, and you get to determine their position.
One of the most efficient methods of promotion is to showcase content via slides. This format is simply more efficient, in a time of notoriously short attention spans. Thankfully, Vigor has integrated the Edge Slider tool, which enables the creation of professional slides. It is possible to include both images and videos. The theme has a split screen layer layout and a modern Mega Menu. Video backgrounds are also available for certain sections. It is possible to customize post typography, as Vigor incorporates more than 600 amazing Google fonts. Readers can now contact site owners, thanks to the inclusion of Contact Form 7. If you prefer a more hands-on demonstration, be sure to access the Vigor live preview.
In order to enhance your portfolio website, you will need to purchase a WordPress theme like Kinetika. This innovative product has a versatile and intuitive layout that is sure to impress any potential client or employer. Kinetika has integrated the popular WooCommerce plugin, which can facilitate the creation of gorgeous online stores. With this platform, you will be able to sell your goods and services, thus increasing your bottomline. Kinetika allows followers to view your content on high resolution Retina displays and most web browsers. In addition, it is completely responsive and compatible with all devices: desktop, laptops, smartphones and tablets.
Multilingual sites are much more popular than their monolingual counterparts. Thankfully, this theme has integrated the WPML plugin, and it can translate your portfolio into any language. Of course, this makes it easier to appeal to foreign clients.Full screen slideshows will showcase your content in an attractive manner. The slides can support video, pictures, and even text formats. Light and dark color versions are also available, and they both look amazing. Several header variations are readily available, as well as a translucent menu option. Kinetika can help you organize gatherings or tease upcoming releases, with the help of event posts. You can even include relevant information such as event dates, status, and locations.
Charm is a WordPress theme for portfolio websites that lives up to its name. It has a lightweight, powerful design that is sure to impress even the most cynical clients or employers. Its layout is fully-responsive and compatible with most web browsers. You will never have to worry about resizing errors. Three distinct blog variations, along with 6 page templates, come bundles with the package. Users can choose between a classic layout, grid layout, and a full width layout. Modern social widgets are also available, and they make it easier for site owners to share their content on social media platforms. By targeting these massive online networks, your view count can definitely increase.
Charm is not a static product. It will always receive free updates that promise to fix errors and enhance its features. This guarantees that your portfolio page will never become outdated. An extensive documentation source is also available for new users. It is very well-written and highly informative, offering to guide you through the installation and customization process. The theme also comes with font awesome icons, along with video, image and gallery support. You can show respect towards your clients, by not wasting their time. Charm has lightning-fast loading speeds, hence resulting in an ideal browsing experience for all followers.
Yaga is a modern portfolio WordPress theme that will never let you down. It is very versatile, capable of adapting to almost any business niche. This flexibility arises from a sizable collection of innovative features, and a clean, responsive design. PEHAA themes’ simple post types make it much easier to organize your content. There are multiple categories: recipes, projects, destinations, and so on. With most themes, site customization is very challenging. In fact, many users will need to hire expert web developers. Thankfully, Yaga is very user-friendly, as it has included an excellent Page Builder tool with over 20 stylish content elements. Also, there is nothing stopping you from composing original content elements.
This theme is also minimalistic, yet visually impressive. Portfolio designs as simple as possible, in order to maximize its performance and speed. Nothing enrages followers more than slow-loading sites. Your fans or clients will never have to go through that experience. Yaga has full-width sections, elegant Icon Fonts, and a Drag and Drop, backend interface. In order to save time, you can also install demo content. Of course, users could further customize pre-designed layouts. The theme has also integrated personalized colors, logos, and fonts.
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PineCone is a modern WordPres theme that promises to improve every aspect of your portfolio website. It allows you to have an unlimited number of portfolios, each with its own personalized settings and categories. Site owners can also modify the colors, fonts, images, and titles of any page. Additionally, PineCone is compatible with every Google Font. The layout will never experience resizing errors, as your content will automatically adapt to any screen, operating system, or web browser. This can increase your view count, and lighten your schedule. Administrators will be able to manage the site while on the move.
Gorgeous CSS3 content animations also come with the package, along with some customizable widget areas in your footer and header section. Moreover, extensive PDF documentation files are available for novice users. It also explains PineCone’s features, as it offers to guide you through the personalization and setup process. The Contact Form 7 plugin is also available, making it possible to communicate with your fans. Furthermore, this theme has an infinite scrolling function that auto-loads content as the visitor scrolls down. Lastly, Masonry and Isotope portfolio variations are at your disposal, along with a highly-customizable Options Tree plugin. If you prefer a more hands-on demonstration of this theme’s capabilities, be sure to access its live preview.
Developers have built Corpus with the core values of power, flexibility and weightlessness. Its quintessence is a theme that is as unobtrusive as it is subtle, as beautiful as it is functional, and as pliable as it is potent. Corpus is ideal for corporate users, as its finished, professionally-designed layouts and schemes lend themselves well both to serious businesslike use as well as thorough, conscientious personalized branding of preexisting brand identities.
