40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018

WordPress est l'une des plateformes de blogging les plus préférées en raison de sa flexibilité et de ses fonctionnalités puissantes. Les thèmes de WordPress constituent une fonctionnalité exceptionnelle, hautement personnalisables et vous permettant de concevoir votre site Web en fonction de votre marque. Si vous connaissez le Web, vous pouvez créer votre propre thème WordPress et le télécharger pour une utilisation personnelle (ou publique). Mais si vous n'êtes pas un concepteur de site Web ou si vous ne connaissez que les bases du HTML et du CSS, le choix du thème parfait est crucial pour votre site.

Bien que certains thèmes WordPress puissent être utilisés gratuitement, n’excluez pas les thèmes Premium. Les thèmes WordPress Premium vous permettent plus de possibilités de personnalisation que les mises en page gratuites, qui ont tendance à être plus simples et plus propres. N'oubliez pas: la conception de votre site devrait vous aider à vous démarquer des autres sites Web et devrait également faire bonne impression sur vos visiteurs. Un thème bien structuré aide également votre site Web à bien figurer dans les principaux moteurs de recherche. Cela est utile, en particulier si vous souhaitez générer davantage de trafic sur votre site.

Il est donc temps de commencer à parcourir les thèmes WordPress. Il y a actuellement plus de 10 000 thèmes disponibles. Pas besoin de vous inquiéter. Nous avons compilé une liste de plus de 40 thèmes parfaits pour votre blog personnel.


40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 1

Jevelin est un thème WordPress premium simple, facile à utiliser, moderne, créatif, convivial et intuitif. Ce thème a été conçu pour fonctionner à un niveau exceptionnel en tant que site Web polyvalent avec des capacités de personnalisation avancées et un processus de création de pages visuel intuitif que les webmasters sans expérience en programmation peuvent facilement apprendre en quelques minutes.

En outre, ce thème regorge de structures prédéfinies, de sites Web de démonstration de style professionnel et de modèles de pages Web fonctionnels et articulés. Jevelin a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour intégrer vos projets dans le 21e siècle. De plus, les blogueurs trouveront un espace particulièrement confortable où ils pourront facilement publier et diffuser leurs pensées, leurs photographies, leurs vidéos ou leur contenu général. Enfin, Jevelin contient six mises en page de blog différentes, plusieurs styles de publication personnalisés et des fonctionnalités sophistiquées, telles que des interfaces et des catégories dynamiques Back to Top, des carrousels de contenu et des curseurs alimentés par Slider Revolution. Essayez Jevelin aujourd'hui et sentez la différence.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 3

Journal est le thème le plus vendu de WordPress, et est conçu pour vous aider à raconter vos histoires avec l'utilisation de la typographie, du dynamisme et du design professionnel. Ce look moderne est la solution idéale pour divers sites Web de l'industrie. De la mode à la mode en passant par tous les domaines, Newspaper apporte à tout type de blog une beauté et des conceptions uniques combinées à des performances de qualité et à la stabilité.

Avec 50 démos uniques, des traductions intégrées, un système d'annonces intelligent et de nombreuses fonctionnalités, Newspaper est un thème incontournable pour tout blog, journal, magazine ou site de révision. Le modèle est fourni avec tagDiv Composer, le premier constructeur de page d’accueil spécialement conçu pour les sites Web d’actualités et de magazines. Faites simplement glisser, déposez et arrangez l’un des 100 éléments du thème et vous pourrez voir les changements se produire instantanément, juste devant vos yeux. De plus, Newspaper 9 introduit la bibliothèque tagDiv Cloud qui contient plus de 420 modèles prédéfinis pour les articles 404, les catégories, les auteurs et les pages de recherche. Vous pouvez facilement charger et personnaliser des modèles prédéfinis et tout créer sur le client. La bibliothèque tagDiv Cloud comprend plus de 35 modèles de post-modèles uniques prêts à styler vos beaux articles. Maintenant, chaque projet est un «Faites-le vous-même»!

En outre, le journal contient de nombreuses options d'en-tête et de pied de page, des éléments Flex Block pour plus de polyvalence, des combinaisons infinies de grandes grilles pour mettre en évidence des pages ou des catégories, ainsi qu'une documentation complète. En outre, le thème intègre un codage net, un excellent design, une vitesse de chargement de page rapide, et AMP prêt. Enfin, le journal est compatible avec WooCommerce et compatible Google AdSense, prenant en charge les annonces réactives et adaptées aux mobiles. Il utilise les meilleures pratiques de référencement et est convivial.

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Divi est un thème créatif audacieux et époustouflant. Il est expressif, technologiquement innovant, homogène et très bien structuré. Ce thème moderne et attrayant est adapté aux réseaux sociaux et prêt pour Retina. Il est facilement personnalisable et intuitivement navigable. Divi propose une conception propre, lisible, rationalisée et réactive qui répond à plusieurs objectifs. C’est un thème WordPress particulièrement flexible qui a été spécialement conçu pour offrir une solution globale de guichet unique répondant aux besoins de création de sites Web modernes avec une facilité et une fluidité égales et sans faille.

Divi a été conçu pour être efficace et rapide, pour une évolutivité idéale. Il est robuste et fiable pour les utilisations sensibles. Ce thème attrayant est attrayant pour un public de masse, et il est merveilleusement intuitif pour les webmasters avec ou sans expérience préalable de la programmation. Divi peut vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de votre site sans avoir à coder une seule ligne. Pour ce faire, Divi Builder, un éditeur de pages visuel basé sur des blocs que les webmasters adorent utiliser pour sa simplicité et son efficacité, déploie plus de 40 modules de contenu personnalisables comme ils le souhaitent sur toutes les pages et sections. Ces caractéristiques font de Divi un choix fantastique pour les webmasters cherchant à créer de beaux sites Web de blogs. Essayez Divi aujourd’hui et dites au monde ce que vous pensez.

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Gillion (Article Tendance)

40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 6

Gillion est un thème WordPress spécialisé dans les magazines et les blogs. Il a un design réactif avec une installation de démonstration en un clic. Il a été conçu avec une interface d’administration puissante qui rend le codage inutile. Gillion est fourni avec une équipe d'assistance premium et un support Google Analytics. Il dispose d'une mise en page flexible avec un nombre illimité de couleurs et de 6 formats de publication. Vous obtiendrez un concept sobre, net et lisse avec de nombreuses personnalisations à effectuer. Gillion a plusieurs mises en page de blogs et icônes de partage social intégrées dans l'en-tête. Profitez en ce moment de ce thème lié au référencement, prêt à la traduction et intuitif! Essayez l'incroyable Gillion!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 8

Chaque seconde, des centaines de blogs sont créés. Face à une concurrence aussi écrasante, vous avez besoin de quelque chose qui puisse vous donner un avantage concurrentiel. Uncode est un thème WordPress pouvant améliorer chaque élément de votre blog. Avec un grand nombre de fonctionnalités utiles et une mise en page entièrement réactive, ce produit peut aider à augmenter le trafic sur le site. Le code peut afficher votre contenu sur n’importe quel appareil, quelle que soit la taille de l’écran. En outre, il offre également une compatibilité entre navigateurs.

Les utilisateurs peuvent concevoir leur propre mise en page, et les possibilités sont illimitées. Le processus est relativement convivial, car il repose sur la technologie de glisser-déposer. Vous n'avez pas besoin de codage précédent pour créer une belle mise en page. Le code est optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche et ses vitesses de chargement sont rapides. Les utilisateurs peuvent présenter de superbes galeries multimédia et des animations CSS3 sans faille. Il est également possible de modifier la typographie du post grâce à l'implémentation de Typekit, Google Fonts, Fontdeck et Font Squirrel. Pour ceux qui souhaitent goûter à Uncode, un aperçu en direct a été ajouté.

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Soledad est le nouvel article le plus vendu sur Themeforest; il a réalisé des centaines de ventes en moins d'une semaine. Soledad est une ville complètement moderne et dynamique, jeune et dynamique. Il présente un design net et très lisible, poli de manière esthétique et fonctionnellement ingénieux. C’est également un thème de blog et de magazine polyvalent WordPress à chargement rapide et sensible au référencement. Soledad a été conçu comme une solution de création de site Web massive et complète qui permet aux webmasters de tout niveau de compétence de créer facilement et sans effort des blogs et des sites de magazines professionnels astucieux et attrayants, avec un design cohérent et solide, une expérience de navigation intuitive et interface utilisateur. À cette fin, Soledad comprend plus de 250 sites Web de démonstration Home à part entière pour que vous puissiez vous mettre au travail.

Soledad est vraiment gigantesque et expansif, avec plus de 250 options Live Customizer qui vous permettront de transformer votre site Web de façon à ce qu'il ressemble à ce que vous voulez, avec rapidité et facilité. Il propose plus de 100 combinaisons et mises en page personnalisées de curseurs et de blogs pour une approche conceptuelle unique en son genre. La facilité et la quantité d’options à choisir rendront sûrement votre blog hors du commun. Les premières impressions importent et personne ne peut offrir une première impression aussi gracieuse et élégante à un site Web de blogs que Soledad!

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Kalium est également doté d'un vaste ensemble de sites Web de démonstration et de modèles de pages pour vous faire gagner du temps et des efforts, vous permettant ainsi de créer votre site Web en quelques minutes. Le site de démonstration Blogger sophistiqué et branché de Kalium est un moyen idéal pour les célébrités, les actualités, les blogueurs politiques et plus encore de créer efficacement un blog professionnel, pétillant et créatif, sans tracas. Kalium propose des effets de survol uniques, des styles de publication personnalisables, un style CSS3 superbe et très réactif, des transitions animées et un ensemble généreux de codes courts qui peuvent étendre instantanément les capacités de votre blog au-delà de vos rêves les plus fous. De l'expérience fullwidth aux polices d'icônes haute résolution, Kalium est prêt à bloguer!

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CheerUp est un thème WordPress efficace, intuitif et facile à utiliser. Il est intuitif, bien structuré et très réactif. Il peut être utilisé pour n’importe quel type de site de blog. CheerUp a été conçu pour avoir un ensemble complet et efficace d’outils personnalisés, de widgets, de plug-ins et de modèles fonctionnant à l’unisson pour permettre aux webmasters de tous niveaux de compétences de créer des blogs modernes à couper le souffle en quelques minutes à peine. Ce thème vous permet de créer des styles tout à fait uniques, expressifs et mémorables. Il comporte un large éventail de mises en page, d'options structurelles et de hiérarchies.

CheerUp présente des éléments uniques qui en font un thème exceptionnel pour le blogueur moderne, tels que plus de 100 modèles de présentation de blog personnalisables, des grilles puissantes et des options de maçonnerie pour votre contenu, de superbes fonctionnalités de curseur intégrées pour votre commodité et un processus de traduction transparent le plugin WPML standard de l'industrie. Incomparablement flexible, CheerUp est une plate-forme de blogging pour les webmasters qui ont quelque chose à dire mais qui ne savent pas comment s'exprimer le plus efficacement possible. Laissez CheerUp gérer la présentation pendant que vous vous concentrez sur la fourniture d'un contenu solide pour que les visiteurs reviennent plus longtemps. CheerUp est construit autour d’un robuste framework modulaire Bootstrap, ce qui le rend exclusivement compatible avec les appareils et les navigateurs du monde entier. Essayez CheerUp maintenant!

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TheBlogger est un thème WordPress spécialisé dédié au blogging, à l’écriture et à la narration. Il vient avec un design réactif et de multiples fonctionnalités de la galerie. Il offre une intégration Lightbox et une compatibilité avec Ninja Form pour la plupart de ces aspects. TheBlogger a 11 démos lancées et un système de blog qui prend en charge tous les formats de publication. Il est également livré avec plusieurs mises en page de blog de différents affichages de post comme grille ou maçonnerie. Il comporte des barres latérales illimitées et 4 variations d'en-têtes. TheBlogger est idéal pour les sites Web personnels qui souhaitent interagir avec leur public. Il a des options de panneau avancées qui rendent le codage inutile.

Vous obtiendrez de nombreux widgets personnalisés et d'excellents curseurs pour afficher les messages au format image ou vidéo. TheBlogger a un puissant outil de personnalisation en direct pour surveiller les changements de disposition en temps réel. Il est également prêt pour la rétine et compatible avec les appareils mobiles pour s’adapter à tous les écrans. Les lecteurs peuvent s'abonner via MailChimp, et vous pouvez également utiliser les newsletters. TheBlogger propose des fonctionnalités exceptionnelles pour le partage de médias sociaux, des boutons aux widgets. Il utilise plus de 800 belles polices Google et Post Slider. Vous recevrez une documentation et une équipe d’assistance pour démarrer en douceur. Amusez-vous et commencez à partager votre contenu avec TheBlogger!

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La typologie est un thème WordPress basé sur du texte. Il est essentiellement conçu pour les amoureux du livre et de l'écriture minimalistes. Si vous aimez la simplicité pour les nouvelles, les histoires et autres écrits, ceci est pour vous. La typologie est entièrement réactive et personnalisable à tous égards. Il offre un nombre illimité de jeux de polices et de couleurs pour construire votre mise en page. Il est également connecté aux médias sociaux avec quelques boutons et icônes. Vous le trouverez entièrement rempli de widgets et de codes courts utiles. Typologie a un système similaire aux journaux ou aux magazines en utilisant des fils de commentaires. Comme il devrait être évident, il a une conception particulière en mettant l'accent sur la typographie. Il aura toujours fière allure malgré le manque d’images.

La typologie comporte des paginations classées en types de messages et en espaces pour votre logo personnel. Vous y trouverez également des barres de progression, des onglets et une traduction complète. Divisez vos histoires en catégories ou amusez-vous au quotidien comme des magazines. La typologie convient aux blogueurs ou à des sites Web professionnels particuliers aux fins de la diffusion d'informations. La mise en route est déjà terminée grâce à son guide de configuration. C'est une création de Meks fournie avec une assistance 24h / 24. Essayez-le et découvrez sa magie! Entrez dans votre écriture et trouvez des lecteurs engagés pour profiter des mots au maximum. Obtenez la typologie!

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Magplus est un thème WordPress moderne et élégant destiné à différents utilisateurs. C'est professionnel, créatif et esthétique. Trouvez-le avec plus de 30 démonstrations d'importation en un clic et d'incroyables compatibilités avec des tiers. Magplus est réactif et offre des éléments de mise en page étonnants à fabriquer. Jouez avec plus de 20 diapositives, 4 pieds de page et même plus de 18 en-têtes pour commencer. À des fins professionnelles, vous avez la possibilité de créer des boutiques avec WooCommerce. Magplus offre des services de référencement et de codes courts rendant l'interface très efficace et les conceptions très rapides à construire. Les personnalisations sont effectuées en direct et sans écriture de ligne de code. Des pages de blog, une typographie avancée et de superbes icônes sont également inclus. Même un système de pop-up avancé est proposé pour les messages et les annonces. Personnalisez sans limite avec l'éditeur Yellow Pencil et le Social Jumbo Pack. La documentation, le support et les mises à jour sont inclus pour vous aider. Vous envisagez de créer un site Web? Optez pour le meilleur et utilisez Magplus! Plus d'infos / Télécharger


pont meilleur blog personnel thème wordpress

De nos jours, il est presque trop facile de créer un blog. Cependant, si vous voulez vraiment en tirer le meilleur parti, vous feriez mieux de faire des choses comme les pros, avec Bridge. Il s’agit de l’un des meilleurs thèmes WordPress de blogs personnels qui vous équipe d’une tonne de matériel pour un lancement de blog rapide et fiable. Bridge propose 26 démonstrations de blogs élégantes et de qualité A, faciles à utiliser. Tous les échantillons sont également 100% personnalisables afin que vous puissiez vraiment créer une page personnalisée selon vos besoins.

En plus de toutes les données prêtes à l'emploi, Bridge propose également plusieurs plugins premium sans frais supplémentaires, un constructeur de pages Visual Composer et des possibilités illimitées. Les fonctionnalités sont là, prêtes à être utilisées par un blog comme nul autre.