WPBakery’s Visual Composer and the Redux framework, as well as dozens of powerful shortcodes, will save you hours of developer manpower, making Corpus easy and intuitive. A plethora of carefully crafted templates ready to deploy for your corporate news blog is available. It is very mobile and touch-friendly, natively search engine-optimized and remarkably fast-loading, meaning it’s easy on your server loads (and bills), making use of minimalistic HTML5 and CSS3 coding, as well as cutting edge LESS codinge. As a result, there is an incredible interaction in the form of Parallax effects, smooth animations and interactive sliders and bars. To conclude, Corpus is a theme that means business, attracts business, and seals the deal. Just click your name on the dotted line.
Dalton is a vastly pliable theme, crafted with the express intent of forging a framework for websites of all sorts to solve their issues with. To such an end, Dalton has been constructed with the most advanced and powerful technologies available, using a solid core of HTML5 coding and CSS3 styling to great effectiveness, while built on top of the potent Redux Framework for an unimaginably customizable theme that can be pretty much turned inside out at your whim with the incredibly advanced theme options included. Hence, Dalton is perhaps among the best Portfolio website themes on the market today.
Also, Dalton has the professional, polished look of a serious corporate or commercial concern, along with the smooth, Parallax-assisted visual charm of creative or artsy websites that invites users to freely browse throughout your expansive catalogues. Incredible templates and homepages also come within the several demos packed into Dalton, including unique, creative and stylish portfolio layout options that are sure to make your best works shine. Are you ready for Dalton?
Throne is a well-developed and thoroughly thought out theme that has been equipped with sufficient power and flexibility to seamlessly lend itself to a whole slew of different purposes. But, developers have specifically constructed it to satisfy the demands of all kinds of imaginable portfolio websites, regardless of your field or industry. It can surely help you show off your work in utmost style and elegant, spotless perfection.
This theme also includes amazing home and portfolio page templates that are full of customization options to show off your content in tons of different styles without ever taking attention away from the works you choose to showcase. That is because Throne’s minimalist design philosophy ensures it stays out of the way so your portfolio can truly shine. Layout Builders with multiple different sections are available for pages as convenient and diverse as About Us or Services, so you can easily fill out your portfolio website with all manners of convenient information. It is natively responsive, too. Sit on the Throne today!
Moreover, it comes with WordPress Customizer, and poses tons of shortcodes for fast and easy theme customization. Its customization tools make it easy for you to change certain theme elements such as banner, homepage background design, and header design to add a personal style to the custom-built theme. It also comes with premium plugins RoyalSlider, GSAP, and Isotope to help you display your content in an elegant way.
Besides showing off your work, you also get to smoothly sell digital goods or prints with Helium, with the full integration of Easy Digital Downloads. Helium has full social media integration to help you get the word out and help your visitors or customers share your content online. Furthermore, it is SEO friendly, translation ready, WPML Compatible and offers a one click demo content importer.
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Ananke’s fully responsive format ensures that your website will work smoothly on all web enabled devices including Smartphones and tablets to provide your target visitors an optimal viewing experience. Developers have designed this theme using clean and valid HTML5 and CSS3 coding to help you keep up with the latest trends in web design. Ananke also allows you to create three types of homepages: one with the video background, second with the slider, and third with the parallax scrolling background. Moreover, it comes packed with cool features like Google Fonts, 8 homepage variations, unlimited color styles, filterable portfolio, Ajax portfolio, premium Royal Preloader, parallax effects, CSS3 animation and a lot more. Additionally, it uses the famous Redux Framework, which makes theme customization really fast and easy.
The powerful theme options panel also gives you full control over customization of your theme, from its colors and fonts to visual design. It comes with the powerful Visual Composer, which allows you to create unlimited pages in no time. Furthermore, this modern theme comes with a very intuitive and user-friendly admin interface, which enables you to add unlimited sliders and slides, portfolio images or videos and parallax effects to any page. It also includes the premium Revolution Slider that offers beginners and professional developers an all-in-one slide displaying solution that allows for showing almost any kind of content with highly customizable, transitions, effects and custom animations. In addition, you can help your potential clients find your location using Google Maps. Make the most out of its built-in contact form to easily and quickly build up a list of interested visitors and potential customers.
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Phoenix is a high-quality, versatile WordPress theme. It is Retina-Ready, and it includes some amazing Parallax effects. You could use its basic template for a multitude of websites, including personal portfolio and creative agency pages. As a freelancer, your career depends on making a good online impression, and Phoenix can help you turn some heads. The single/multi-page template is constructed on the Bootstrap 3 frontend framework. It also includes many variations for the intro section: full screen Parallax Slider, full screen background, full screen video. It even has a nifty countdown page that page visitors can view until your project is uploaded. There is also an error 404 page, and a unique external page for other projects.
If you are new to WordPress and are having trouble during the installation process, Phoenix is there to help. Additionally, an easy online video tutorial explains everything that you need to know about this theme. If the issue that you are having persists, be sure to contact customer support. Moreover, their staff is well-trained, and available 24/7. A special HTML version is available for all those who are interested. Furthermore, the design of this WordPress theme is very responsive, as it can work on any device. Be it mobile or desktop, rest assured that your site will not experience resizing or compatibility issues. Lastly, Phoenix aims for a simple design scheme, focusing more on what matters: your content.
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Wonder is a nice, clean and beautiful portfolio and gallery theme for WordPress. Highly customizable, this theme has dozens of options available via a simple yet powerful admin panel. Its clean code base also makes it optimized for fast load speeds on any web host. Lastly, Wonder is optimized to work with dozens of free and premium plugins to add extra functionality if necessary.