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Le voux

le thème du magazine voux

The Voux est un thème de blog extrêmement réactif, prêt pour la rétine et propre pour WordPress. Toutes les pages sont entièrement personnalisables via Visual Composer à partir desquelles des en-têtes conviviaux peuvent être générés. Vous pouvez également créer des méga menus, qui utilisent des balises, des sous-catégories et / ou des catégories comme source. Placez l’en-tête "Accueil" au centre ou à gauche de la page et ajoutez également un en-tête de page "Informations détaillées".

La navigation dans les articles de presse sur la page est conçue de manière pratique pour les utilisateurs lors du chargement du prochain article lors du défilement. Le lien ou l'URL du navigateur est également mis à jour à mesure que la page ou l'article en cours de visualisation change. Le défilement infini rend cette fonctionnalité possible. Outre des articles de presse, le thème présente également des galeries élégantes en plein écran.

Le Voux intègre également des plug-ins de réseaux sociaux tels que Facebook, Twitter, Google+ et Pinterest, une première pour ThemeForest. Le partage de données est stocké dans WordPress et est visible même sur le backend. La période de mise en cache des données et une option des réseaux sociaux à utiliser peuvent être modifiées via Options du thème. Enfin, le thème peut être vu sur tous les appareils tout en conservant la qualité et sans omettre aucun élément de la conception originale.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 22

Foodica est un thème WordPress extrêmement intuitif, puissant, flexible et facile à utiliser. Réactif et polyvalent, il convient à de nombreux sites Web et projets de tous types. Il convient particulièrement bien aux sites Web sur l’alimentation, allant de l’industrie alimentaire aux relecteurs en passant par les gourmands; Foodica a les solutions dont vous avez besoin. Les sites de blogs bénéficieront de la page d’accueil et des styles de publication de Foodica, ce qui permettra à votre contenu de se distinguer et de briller comme nul autre sur le Web. Rendez chaque message délicieux et attrayant avec Foodica.

Foodica est simple et intuitif. Vous allez vous mettre au travail avec plusieurs mises en page incluses dans Foodica, spécialement conçues pour les blogs gastronomiques. Que ce soit l’affichage de contenu magnifique ou les codes abrégés spécialisés, spécialement conçus pour Foodica, tels que les codes abrégés Ingredient et Direction, pour créer facilement des recettes qui remplissent votre site Web et le ventre de votre public. Six combinaisons de couleurs différentes vous permettent d'habiller votre site avec style, tandis que de puissants widgets tels que le carrousel de photographies Instagram et les widgets de flux Twitter maintiendront les médias sociaux de votre site actifs et pertinents, tandis que le référencement vous permet de gravir rapidement les rangs des pages et de générer davantage de trafic. Foodica: Faites savoir au monde ce qui cuit.

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Heure du matin

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Morning time est un thème WordPress innovant et impressionnant. Il a le potentiel d’améliorer les nouvelles, les blogs personnels ou les sites de blogs familiaux. Considérant que l'Internet peut fournir un terrain fertile pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs idées, Morning Time est devenu une partie intégrante de ce processus. En tant que client, vous pouvez acheter directement le thème ou essayer le contenu de la démonstration informative. Là, vous pourrez découvrir toutes les fonctionnalités importantes et prendre une décision sans avoir à dépenser de l'argent. Vous réussirez à retenir l'attention de ceux qui visitent votre site, grâce aux nombreux formats de publication et à la conception d'une page à vous couper le souffle. De plus, une archive spéciale peut garder une trace de vos moments les plus importants.

Les sites utilisant Morning Start bénéficieront d'une vitesse ultra rapide. L’expérience de navigation de tous les clients sera améliorée et les temps d’immobilisation, réduits au minimum, grâce au degré de rapidité des pages de A96%. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes lors de l'installation, de la publication ou de la personnalisation, vous pouvez toujours contacter l'équipe de support. Les représentants de l'assistance clientèle sont professionnels, amicaux et désireux de résoudre tous les problèmes urgents. Reader peut accéder à vos publications depuis n’importe quelle plate-forme. Qu'il s'agisse d'un appareil mobile ou de bureau, Morning Time est fait pour vous!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 26

TheGem est un thème WordPress polyvalent super convivial et relatable. C’est le dernier outil pour créer des sites Web. Tout ce que vous avez à l'esprit, de l'entreprise au portefeuille, est possible. Pour les agences, les créatifs, les applications, les magasins et bien plus encore, vous obtenez plus de 70 concepts distincts! Il n'y a pas de limite au type d'entreprise que vous pouvez lancer avec TheGem. En outre, vous pouvez le faire en quelques minutes, sans toucher une ligne de code. TheGem a été conçu pour la vitesse avec des améliorations hautes performances. Vous trouverez également des tonnes de métiers visuellement attrayants à construire. Combinez librement des éléments, des mises en page et des styles. Vous aurez plus de 150 pages de création prédéfinies, 8 paramètres de navigation dans plus de 20 styles et 14 blogs.

TheGem a des éléments de mise en page personnalisables tels que les en-têtes, les pieds de page, les polices et les couleurs. Votre site aura fière allure sur n'importe quel appareil! Il contient également une typographie incroyable et même un gestionnaire de polices. La gemme offre une garantie de rang élevé sur Google avec le référencement. C’est également parfait pour toutes les entreprises dans toutes les langues: WooCommerce et WPML s’occupent de cela. TheGem a le meilleur constructeur de page par glisser-déposer: Visual Composer et de nombreux codes courts. Importation démo en un clic, documentation en ligne et assistance dont vous avez besoin. Ne perdez pas de temps, explorez votre créativité! Obtenez TheGem aujourd'hui!

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thème personnel de stockholm blog wordpress

Si vous recherchez un thème WordPress de blog personnel impressionnant, épuré, à la pointe de la technologie et très performant, vous feriez bien de regarder à Stockholm. C'est un canevas de page super polyvalent que vous pouvez utiliser pour toutes sortes d'intentions. Et quand il s'agit de bloguer, peu importe ce que vous prévoyez d'écrire, Stockholm est prête pour toutes les niches. Avec ses multiples démos prédéfinies spécifiques au blog, vous pouvez rapidement définir l’aspect idéal de votre espace Web. Bien sûr, vous pouvez facilement ajuster chaque look à votre goût.

Avec le générateur de page glisser-déposer inclus dans le kit, Stockholm peut se transformer en blog personnalisé. De plus, vous n'avez besoin d'aucune connaissance en matière de codage et n'avez même pas besoin d'être un concepteur pour faire de belles choses avec Stockholm. L'outil est également livré avec plusieurs plugins premium et est entièrement compatible avec la plupart des extensions. Parlant de compatibilité, vos blogs attrayants apparaîtront à la perfection sur tous les appareils et les navigateurs Web.

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Brixton est un thème de blog minimal et impressionnant pour WordPress. Son design est très créatif et captivant, et il est capable d’améliorer votre blog. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'être programmeur pour pouvoir profiter de ce produit étonnant, car Brixton est très convivial. Le chargement lent des pages peut faire perdre l'intérêt de vos visiteurs. Heureusement, ce thème se charge très rapidement, en raison du code optimisé et de la présentation simplifiée. Les icônes Font Awesome ont été ajoutées lors de la dernière mise à jour, ce qui le rend visuellement plus riche et plus flexible. De plus, ils sont compatibles avec les écrans Retina haute résolution.

En outre, l'implémentation minimaliste élimine tous les éléments qui encombrent la page. Il complète parfaitement votre contenu, tout en éliminant les animations et diaporamas inutiles. Votre site sera fait pour la lisibilité, et il sera facile de naviguer. Cependant, les développeurs se sont engagés à examiner toute demande de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Les belles pages sont inutiles, si personne ne peut les voir. Heureusement, Brixton est optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche, ce qui garantit que votre site figurera au sommet du classement des moteurs de recherche. Il existe un nombre illimité d'options de personnalisation des couleurs, ce qui entraîne de nombreuses variations de conception esthétique. Ce thème fonctionne également très bien sur toutes les plateformes, y compris les tablettes et les smartphones.

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KALLYAS est un thème WordPress technologiquement vaste, ingénieux, ambitieux et créatif. Il est vaste et facilement réactif – parfait pour tout type de site Web. KALLYAS is a strong, bold toolkit for the creation and development of polished, professional-quality, modern websites with minimal hassle and absolutely no coding skills required. With KALLYAS by your side, dozens upon dozens of sophisticated, professionally and graphically designed page templates and demo websites are at your disposal to get your projects off to a proper start with just a single-click import process.

KALLYAS is equipped with some of the most innovative and creative blog template websites on the market today, and the myriad tools and elements contained within this broad theme incredibly expand the possibilities for a blog website. Fully flexible, KALLYAS provides you with the unique and exclusive, in-house developed Visual Builder. It is an integrated, plugin-free solution to layout design that is entirely intuitive and impressively lightweight. It comes with with over 100 customizable, fully functional element blocks for you to choose from and add to your pages. The amazing Revolution Slider is also included with KALLYAS, furnishing you with the smoothest sliders in the business at no additional cost to you. Try KALLYAS today, and blog away!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 32

POFO is an eloquent and malleable responsive WordPress creative portfolio blog website theme. A potent platform for crafting engaging modern websites across the board. A theme that excels at presenting your content in an unforgettable, unique style. It’s ideal for creative webmasters focused on differentiating their brand from the crowd. POFO’s exclusive custom layouts and visual effects will make your competition obsolete. Professional, business, corporate and personal webmasters can reap rewards from POFO.

Bloggers love POFO’s creative blog templates, each more captivating than the last. POFO delivers a professional quality product without writing a single line of code. 200+ templates simplify initial setup. Through the WPBakery, the latest incarnation of the Visual Composer, customization is effortless. Adaptive Bootstrap technology makes your posts look sharp across all platforms and devices. Let your voice reach a wider audience and make a lasting impression, with POFO!

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norebro personal blog wordpress theme

Norebro might be a creative and multi-purpose theme by default, but we can comfortably call it a WordPress theme for personal blogs, too. It even has quite some predesigned demos that you can use out of the box. They are clean, smooth and straightforward, ready to push your content and advertise it to the online space. However, since we speak about personal blogs, make sure you improve the demo of choice and individualize it. Making Norebro your own is advisable and easily achievable.

Once you decide to go with Norebro theme, you unlock a whole new horizon of possibilities for yourself. Create a compelling blog and start telling your stories and showcase visuals in an attention-grabbing way. Whoever lands on your site, he or she will immediately become a fan and happy to return for more. With your killer content and Norebro’s incredible web design, you can win and march toward the blog popularity you strive toward.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 34

Quality WordPress themes such as Applique promise to enhance the overall quality of your page, making it easier to attract a large number of customers. Despite its name, this product can be used for any type of blog, not just those that follow the fashion industry. Applique has a well-written and streamlined code, and it is entirely SEO-ready. Thanks to search engine optimization, your blog has a better chance of climbing those hyper-competitive rankings.

The setup process is very intuitive and user-friendly. In just 5 minutes, you can benefit from a fully-functional page, complete with some incredible demo content. It is possible to increase your source of revenue, by monetizing the blog. The theme has an Affiliate Metabox, and several dedicated advertising spaces. Of course, your site will be Adsense-ready. Remarkable as your blog may be, it will fail if you cannot form a cohesive community of followers. This product has incorporated social media share buttons, making it easier for your content to spread and go viral. In addition, posts can showcase Disqus or WordPress comment systems.

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Amory is a modern and creative premium WordPress theme that is intuitive, easy to use and readily responsive. This theme was designed to be a sleek, efficient and effective website building platform for the modern creative blogger. With Amory, you can make a website that is a functional storytelling experience and a perfect showcase for content of absolutely any nature, especially very visual or textual content.

That is why Amory is a favored platform for bloggers, and with native WPML support, servicing webmasters across the globe is easy as pie for Amory. Amory has been equipped with a modern, minimalist visual aesthetic that perfectly frames the main focus of this theme and its every template and demo website; your precious content. Content is always the first and foremost priority for Amory, and its six different blog layouts all show different interpretations of this content protagonism. Vastly readable, Amory is easy on the eyes, and it is optimized at the typographical level for maximum legibility. Limitless colors and a unique Instagram feed enabled Footer round off this solid, unique theme. Try Amory today, and start blogging away under the right spotlight!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 38

Minimalist yet powerful, Writing is a WordPress theme that never fails to impress. It is entirely Retina-ready and fully responsive, allowing your readers to access every post from computers, tablets and smartphones. In addition, this theme is compatible with all major browsers. Writing is SEO-ready, which increases your chance of success by maximising your site’s exposure.

Social Share Buttons were implemented along with 24 Social Share Icons, some Facebook Open Graph Tags, and various Social Icon Widgets. With this theme, the user can select a blog style that matches his or her taste. Writing has Masonry, Grid, Classic and List blog variations. The theme is WPML compatible, and can be translated into any language. RTL support was also added for languages such as Hebrew, Japanese and Arabic.

Customers can easily personalize their site’s aesthetic and presentation; there is a limitless range of available color choices. No advanced knowledge is required for the installation or customization process, as Writing is very user-friendly. The overall design is clean and practical, focusing the reader’s attention on what is truly important: the content. Blog followers will enjoy an online experience that is second to none.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 40

From seamless social media integration to smooth running widgets and plugins, CrazyBlog has been fine-tuned for blogging purposes. Including over 20 amazing demo websites, complete with all their demo content and inner pages, CrazyBlog packs 7 simple blog themes that will blow the competition right out of the water in terms of design and aesthetics. A powerful ads management system makes monetizing your CrazyBlog website one of the easiest tasks today, with a simplified interface featuring ad block elements that you can drop into the fray and which play nicely with all major ad revenue system networks out there today. With built-in pagination and amazing custom content widgets, CrazyBlog keeps your content lively and interesting to read. Try CrazyBlog today, and watch your blog reach new heights!

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akea best personal blog wordpress theme

Get your blogging journey going with the amazing, modern and clean, Akea. It is a fantastic personal blog WordPress theme which just happens to be Gutenberg compatible. It boasts minimalism and simplicity to make sure that your content is put right in front of the loyal readers – distraction-free! To make your lives simpler, Akea comes with a set of predesigned demos that will knock your socks off. Once you pick the desired one, you can further improve and enhance it with your personal touch and make it shine.

Enjoy the live customizer, get auto updates and utilize one from fourteen different blog layouts. To boost your potential even further, Akea comes fully search engine optimized, loads fast and comes 100% mobile ready and browser compatible. The options are endless so feel free to do your thing, go against the norm and create a one-of-a-kind blogging experience with Akea.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 42

June is a clean and flexible responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. A reliable platform for crafting awesome modern websites built to impress. Webmasters with or without previous experience can make the most of June. Intuitive and free from coding, June’s design process is a visual interface. The powerhouse WPBakery (former Visual Composer) empowers effortless customization. Deploy elements and sliders on your pages and sections without breaking a sweat. The ultimate tool to put together handsome, eloquent blogs.

Monetizing your website is an effortless process thanks to thorough WooCommerce integration. Enjoy potent premium plugins like Slider Revolution, LayerSlider, Apple Live Photo and iLightbox. Impress your visitors with engaging presentations and seamless animations. Efficient and fast-loading coding makes June a peak performer under all traffic conditions. Translation and RTL readiness lets you appeal to a broader audience. Get June today!

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matilda minimal personal blog wordpress theme

Matilda is a wonderful personal blog WordPress theme with a minimal feel, elegance and loads of professionalism. It is the best fit for every lifestyle blogger out there, however, Matilda can also smoothly adapt to other niches. In the Matilda package, you receive a total of 32 HTML files of which eight are neat home variations. That said, go with what is available and have a blog up and running in a breeze. Or improve and customize it with your individual touch. To each their own.

What bloggers will adore about Matilda is the simplicity and plainness it has when it comes to web design. On top of that, the theme is also 100% responsive to appear first-class on all devices, from smartphones and up to desktops. You can hide and show the majority of elements, pick whatever colors you fancy and make header social media icons active. Besides, Matilda is also entirely translatable for you to localize your personal blog. Enjoy theme’s widget-rich sidebar and footer Instagram feed and kick off your blogging journey in style.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 44

Lisbeth is a WordPress theme designed for bloggers, especially for fashion. It was built with a multifaceted clean and minimalistic layout made for readability. It also comes with 6 pre-designed home pages focused on texts and photographs. Lisbeth was created to fit your needs with visual impact and style. Using its admin panel and Revolution Slider plug-in you can make a super stylish and updated page. It is easy to turn it from a vintage and elegant style to a hipster or bold design in just a few clicks! Set personal logos, images, blogs, galleries and icons without difficulty. Google Web fonts will also be at your disposal.

Lisbeth comes with the Essential Grid plugin. It allows you to display various content formats in a highly customizable grid. It is also SEO integrated and thus great for readers to see you. Listbeth is retina ready for which everything you see is vibrant, detailed and sharp. CSS3 files and animations are supported. This theme is in essence beautiful and readable, easy to install and fun to set. Lisbeth comes with a premium ticket support system to solve potential problems. Clear and understandable documentation lifetime updates are included! If you want to impress your followers purchase Lisbeth!

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EightyDays is a specialized travel-blog WordPress theme. It is great for picture display, offering focused and easy-to-craft features. It is a fast and lightweight option for those who want a minimalistic choice. You will get it with documentation and regular updates. EightyDays is integrated with a customizer that allows making real time changes! It has responsive layout that makes adaptable to all environments. Thus, you get cross-browser compatibility and screen adaptable image with a flexible mobile menu.

EightyDays was designed with traveling in mind. Whether an agency, magazine or just a regular person, this theme can fit your needs. It uses customizable features, such as recent posts and top or most viewed posts. Footers are interesting, and you can add widgets, too. EightyDays makes you believe every day is a journey. It has stylish and elegant typography for content, and it allows for automatic translation. WPML plugin is compatible and available to use! It has a huge emphasis on image display with high resolution and pixel perfect quality! Try out this amazing premium quality theme! Try EightyDays!

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The Reader

40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 48

The Reader is an ideal WordPress theme for those who wish to create incredible web pages. It offers many useful features, and some eye-catching colored sidebars. Every option seeks to expand your site’s capabilities and improve your odds of success. Due to their ability to cater to a larger audience, multilingual pages tend to be more successful. Thankfully, you will be able to fully translate your site, given that The Reader is WPML and RTL-ready.

A beautiful home page variation was added with the most recent update, in addition of a left sidebar option. There are 6 main theme color palettes, and each palette is restful, and soothing for your eyes. Hand-held device users will not have to be bothered by resizing or compatibility errors, given that The Reader is entirely responsive. Your site will look amazing on all operating systems, devices, and web browsers.

If any issues arise, do not hesitate to contact the support staff. Also, if you wish to research this theme and its features, you can always access the extensive documentation source. It is informative, and very well-written. Every option and setting will be accessible, as there is no need to modify the code. With The Reader, even a child can create a successful site.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 50

Fi-Print is a multipurpose WordPress theme. It is slightly more partial to personal websites rather than for companies. You will get large amounts of information and support from tutorial videos and a 24/7 team available. Fi-Print comes with 3 homepages and a one-click demo install. Page building gets done with Visual Composer and SiteOrigin. Its general design is the most customizable part. Layouts, headers and footers are free to modify. Fi-Print blog has a very appealing modern look, presented with up to 4 posting columns.

Galleries and photos can be added and put in sliders too. You get Layer Slider plug-in free and Revolution Slider compatibility. The theme’s panel is ideal for those who want quick set-ups. You will have shortcodes on hand that will make coding unnecessary. Fi-Print is great for smooth and simple ideas to be resented. Your blog will just be a nice space to make people comfortable. With its MailChimp compatibility you can make your people to sign up on blog news. All amazing posting features are perfect to get people hooked on your page. Fi-Print blog is widget ready and has social media share buttons available. Constant updates are always on the way too! Start the writing and posting with Fi-Print blog!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 52

With dozens of dedicated page templates and demo websites meant specifically for blogging and a myriad of unique features, custom post types, clever and useful blog related shortcodes and widgets including Recent Posts, Related Posts and many more, H-Code can be your end-all, be-all blogging solution in a single, sleek package. With plugins like the Revolution Slider and the Visual Composer, greatly extended with tons of custom elements, H-Code will always bend itself to meet your visual expectations, without having to write a line of code. Completely responsive and based on a modular Bootstrap design, H-Code looks amazing on tablets, desktops and phones, across all platforms and browsers. Let the world know what you are up to, with H-Code!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 54

Shasta is a WordPress theme oriented to lifestyle blogging. It’s a bridge between image creativeness and appealing typography. You will get several pre-built layouts and a very clean concept to adapt. Shasta has customizable banners and backgrounds that can handle galleries and videos. It also features awesome custom widgets, including those for social media sharing. You will find an improved and fast SEO layout that is completely mobile friendly. Play with sidebars, footers and unlimited colors. Shasta has high resolution and adapts to all screens and devices .

It uses a Bootstrap framework with cross-browsers compatibility and has 3 specialized templates. You can post with a plethora of Google Web Fonts, and it’s easy to translate. Shasta has 9 custom post formats, Parallax backgrounds and W3 Total Cache compatibility. It’s a dream come true for bloggers with a curiosity for art expression and lots to say on. Images will look attractive, and you will have subscribers in no time! Shasta is Contac Form 7 and WooCommerce compatible. It provides lots of documentation and an easy going intuitive design. Begin to write and post about anything and everything on life. Enjoy life using Shasta!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 56

Freyja includes four different home page demo websites and layout templates you can fiddle with and fine-tune to suit your expectations, while tons of possible variations for your headers, footers and blog layouts are readily available for you to deploy within a couple of clicks, no coding required whatsoever. Convenient and customized social media buttons and feeds have been integrated into Freyja for you to easily connect your personal blog website with the major players in content generation and dissemination online today. Freyja’s been optimized extensively for SEO performance, rendering it a fantastic search engine ranker that will net you more traffic overnight. Freyja combines a crisp design with sleek animation and an intuitive design process. Try Freyja today, and find out!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 58

With Random, you can certainly work with masonry layouts or sophisticated modern grids to style your websites, but the Random Grid setting brings a joyful variation that makes a unique experience for every member of your audience while loading pages. With the Random Post Color, you can forget about the necessity of picking and choosing unique identifying colors for your every post or page, leaving up to chance and making your website seem every bit as fluid and lively as your own creativity is. The Random Color Menu is also a user favorite that allows you to have hierarchy while maintaining that fun and light fell. At the same time, standard Portfolios, Slider Portfolios and many more custom pages are readily available. Try Random today!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 60

Total is an eloquent, purposeful, engaging and easy-to-use WordPress theme. It is colorful, creative and readily responsive, making it perfect for any blog. Total offers a powerful set of tools for building articulated, polished websites that easily display your vision to a massive online audience with seamless ease and speed. Fast-loading and lightweight, Total is well-suited for high performance under all conditions, including peak traffic scenarios.

Total is outfitted with premium quality plugins integrated right into the theme for your convenience, including the Revolution Slider, Visual Composer and Layer Slider plugins, which furnish you with awesome visual styling options and features you can deploy without writing a single line of code yourself. Total is perfect for bloggers of all kinds and from all walks of life, providing multiple dedicated live demo websites and resourceful page templates for all sorts of specific and niche market blog content matters and subjects. With multiple wonderful header, footer and sidebar customization options and layout styles, Total is the best way to set up shop online in a matter of minutes, with powerful SEO capabilities as well as social media sharing widgets and features to get your blog out there. Check out Total today!

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NoveBlog is a highly specialized WordPress theme. It is meant for blogging and all its related perks. It comes with more than a dozen demos and a child theme included! NovaBlog is Bootstrap based and very responsive. It uses Visual Composer as page builder and has a customizable panel. Thanks to its shortcodes generator tasks get quite simplified. NovaBlog features several header styles and special navigations bars. It also provides tons of connectivity with social media platforms. You will even get 11 custom widgets including a banner and those for social network.

NovaBlog features immediate translation through WPML and live search with AJAX. Icons and typography are provided by Fontello and Font Awesome. Lightbox slider is included to set up gorgeous galleries. This way pictures can keep company to your posts. Also, NovaBlog is a theme focused on providing excellent tools to one main goal: public writing. Moreover, it has beautiful display, writing comfort and design adaptable to all devices. Footer variations included widgets and FAQ section. Additionally, posts can be uploaded in multiple formats into any of the 4 available columns. Documentation and support are also available and given at any time. Try any of its demos with just one click! Try NovaBlog!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 64

TheMotion is a dynamic and fluid WordPress theme that is visually stunning and readily responsive. It is geared toward video blogging. TheMotion is a sophisticated framework for the streamlined design and creation of purposeful websites featuring extensive and engaging video support and capabilities, allowing webmasters to showcase their video portfolios under the most favorable spotlight every time. Perfectly prepared to handle blogging websites as well, TheMotion is built on a responsive layout based on Twitter’s own Bootstrap modular design to make your pages perfectly mobile-friendly right out of the box, while WooCommerce compatibility lets you market your wares and services or your affiliates’ to your massive online audience in no time at all, within a few easy steps involving absolutely no coding.

TheMotion is packed with amazing widgets, plugins, features and tools you can deploy with a single click, as well as powerful advanced admin panel options for you to thoroughly make your TheMotion video blogging website your own in the blink of an eye, with comprehensive customization capabilities. A polished About section, a fully widgetized Footer area and attractive Homepage ribbons around off this solid theme. Check out TheMotion today, and sweep them off their feet!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 66

If you are searching for an excellent blog WordPress theme, look no further than GraceUnderPressure. This amazing product can offer a superior browsing experience for your loyal readers. It has a fully responsive design that allows you to accommodate all viewers, even those who prefer mobile devices. Indeed, your blog posts will look incredible on tablets, smart phones, laptops, and desktop PCs. Also, the theme’s menu will automatically hide when it is not being used, maximizing the available screen space. You activate this with a single swipe in case you need it.

Typography is a very important element of blog pages. There are many font variations, and contextual elements. Moreover, you easily alter these via the Google Directory section. If you employ multiple writers, each of them can now receive proper recognition. GraceUnderPressure has some gorgeous author profiles which display the writer’s avatar. Furthermore, the profiles may also include useful biographical information. This theme also incorporates a rich documentation source.

Each blog customization change is easy to implement, given that there is no need for coding knowledge. In addition, you can preview your choices before applying them, allowing you to gain instant feedback. If you wish to experience GraceUnderPressure first-hand, be sure to check out the live theme preview.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 68

Anemos is a modern, youthful and intuitive multipurpose WordPress theme that is wonderfully engaging and highly responsive. This theme is a very visually and creatively inspired platform for webmasters with or without previous coding experience to effortlessly put together sophisticated, inventive modern blogs in a matter of minutes, without having to write a single line of code themselves. To that end, Anemos deploys the incredibly easy-to-use Visual Composer by WPBakery premium plugin, an amazing drag and drop page builder that is readily equipped with all sorts of components, elements, gadgets and tools perfect for you to craft your own unique layouts or use any of Anemos’ numerous predesigned layout templates to start off your blog on the right foot.

Customization options abound within Anemos, owing to the flexible and robust Redux Framework, Cutting edge, amazing features such as the smooth vertical, horizontal and optional sensor-based performance Parallax hardware-powered visual effects permeate this beautiful theme, while exclusive Feature sections can be customized on a per post basis with unique images, videos, maps or sliders. Typographical and color options are plentiful within Anemos, ensuring you express yourself in just the right voice. Try this powerful blogging theme today!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 70

Essentialist is a minimalistic WordPress theme oriented to blog and narrative. Travelers, lifestyle bloggers, magazines and journals will just love it! It has a smooth, clear, edgy look to make your posts stand out. Essentialist also has a high-resolution format, Retina-ready screen display, ideal for photographs and galleries. Hands, it is very adaptable to all types of devices. You can also have a grid layout design.

Moreover, social media share buttons are available. Clean, clear fonts style with emphasis on sober backgrounds. This is what you are getting with Essentialist. Best of it all? You can write about anything you want (food, life, music, traveling and more). You will find a responsive layout, +10 related tags and fast web interaction. Readers will feel it is their new favorite digital newspaper ever. Furthermore, it is simple, but catchy and readable for an everyday routine without tedium of boring stories. Essentialist is a Mauer Themes product. Do you want your stories and pictures to stand out? Make people engage to the very end of it with beautiful words, pictures…and Essentialist.

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 72

Paperio is an expressive and responsive WordPress multipurpose blog website theme. This theme is a powerful blogging platform for webmasters across the board. With Paperio at hand, you can distribute your content to the whole world in a flash. Paperio is also perfect for bloggers that want all the features and none of the hassle. Paperio requires no coding at all to get professional-quality results. Hundreds of elements, settings and features combine to create immersive and functional experiences. Moreover, it has endless sidebars with different behaviors and orientations, styles and features.

Multiple headers and footers frame your content in different lights and tones. Convenient widgets showcase your trending, latest and featured content. Paperio does all the heavy lifting, so you can relax and focus on what matters most. Your precious content is the star of the show, and Paperio places it up front and center. With unique demo websites featuring diverse layouts you can go live within minutes. Furthermore, the Live Customizer easily lets you fine-tune all aspects of Paperio, including colors, fonts and animations, with a couple of clicks. A very responsive Bootstrap framework makes Paperio play nice with all platforms. Reach a broad, worldwide audience with Paperio. Get Paperio today!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 74

Do you want to set up a blog for your new hobby, favourite pet or a particular topic that you love, or do you just want to make money online? The Rinjani WordPress theme can help you do that in just a few minutes! Rinjani, a grid WordPress blog theme, is an ideal choice for building personal blogs, niche blogs, company blogs, marketing blogs or any other kind of creative site. The creators developed this theme to make blogging easier for people who are not adept in coding. Also, Rinjani is fully responsive on different devices. It runs smoothly on desktop computers, tablets and smartphones. Additionally, the grid layout makes the theme look more organized and presentable to catch the attention of your target readers.

This theme also uses an ACF Post format, an advanced custom fields plugin to take full control of your edit screens and custom field data. Moreover, Rinjani allows you to customize the look and feel of your website using its powerful admin panel. Furthermore, it allows you to pick the color for your website, choose the fonts and upload logo images with ease. It supports multiple post formats to help you offer variety in the presentation of your content in your website. The developers of Rinjani understand the importance of SEO in any website. Thus, they made this theme SEO ready and compatible with the most common SEO plugins. This website template helps you with the development process of your website since its well documented. Lastly, demo data is available so you can install your website right away!

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Innovation is a creative, visually engaging and attractive multipurpose WordPress theme. It is spectacularly easy to use and wonderfully convenient, offering amazing diversity and colors. It is a truly top-of-the-line theme with its Retina-ready and responsive nature. Also, Innovation is a fantastic, all-inclusive solution for webmasters with or without previous coding or design experience to easily and effectively put together the most gorgeous, sophisticated, customized blog websites. Moreover, it offers a broad collection of more than 230 home page demo websites that are ready to go at a moment’s notice and can be easily installed through a one-click process that couldn’t possibly be simpler.

Innovation also empowers webmasters to craft modern, amazing and deeply attractive blog websites with an assortment of powerhouse features, including a completely out-of-the-box and integrated review system that allows your users put their input into your website in an effective, meaningful way without having to code a single line yourself. With Innovation’s WooCommerce readiness, you can set up your blog as an outlet to market your wares in no time, among many more options. Try Innovation now!

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Gridlove is a powerful, dynamic, easy-to-use and visually stunning WordPress creative news and magazine website theme. It’s a flexible platform for the creation of engaging, sophisticated websites spanning a vast expanse of topics, interests and industries with utter ease and intuition. The developers created Gridlove as to help webmasters from all walks of life to effortlessly put together attractive and functional websites. Gridlove also features extensive sets of tools and resources, professional quality plugins and gorgeous layouts and templates you can deploy with a single click.

Moreover, this theme is a perfect framework for bloggers looking for a competent set of tools for expressing themselves and their thoughts and opinions online to a massive, undifferentiated audience. With polished capabilities for layout composition based on incredibly flexible and dynamic grids, Gridlove lets you customize your homepage and specific page in hundreds of unique ways with dozens upon dozens of predesigned templates to fiddle around with, on top of a multitude of post and widget highlight options, a myriad different header layouts to choose from and endlessly dynamic categories. Even your single post layouts are thoroughly customizable with Gridlove. Blog the way you want to, with Gridlove!

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40+ meilleurs thèmes WordPress Blog personnel 2018 80

Editium is a clean and responsive WordPress magazine and blog website theme. This theme is a fresh-faced solution for webmasters from all backgrounds and experience levels. You can also craft crisp and luminous platforms to disseminate your content from. Packed with innovative features and capabilities, you’ll always find the right tool in Editium. Responsive to the core, Editium is an engaging experience for all devices and browsers. This maximizes your reach and broadens your audience to the whole world. And with integrated multilingual features, you can actually reach users in their own language. Additionally, the theme now features ad manager, a brand new slider and newsletter subscription form.

Crafty modules like the Quick Launch bar let you pack all sorts of perks into your pages. From onward pages to custom categories and links. You can have anywhere from 2 to 4 columns, with or without a drop shadow. Custom new post modules let you spruce up your new content and attract your audience. Endless possibilities await within Editium’s widget styles and typography options. Lastly, you can customize your blog or magazine to suit your brand with ease. Potent SEO enhancements get your Editium websites well-ranked in no time at all. Check out Editium today, and see for yourself!

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piemont - minimal wordpress blog theme

If you are searching for a high-quality and modern theme for WordPress, look no further than Piemont. Its layout is clean, fast, and beautiful, assuring that your page will attract plenty of visitors. For those who want to create an interesting food blog, Piemont offers a wide range of features, and an intuitive user interface. Regardless of your site’s culinary niche, this theme can accommodate your needs. There are also 5 blog listing variations, over 20 different headers, more than 650 distinct fonts, and 4 featured layouts for post sliders. This guarantees that your blog will be unique and easily recognizable.

In term of customization, users are able to alter their food blog’s color scheme, or implement some pre-defined palettes. Either way, your site will look amazing. Moreover, you can easily use this product since you can customize and alter a lot of options. Furthermore, you can manage everything via the Piemont Control Panel, with just a single click.

For more information regarding Piemont, be sure to check out the extensive documentation guide. The creators included a live demo for you to have a more hands-on experience. In addition, you may now create some reliable online stores, thanks to the implementation of the WooCommerce plugin.

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Himmelen is one of the best blogging themes for WordPress websites. It is simple and elegant, capable of improving your page and complementing your content. You will be able to chronicle your experiences or weave incredible stories with ease. Himmelen also offers a limitless number of blog styles and variations for the page layout: 5 blog listing layouts, multiple header styles and 2 featured post slider layouts.

Taking into considerations that the user’s gaze will be focused on your writing, this theme has implemented many typography options. Moreover, there are over 650 different Google fonts, assuring that your posts will be second to none. Regardless of your taste or preference, you can find a font that matches your vision. In terms of visual customization, there is no lack of choice. Himmelen has a limitless palette of color personalization settings, allowing you to present an eye-catching layout.

With a single click, the user can easily import pre-designed blog pages. This spares you from having to start from scratch, and it presents a template for future customization. Overall, Himmelen is a blog theme for people who value quality, attention to detail, and professionalism. Its features can accommodate any user, regardless of his/her programming experience.

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ink - photography blog theme

Ink is a well-made WordPress blogging theme. It is custom-built and any version of WordPress compatible theme designed to help bloggers share their stories in the most compelling way. The creators designed Ink with attention to details and coded proficiently. This spectacular theme also incorporates a picture perfect homepage grid that highlights your portfolio items, which makes this theme suitable for artists, graphic designers, and professionals who aims to promote their works. Correspondingly, Ink has all the necessary features that you need for blogging.

Despite its simple and minimalistic design, it offers heaps of serviceable shortcodes to make your blog functional and responsive. It also provides stunning typography to add accent to the overall design of your blog. And if you intend to make money from your content, Ink’s Restrict Content plug-in makes it possible for you to bill your customers for full access to your content.

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It can pull this off by deploying a full set of handsome Blog layouts and Post formats, all attuned to different styles and niches, further expanded by limitless visual customizing options, including infinite color selection, clean typographical options, and a well developed, sophisticated and custom built Sticky Posts Slider for you to highlight your best and brightest material for the world at large to gaze upon as soon as they come into your website. Tulip is perfect for bloggers that deal with a lot of image content, as it has excellent tools to share high-resolution images, galleries, videos and articles integrating these in a graceful manner. Tulip, the grass that is always greenest!

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The Fox

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The Fox is a cleverly designed,  incredibly well-structured and easily navigable theme that offers a  modern, trendy and attractive appeal. The developers made this theme engaging, technologically seamless, graphically spot-on, powerfully developed and thoroughly customizable. They also carefully and masterfully crafted The Fox to produce a streamlined theme with a simplified website building experience and gorgeous, pliable results every single time.

The Fox is perfect for magazines, bloggers and anyone displaying lots of visual content to a large online audience. They decked this theme with multiple beautiful layouts and gorgeous Masonry style compositions. It also offers  left or right sidebar choices, 4 footer sidebars, a Highlighted Area to show off your latest or greatest content and a Featured Sticky post, which you may use to welcome your visitors and explain what you are all about. Additionally, they incorporated over 100 options into the WordPress Live Customizer so you can make each section of your website look and feel precisely the way you want, with simplified toggling interface for almost all elements available. You can even flip a switch and get a gorgeous newspaper two-column post text layout! Overall, The Fox is uniquely smart when it comes to showing your works for readers to delight in. Try The Fox today!

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Webly is a vibrant, aesthetically fresh and easy-to-use WordPress theme that is also user-friendly and responsive. It’s a deliberate and purposeful theme that the creators designed exclusively to meet and exceed expectations of all sorts of bloggers out there, both professional and personal.

To that end, Webly features a careful selection of useful and convenient tools that will come in handy for all sorts of bloggers. These tools also include 5 different Post Templates, including Standard, Video, Link, Gallery and Audio, as well as beautiful and smooth CSS3 animations and transition effects. Moreover, Webly offers customizable logos and typographies with Google Web Fonts and expansive search engine optimization so your blog’s will receive more traffic. They also made the themes design clean and crisp and optimized it for legibility and readability. Your Webly blog website will invite users to focus on what really matters: your content. Express yourself to the world, with Webly!

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Vixen is a clean, minimal and professional WordPress theme. It is easily configurable, intuitive and  mobile friendly. The developers very carefully crafted and lovingly developed Vixen. They designed it specifically to empower webmasters of any background and skill level to create their own spectacular, elegant blog websites.

They also added a deliberately feminine touch that graciously embellishes each page and demo website within Vixen in a subtle, understated and sublime way. Moreover, it delicately builds up over the theme’s elements and content blocks, all of which are easily accessible, editable and configurable from the Advanced Theme Options Panel, rendering the process of customizing your Vixen blog website intuitive and incredibly velocious. They also extensively optimized Vixen for SEO and is compatible with major SEO plugins in the market, making it a very smart theme that will help you place your blog highly across search engine rankings in a short time. Take Vixen for a spin today!

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Zarja is a wonderfully intuitive, feature-rich, graphically subtle and elegantly understated WordPress theme. It is lightning fast and very efficiently coded, while also being lightweight and highly flexible. It’s perfect for any kind of modern blog. Zarja is a unique WordPress theme, carefully developed and painstakingly designed to accommodate the needs and requirements of modern blog websites across a vast spectrum of interests and fields, regardless of the webmaster’s prior coding experience. Zarja’s star feature is its ability to deliver a soft-spoken, feminine touch to blogs and websites in general.

Zarja has been developed has a uniquely feminine blog theme, with full-featured capabilities for handling all sorts of post types, an intuitive toggle-based content block page building system that will take minutes to master and can create whole websites in the blink of an eye. Extensive shortcodes and widgets are readily available for you to activate them as block-based elements, including social media features like a custom, configurable Instagram block, Try Zarja today, and tell the world everything that is on your mind, in the most stylish presentation!

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Personal Multipurpose blog theme

Personal blog theme is among the best and most versatile WordPress themes out there well suited for video, photography and content-rich blogs. This theme has 9 well-designed homepage layouts that highlight how versatile this theme is. This theme also suits first time WordPress users because you can set it up easily and customize it via simple yet powerful Theme Options. Moreover, you can use Personal theme for sport, fashion, health, business personal and any other creative blogs. Furthermore, this theme has different layout options that you can use with or without sidebar. The Personal theme is ready to take any challenge it my face and can easily handle any topic.

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This WordPress theme has been named ‘Cool’ because it is. It offers an impressive design for today’s much needed innovated websites. You can create unique website designs with the best customizable options available. A few of these options include SEO ready, speed optimized, page builders and is highly intuitive and user- friendly. The developers also included additional features like the drag and drop option that allows you to make your own unique site without having to deal with excess information.

People enjoy visiting sites that say “wow” great site. It is what you want for your business; it will be noticed and shared with colleagues and customers. Moreover, this WordPress theme will give you unlimited domain usage, one click installations and updates, an options panel, and is perfect for monetization. It comes with detailed documentation along with a narrated video. Furthermore, you will receive updates and support for a year. The WordPress Cool theme will work with third party plugins, clean commented code and has awesome looking fonts and icon selection. Overall, you can’t go wrong with this incredibly professional package.

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rosemary - minimal blogging theme

Rosemary is a top-quality WordPress theme. You can perfectly use this theme for blogs and the creators designed it to complement and enhance your artful content. It achieves elegance through simplicity, managing to balance high performance and user-friendliness. Going against the dark and dreary trend of most sites, Rosemary is unapologetically bright. It includes many sought-after features such as the featured area slider and the full-width Instagram footer areas. There is an abundance of options for both layouts and posts. This theme is sure to leave a lasting impression on your page visitors.

There will be no difference between the experience of mobile and PC users. The developers designed Rosemary to work great on all platforms, assuring you of its consistency and responsiveness. They also added an amazing Featured Slider along with 5 distinct layouts for your blogs. They also added an amazing Featured Slider along with 5 distinct layouts for your blogs. Furthermore, Four Footers will benefit from Full Width Instagram feeds, guaranteeing that there will be no shortage of content.

This theme offers support for Contact Form 7, and it incorporates personalized About Me widgets. You can toggle on/off most of the site elements and decide what you display. Lastly, you can navigate the Theme Options powered by the innovative WordPress Customizer. In addition, you can change Rosemary’s colors at any time.

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Olsen is a perfect choice for users who want to design a popular blog page. It can enhance every single element of your site. This product is very impressive, featuring a streamlined, timeless aesthetic that is sure to impress your followers. The theme layout is easy to navigate, and it can turn casual readers into die-hard fans. Also, you can access the theme demo if you wish to sample this product without having to buy it. It will showcase the main features and site customization options.

Blandness is the death of art. Boring posts should never be a part of your publishing history. Olsen offers to spice things up, by introducing many personalization tools. Moreover, there are 11 distinct layouts for your blog, and several formats for each post. This can bring more variety, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your site. Furthermore, considering that most of the reader’s time will be spent by starting at writing, personalized typography and color options were incorporated. With Olsen, you are able to create an excellent browsing experience for your followers. When competing against tens of thousands of other blogs, you need to make sure that the search engines will prioritize your page. Thankfully, Olsen is SEO-ready, assuring a high position on Yahoo, Google, and Bing result pages.

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Entrepreneurship is a Magazine WordPress website Theme for Business Entrepreneurs. It is retina ready with a beautiful design that keeps the attention. Also, this theme has multiple layouts, features and several page templates that give many possibilities for a great looking site that can grow your business. Additionally, the developers optimized this theme for speed and search engines. They also added a built in social media integration to your cleverly designed theme. Its mega menu support gives you all the help you need.

With a reduced price you can build a large site easily to showcase your business without sacrificing any control. With 3 columns there will always be something to catch the eye. They also designed it to work seamlessly on mobile phones and tablets. Moreover, it has an elegantly beautiful design that’s user-friendly and impressive. They also optimized entrepreneurship for AdSense which leads to more clicks and more sales.

Furthermore, its featured section enables you to showcase your best new content to increase the views for those posts. It would also work well for a blog site or an article site with options for displaying tons of content. Finally, the code is clean, commented and hand-written so you can easily understand and edit the theme. It includes loads of options which enable you to tailor every aspect to your needs.

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spike beautiful blog theme

Let your blog stand out with this colorful WordPress blog theme! Spike offers a modern and chic feel for your blog. To start with, this theme has lots of great features that make your blog serviceable and user-friendly. Also, it comes with custom widgets and shortcodes to aid users create a unique and attractive blog design. With its easy to use options panel, you can customize your blog without much effort. Moreover, this theme is translation ready, has social media integration and SEO ready. Of course, its vibrant and fresh design will surely catch the attention of internet users.

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buzzblog minimal blog theme

Let your blog create a buzz using BuzzBlog WordPress theme. Buzzblog provides a clean and sophisticated look to a blog. Moreover, with this refined and voguish theme serves well for a fashion blogger or any blogs with a feminine touch. It’s completely responsive so users can view your website on any types of devices. Also, its main features include custom fonts, custom layouts, SEO friendly framework and more. Without a doubt, professionals created BuzzBlog for sophistication!

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scalia - creative and minimal blog theme

For those searching for a multi-purpose blog and business theme, Scalia is the right option. It is highly flexible due to the staggering amount of useful features, and it is very user-friendly. Regardless of what platform the visitor is using, your site will be fully responsive and mobile friendly. Should any problem arise, do not hesitate to contact Scalia’s support team. Customers that want to learn more about Scalia can consult the theme’s extensive documentation. It also contains information regarding all options and features, helping you to make an informed decision.

Additionally, you can utilize the sliders and templates included in this theme, along with over 150 functional demo pages that you can use to create your own website or blog. You can also personalize, tweak, and modify every single piece of your website. The degree of customizability is impressive, as customers do not need to be seasoned programmers in order to operate a functional website. The Administration Panel is very intuitive, facilitating the process even more. Users get to choose between simple yet elegant one-page designs or intricate multi-page layouts. Scalia also has a limitless color palette and a very large number of unique font icons. Summing it up, Scalia is much more than just a blog theme and is the right choice for those looking to create a business around their blog. For more information about this theme, you can read our detailed review.

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heap masonry blog theme

HEAP is a flexible blogging theme for WordPress users. It is a handy tool for bloggers who wants to publish or share their stories online. The developers built HEAP with versatility, clean codes, and speed in mind. Hence, you can be sure that every pixel of your site responds apply to any kinds of mobile devices. They also armed this theme with powerful features such as shortcodes, easy to manage widgets, social integration. Moreover, its powerful options panel allows you to organize and customize your website consistent with your website’s needs. They also optimized it for speed and usability. Overall, this theme definitely has the best tools for a personal blog.

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GoBlog is a responsive WordPress theme with a minimalist layout design. Also, this theme has a versatile framework and provides functional features to help you modify the basic elements of your blog or website effortlessly. Additionally, you can easily change the header and homepage layouts using the theme’s control panel. The creators also designed this theme to perform smoothly on any handheld devices. Moreover, it is translation ready to help you reach a wider range of audience. Plus d'infos / Télécharger


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Voyager is a gorgeous, cozy, intuitive WordPress Premium Travel Theme. Crafted with deliberate attention to the requirements of a traveler’s website, Voyager features a built-in integration with Google’s API, enabling engaging customized maps on your website. Of course, Voyager can make you see the sights and enjoy the local color schemes.

Moreover, with advanced theme options will have you churning your own customized pages, layouts and color schemes within seconds of installation. Furthermore, the Voyager knows how important your visual content is, which is why your pictures get the spotlight across all posts, displayed in fully Retina-ready glory. Also, material design philosophy served as the backbone of this theme and made it very responsive.

Moreover, Voyager can display your images and content beautifully across the board. Multipurpose, flexible shortcode functionality permits easy modification of any page on your website to that it looks and responds exactly how you want it to. Powered by CSS3 and HTML5, the developers packed Voyager with a top of the line graphic effects, from fluidly animated transitions to responsive Sliders and sophisticated Parallax custom headers. Furthermore, Voyager’s uniquely malleable Footer widget will integrate your website with  many custom features and modifiable options you won’t remember your website’s navigation before it.

Additionally, Voyager is translation-ready and includes powerful contact forms out of the box to enable your users to reach out to you and engage. Voyager knows it’s not about the destination—it’s all about how you get there. Get there in style with Voyager.

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